Category Archives: Tech

Big Data in the Cloud at Google I/O

Last week was a great party for the entire Google developer family, including Google Cloud Platform. And within the Cloud Platform, Big Data processing services. Which is where my focus has been in the almost two years I’ve been at Google.

It started with a bang, when our fearless leader Urs unveiled Cloud Dataflow in the keynote. Supported by a very timely demo (streaming analytics for a World Cup game) by my colleague Eric.

After the keynote, we had three live sessions:

In “Big Data, the Cloud Way“, I gave an overview of the main large-scale data processing services on Google Cloud:

  • Cloud Pub/Sub, a newly-announced service which provides reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging,
  • the aforementioned Cloud Dataflow, to implement data processing pipelines which can run either in streaming or batch mode,
  • BigQuery, an existing service for large-scale SQL-based data processing at interactive speed, and
  • support for Hadoop and Spark, making it very easy to deploy and use them “the Cloud Way”, well integrated with other storage and processing services of Google Cloud Platform.

The next day, in “The Dawn of Fast Data“, Marwa and Reuven described Cloud Dataflow in a lot more details, including code samples. They showed how to easily construct a streaming pipeline which keeps a constantly-updated lookup table of most popular Twitter hashtags for a given prefix. They also explained how Cloud Dataflow builds on over a decade of data processing innovation at Google to optimize processing pipelines and free users from the burden of deploying, configuring, tuning and managing the needed infrastructure. Just like Cloud Pub/Sub and BigQuery do for event handling and SQL analytics, respectively.

Later that afternoon, Felipe and Jordan showed how to build predictive models in “Predicting the future with the Google Cloud Platform“.

We had also prepared some recorded short presentations. To learn more about how easy and efficient it is to use Hadoop and Spark on Google Cloud Platform, you should listen to Dennis in “Open Source Data Analytics“. To learn more about block storage options (including SSD, both local and remote), listen to Jay in “Optimizing disk I/O in the cloud“.

It was gratifying to see well-informed people recognize the importance of these announcement and partners understand how this will benefit their customers. As well as some good press coverage.

It’s liberating to now be able to talk freely about recent progress on our quest to equip Google Cloud users with easy to use data processing tools. Everyone can benefit from Google’s experience making developers productive while efficiently processing data at large scale. With great power comes great productivity.

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Filed under Big Data, BigQuery, Cloud Computing, Cloud Dataflow, Everything, Google Cloud Platform, Implementation, Open source, Query, Spark, Tech, Utility computing

DMTF publishes draft of Cloud API

Note to anyone who still cares about IaaS standards: the DMTF has published a work in progress.

There was a lot of interest in the topic in 2009 and 2010. Some heated debates took place during Cloud conferences and a few symposiums were organized to try to coordinate various standard efforts. The DMTF started an “incubator” on the topic. Many companies brought submissions to the table, in various levels of maturity: VMware, Fujitsu, HP, Telefonica, Oracle and RedHat. IBM and Microsoft might also have submitted something, I can’t remember for sure.

The DMTF has been chugging along. The incubator turned into a working group. Unfortunately (but unsurprisingly), it limited itself to the usual suspects (and not all the independent Cloud experts out there) and kept the process confidential. But this week it partially lifted the curtain by publishing two work-in-progress documents.

They can be found at but if you read this after March 2012 they won’t be there anymore, as DMTF likes to “expire” its work-in-progress documents. The two docs are:

The first one is the interesting one, and the one you should read if you want to see where the DMTF is going. It’s a RESTful specification (at the cost of some contortions, e.g. section It supports both JSON and XML (bad idea). It plans to use RelaxNG instead of XSD (good idea). And also CIM/MOF (not a joke, see the second document for proof). The specification is pretty ambitious (it covers not just lifecycle operations but also monitoring and events) and well written, especially for a work in progress (props to Gil Pilz).

I am surprised by how little reaction there has been to this publication considering how hotly debated the topic used to be. Why is that?

A cynic would attribute this to people having given up on DMTF providing a Cloud API that has any chance of wide adoption (the adjoining CIM document sure won’t help reassure DMTF skeptics).

To the contrary, an optimist will see this low-key publication as a sign that the passions have cooled, that the trusted providers of enterprise software are sitting at the same table and forging consensus, and that the industry is happy to defer to them.

More likely, I think people have, by now, enough Cloud experience to understand that standardizing IaaS APIs is a minor part of the problem of interoperability (not to mention the even harder goal of portability). The serialization and plumbing aspects don’t matter much, and if they do to you then there are some good libraries that provide mappings for your favorite language. What matters is the diversity of resources and services exposed by Cloud providers. Those choices strongly shape the design of your application, much more than the choice between JSON and XML for the control API. And nobody is, at the moment, in position to standardize these services.

So congrats to the DMTF Cloud Working Group for the milestone, and please get the API finalized. Hopefully it will at least achieve the goal of narrowing down the plumbing choices to three (AWS, OpenStack and DMTF). But that’s not going to solve the hard problem.


Filed under API, Application Mgmt, Automation, Cloud Computing, DMTF, Everything, IaaS, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Modeling, Portability, Protocols, REST, Specs, Standards, Tech, Utility computing, Virtual appliance, Virtualization

AJAX+REST as the latest architectural mirage

If the Web wasn’t tragically amnesic, I could show you 15-year old articles explaining how XSLT was about to revolutionize Web applications. In that vision, your Web server would return an XML file with all the data; and alongside that XML, an XSLT (which describes how to transform the XML into HTML). The browser would run it on the XML data and display the resulting HTML. Voila! This was going to bring all kinds of benefits over the old server-spits-out-HTML model. The XML could be easily consumed by other applications (not just humans) and different XSLTs could be used to adapt to the various client platforms.

This hasn’t panned out. At least not in that form. Enters AJAX. The XML doc is still there, though it usually wants to be called JSON. The XSLT is now a big pile of JavaScript. That model has many advantages over the XSLT model, the first one being that you don’t have to use XSLT (and I’m talking as someone who actually enjoys XPath). It’s a lot more flexible, you can do small updates and partial page refresh, etc. But does it also maintain the architectural cleanliness of having a data API separated from the rendering logic?

Sometimes. Lori MacVittie describes that model. That’s how the cool kids do it and they make sure to repeat in every sentence that their Web app uses the same API as 3rd party apps. The Twitter web app, for example, is in this category, as Mike Loukides describes. As is Apache Orion (the diagram below comes from the Orion architecture)

That’s one model, and it is conceptually very elegant. One API, many consumers. The Web site of the service provider is just another consumer. Easy versioning. An application management dream (one API to manage, a well-defined set of operations and flows to test, trace and diagnose). From a security perspective, it offers the smallest possible attack surface. Easy interoperability between different applications consuming the same API. All goodies.

And not just theoretical goodies, there are situations where it is the right model.

And yet I am still dubious that it’s going to be the dominant model. Clients of the same service support different interaction models and it’s hard for a single API to work well for all without sprawling out of control (to the point where calling it “one API” becomes a fig leaf). But if you want to keep the API surface small, you might end up with chatty apps. Not to mention the temptation for service providers to give their software special access over those of their partners/competitors (e.g. other Twitter clients).

Take Google+. As of this writing, the web site is up and obviously very AJAX-driven. And yet the API is not available. There maybe non-technical reasons for it, but if the Google+ web site was just another consumer of the API then wouldn’t, by definition, the API already be up?

The decision of whether to expose the interface consumed by your AJAX app as an open API also has ramifications in the implementation strategy. Such an approach pretty much rules out using frameworks that integrate server-side and browser-side development and pushes you towards writing them separately (and thus controlling all the details of how they interact so that you can make sure it happens in a way that’s consumable by 3rd parties). Though the reverse is not true. You may decide that you don’t want that API exposed to 3rd parties and yet still manually define it and keep your server-side and browser-side code at arms length.

If you decide to go the “one REST API for all” route and forgo frameworks that integrate browser code and server code, how much are you leaving on the table? After all, preeminent developers love to sneer at such frameworks. But that’s a short-sighted view.

Some tennis players think of their racket as one tool. Others, who own a stringing machine, think of the frame and the string as two tools, that they expertly combine. Similarly, not all Web developers want to think of their client framework and their server framework as two tools. Using them as one, pre-assembled, tool may not provide the most optimal code, but may still be the optimal use of your development resources.

There’s a bit of Ricardian angle to this. Even if you can produce better JavaScript (by “better” I mean better suited to your need) than the framework, you have a higher Comparative Advantage in developing business logic than JavaScript so you should focus your efforts there and “import” the JavaScript from the framework (which is utterly incompetent in creating business logic).

Just like, in Ricardo’s famous example, Portugal is better off importing its cloth from England (and focusing on producing wine) even though it is, in absolute term, more able to produce cloth than England is.

Which contradicts Matt Raible’s statement that “the only people that like Ajax integrated into their web frameworks are programmers scared of JavaScript (who probably shouldn’t be developing your UI).” His characterization is sometimes correct, but not absolute as he asserts.

I wouldn’t write Google+ with ADF, but it provides benefits to large class of applications, especially internal applications. Where you’re willing to give away some design control for the benefit of faster development and better-tested JavaScript.

Then there is the orthogonal question of whether AJAX technologies are well-suited to a RESTful architecture. You may think it’s obvious, since both are natively designed for the Web. But a wine glass and a steering wheel are both natively designed for the human hand; that doesn’t make them a good pair. Here’s one way to plant doubt in your mind: if AJAX was a natural fit for REST, would we need the atrocity known as the hashbang? Would AJAX applications need to be made crawlable? Reuven Cohen asserts that “AJAX is quite possibly the worst way to consume a RESTful API”, but unfortunately he doesn’t develop the demonstration. Maybe a topic for a future post.

“Because that’s the way it’s done now” was a bad reason to transform perfectly-functional XML-RPC into “message-oriented” SOAP. It also is a bad reason for assuming that your Web application needs to be AJAX-on-REST.

I’ll leave the last word to Stefan Tilkov: “Don’t confuse integration architecture with application architecture.” His talk doesn’t focus on how to build Web UIs, but the main lesson applies. Here’s the video and here are the slides (warning: Flash and PDF, respectively, which is sadly ironic for such a good presentation about Web technology).


Filed under API, Application Mgmt, Everything, JavaScript, Middleware, Mobile, Protocols, REST, Tech, Web services

Comments on “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of REST APIs”

A survivor of intimate contact with many Cloud APIs, George Reese shared his thoughts about the experience in a blog post titled “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of REST APIs“.

Here are the highlights of his verdict, with some comments.

“Supporting both JSON and XML [is good]”

I disagree: Two versions of a protocol is one too many (the post behind this link doesn’t specifically discuss the JSON/XML dichotomy but its logic applies to that situation, as Tim Bray pointed out in a comment).

“REST is good, SOAP is bad”

Not necessarily true for all integration projects, but in the context of Cloud APIs, I agree. As long as it’s “pragmatic REST”, not the kind that involves silly contortions to please the REST police.

“Meaningful error messages help a lot”

True and yet rarely done properly.

“Providing solid API documentation reduces my need for your help”

Goes without saying (for a good laugh, check out the commenter on George’s blog entry who wrote that “if you document an API, you API immediately ceases to have anything to do with REST” which I want to believe was meant as a joke but appears written in earnest).

“Map your API model to the way your data is consumed, not your data/object model”

Very important. This is a core part of Humble Architecture.

“Using OAuth authentication doesn’t map well for system-to-system interaction”


“Throttling is a terrible thing to do”

I don’t agree with that sweeping statement, but when George expands on this thought what he really seems to mean is more along the lines of “if you’re going to throttle, do it smartly and responsibly”, which I can’t disagree with.

“And while we’re at it, chatty APIs suck”

Yes. And one of the main causes of API chattiness is fear of angering the REST gods by violating the sacred ritual. Either ignore that fear or, if you can’t, hire an expensive REST consultant to rationalize a less-chatty design with some media-type black magic and REST-bless it.

Finally George ends by listing three “ugly” aspects of bad APIs (“returning HTML in your response body”, “failing to realize that a 4xx error means I messed up and a 5xx means you messed up” and “side-effects to 500 errors are evil”) which I agree on but I see those as a continuation of the earlier point about paying attention to the error messages you return (because that’s what the developers who invoke your API will be staring at most of the time, even if they represents only 0.01% of the messages you return).

What’s most interesting is what’s NOT in George’s list. No nit-picking about REST purity. That tells you something about what matters to implementers.

If I haven’t yet exhausted my quota of self-referential links, you can read REST in practice for IT and Cloud management for more on the topic.


Filed under API, Cloud Computing, Everything, Implementation, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Modeling, Protocols, REST, SOAP, Specs, Tech

AWS CloudFormation is the iPhone of Cloud services

Expanding on tweet that I wrote soon after the announcement of AWS CloudFormation.

The iPhone unifies the GPS, phone, PDA, camera and camcorder. CloudFormation does the same for infrastructure services (VMs, volumes, network…) and some platform services (Beanstalk, RDS, SimpleDB, SQS, SNS…). You don’t think about whether you should grab a phone or a PDA, you grab an iPhone and start using the feature you need. It’s the default tool. Similarly with CloudFormation, you won’t start by thinking about what AWS service you want to use. Rather, you grab a CloudFormation template and modify it as needed. The template (or the template editor) is the default tool.

The iPhone doesn’t just group features that used to be provided by many devices. It also allows these features to collaborate. It’s not that you get a PDA and a phone side-by-side in one device. You can press the “call” button from the “PDA” feature. CloudFormation doesn’t just bundle deployments to various AWS services, it wires them together.

Anyone can write apps for the iPhone. Anyone can write apps that use CloudFormation.

There’s an App Store for iPhone apps. On the CloudFormation side, it will probably come soon (right now Amazon has made templates available on S3, but that’s not a real store). Amazon has developed example templates for a set of common applications, but expect application authors to take ownership of that task soon. They’ll consider it one of their deliverables. Right next to the “download” button you’ll start seeing a “deploy to AWS” button. Guess which one will eventually be used the most?

It’s Apple’s platform and your applications have to comply with their policy. AWS is not as much of a control freak as Apple and doesn’t have an upfront approval process, but it has its terms of service and they too can get you kicked out.

The iPhone is not a standard platform (though you may consider it a de-facto standard). Same for AWS CloudFormation.

There are alternatives to the iPhone that define themselves primarily as being more open than it, mainly Android. Same for AWS with OpenStack (which probably will soon have its CloudFormation equivalent).

The iPhone infiltrated itself into corporations at the ground level, even if the CIO initially saw no reason to look beyond BlackBerry for corporate needs. Same with AWS.

Any other parallel? Any fundamental difference I missed?

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Filed under Amazon, Application Mgmt, Automation, Cloud Computing, Everything, Mgmt integration, Modeling, OpenStack, PaaS, Portability, Specs, Tech, Utility computing, Virtual appliance

Partial resource update, one more time

Alex Scordellis has a good blog post about how to handle partial PUT in REST. It starts by explaining why partial PUT is needed in the first place. And then (including in the comments) it runs into the issues this brings and proposes some solutions.

I have bad news. There are many more issues.

Let’s pick a simple example. What does it mean if an element is not present in a partial update? Is it an explicit omission, intended to represent the need to remove this element in the representation? Or does it mean “don’t change its current value”. If the latter, then how do I do removal? Do I need partial DELETE like I have partial PUT? Hopefully not, but then I have to have a mechanism to remove elements as part of a PUT. Empty value? That doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing as an absent element. Nil value? And how do I handle this with JSON?

And how do you deal with repeating elements? If you PUT an element of that type, is it an addition or a replacement? If replacement, which one(s) are you replacing? Or do you force me to PUT the entire list? No matter how long it is? Even if it increases the risk of concurrency issues?

Lots of similar issues. These two are just off the top of my head, memories from hours locked in a room with my HP, IBM, Intel and Microsoft accomplices.

You know what you end up with? You end up with this. Partial Put in WS-RT. I can hear you scream from here.

I am the ghost of dead partial update mechanisms, coming back to haunt you…

As much as WS-* was criticized for re-inventing HTTP, what we see here is HTTP people re-inventing partial resource update mechanisms like those in WSDM, WS-Management and WS-ResourceTransfer. Which is fine, I am in no way advocating that they should re-use these specs.

But let’s realize that while a lot of the complexity in WS-* was unnecessary, some of it actually was a reflection of the complexity of the task at hand. And that complexity doesn’t go away because you get rid of a SOAP envelope and of stupid WS-Addressing headers.

The good news is that we’ve made a lot of the mistakes already and we’ve learned some lessons (see this technical rant, this post-mortem or this experiment). The bad news is that there are plenty of new mistakes waiting to be made.

Good luck. I mean it sincerely.


Filed under API, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Protocols, REST, Specs, Tech, WS-Management, WS-ResourceTransfer, WS-Transfer, XMLFrag

Exalogic, EC2-on-OVM, Oracle Linux: The Oracle Open World early recap

Among all the announcements at Oracle Open World so far, here is a summary of those I was the most impatient to blog about.

Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud

This was the largest part of Larry’s keynote, he called it “one big honkin’ cloud”. An impressive piece of hardware (360 2.93GHz cores, 2.8TB of RAM, 960GB SSD, 40TB disk for one full rack) with excellent InfiniBand connectivity between the nodes. And you can extend the InfiniBand connectivity to other Exalogic and/or Exadata racks. The whole packaged is optimized for the Oracle Fusion Middleware stack (WebLogic, Coherence…) and managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager.

This is really just the start of a long linage of optimized, pre-packaged, simplified (for application administrators and infrastructure administrators) application platforms. Management will play a central role and I am very excited about everything Enterprise Manager can and will bring to it.

If “Exalogic Elastic Cloud” is too taxing to say, you can shorten it to “Exalogic” or even just “EL”. Please, just don’t call it “E2C”. We don’t want to get into a trademark fight with our good friends at Amazon, especially since the next important announcement is…

Run certified Oracle software on OVM at Amazon

Oracle and Amazon have announced that AWS will offer virtual machines that run on top of OVM (Oracle’s hypervisor). Many Oracle products have been certified in this configuration; AMIs will soon be available. There is a joint support process in place between Amazon and Oracle. The virtual machines use hard partitioning and the licensing rules are the same as those that apply if you use OVM and hard partitioning in your own datacenter. You can transfer licenses between AWS and your data center.

One interesting aspect is that there is no extra fee on Amazon’s part for this. Which means that you can run an EC2 VM with Oracle Linux on OVM (an Oracle-tested combination) for the same price (without Oracle Linux support) as some other Linux distribution (also without support) on Amazon’s flavor of Xen. And install any software, including non-Oracle, on this VM. This is not the primary intent of this partnership, but I am curious to see if some people will take advantage of it.

Speaking of Oracle Linux, the next announcement is…

The Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel for Oracle Linux

In addition to the RedHat-compatible kernel that Oracle has been providing for a while (and will keep supporting), Oracle will also offer its own Linux kernel. I am not enough of a Linux geek to get teary-eyed about the birth announcement of a new kernel, but here is why I think this is an important milestone. The stratification of the application runtime stack is largely a relic of the past, when each layer had enough innovation to justify combining them as you see fit. Nowadays, the innovation is not in the hypervisor, in the OS or in the JVM as much as it is in how effectively they all combine. JRockit Virtual Edition is a clear indicator of things to come. Application runtimes will eventually be highly integrated and optimized. No more scheduler on top of a scheduler on top of a scheduler. If you squint, you’ll be able to recognize aspects of a hypervisor here, aspects of an OS there and aspects of a JVM somewhere else. But it will be mostly of interest to historians.

Oracle has by far the most expertise in JVMs and over the years has built a considerable amount of expertise in hypervisors. With the addition of Solaris and this new milestone in Linux access and expertise, what we are seeing is the emergence of a company for which there will be no technical barrier to innovation on making all these pieces work efficiently together. And, unlike many competitors who derive most of their revenues from parts of this infrastructure, no revenue-protection handcuffs hampering innovation either.

Fusion Apps

Larry also talked about Fusion Apps, but I believe he plans to spend more time on this during his Wednesday keynote, so I’ll leave this topic aside for now. Just remember that Enterprise Manager loves Fusion Apps.

And what about Enterprise Manager?

We don’t have many attention-grabbing Enterprise Manager product announcements at Oracle Open World 2010, because we had a big launch of Enterprise Manager 11g earlier this year, in which a lot of new features were released. Technically these are not Oracle Open World news anymore, but many attendees have not seen them yet so we are busy giving demos, hands-on labs and presentations. From an application and middleware perspective, we focus on end-to-end management (e.g. from user experience to BTM to SOA management to Java diagnostic to SQL) for faster resolution, application lifecycle integration (provisioning, configuration management, testing) for lower TCO and unified coverage of all the key parts of the Oracle portfolio for productivity and reliability. We are also sharing some plans and our vision on topics such as application management, Cloud, support integration etc. But in this post, I have chosen to only focus on new product announcements. Things that were not publicly known 48 hours ago. I am also not covering JavaOne (see Alexis). There is just too much going on this week…

Just kidding, we like it this way. And so do the customers I’ve been talking to.

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Filed under Amazon, Application Mgmt, Cloud Computing, Conference, Everything, Linux, Manageability, Middleware, Open source, Oracle, Oracle Open World, OVM, Tech, Trade show, Utility computing, Virtualization, Xen

URL shorteners and privacy: The Good, the Bad and the Cookie

The table below compares various URL shorteners based on how much they value service performance and the privacy of their users.

Here is the short version of the reading guide: a URL shorterner which gives a high priority to reliability, performance and privacy will use a 301 (“Moved Permanently”) response code, will not use cache control headers and will not use cookies. A URL shortener which gives high priority to its own ability to monetize its traffic by tracking users will do one or more of these things.

Here is how a few of the most popular shorteners perform by this measure (red is bad).

For the long version (and an explanation of how I came to create this table) read below the table.

Service name Cookie Status code Caching limitations (Twitter) 301 5 min tracking 301 301 (Google) 301 24h (WordPress) 301 301 10h (Facebook) (*) 301 tracking 301 301 tracking 301 no caching tracking 301 (**) 301 tracking 301 301 10h tracking 301 302 no caching 302 no caching


(*) Facebook’s service,, tries to set a cookie but its content is “locale=en_US” and cannot be used for identification. In addition, it sets the domain to “” in the Set-Cookie directive but since the response comes from another domain ( the cookie is actually never returned by the browser and therefore useless. It looks like this is a leftover configuration setting copied from the normal servers. Defying all expectations, Facebook comes out as one of the most privacy-friendly URL shorteners.

(**) limits the cache to being “private” which means that your browser can cache the result but a shared proxy (e.g. your company’s proxy) should not cache it. Forcing each user behind that proxy to resolve the URL once. I magnanimously did not ding them for this, even though it’s sub-optimal.

Now for the longer explanation

Despite the potential it offers to stretch out our tweets, I wasn’t too impressed when I learned of Twitter’s plan to roll out (and mandate) its own URL shortening service. My fundamental issue is that URL shortening is made necessary by an arbitrary decision on Twitter’s part (the 140 character limit and the fact that URLs count toward it) and that it would be entirely within their power to make these abominations unneeded. Or, at least, much more rarely needed (when came out, the main use case was to insert a very long URL in an email without having problems with carriage returns, not to turn third-world countries into purveyors of silly domain names).

Beyond this fundamental issue, my main concerns about Twitter’s mechanism are that it reduces privacy and it demands that you break the HTTP specification.

From a privacy perspective, the issue is that anyone who clicks on these links tells Twitter where they are going. And Twitter can collect and correlate these actions. The easiest way for them (or any other URL shortener) to do this is to use cookies. Cookies aren’t often used as part of redirections, but technically nothing prevents them. So I wanted to see if Twitter used them.

[Side note: in practice there are ways to track your browser without using identifying cookies, not to mention simply using the IP address which works quite well on people who browse from home. Still, identifying cookies are the preferred method.]

From a specification conformance perspective, the problem is that Twitter announced that they would modify the Terms of Service of their API to prevent you from replacing the short URL with the real location once you’ve resolved it the first time (as of this writing they apparently haven’t yet made the ToS change). That behavior would be in violation of the HTTP specification if the redirection used status code 301 (“Moved Permanently”) which states that “any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned URIs” and “clients with link editing capabilities ought to automatically re-link references to the Request-URI to one or more of the new references returned by the server“. So I wanted to see whether indeed returns a 301 (and asks us to violate the spec) or if they use a Temporary Redirect (302 or the new 307) in which case the specification would not be violated but other problems would arise (for example, search engines would not give you PageRank karma for such a link).

The other (spec-compliant) way to force a 301 to call back home once a while is the (strange but legal) practice of using cache control headers on permanent redirections. So I also wanted to see how behaves on that front.

And then I decided to also test a few other services, which is how the table above came to be.

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Filed under Everything, Facebook, Google, Protocols, Security, Social networks, Tech, Testing, Twitter

Updates on Microsoft Oslo and “SSH on Windows”

I’ve been tracking the modeling technology previously known as “Microsoft Oslo” with a sympathetic eye for the almost three years since it’s been introduced. I look at it from the perspective of model-driven IT management but the news hadn’t been good on that front lately (except for Douglas Purdy’s encouraging hint).

The prospects got even bleaker today, at least according to the usually-well-informed Mary Jo Foley, who writes: “Multiple contacts of mine are telling me that Microsoft has decided to shelve Quadrant and ‘refocus’ M.” Is “M” the end of the SDM/SML/M model-driven management approach at Microsoft? Or is the “refocus” a hint that M is returning “home” to address IT management use cases? Time (or Doug) will tell…

While we’re talking about Microsoft and IT automation, I have one piece of free advice for the Microsofties: people *really* want to SSH into Windows servers. Here’s how I know. This blog rarely talks about Microsoft but over the course of two successive weekends over a year ago I toyed with ways to remotely manage Windows machines using publicly documented protocols. In effect, showing what to send on the wire (from Linux or any platform) to leverage the SOAP-based management capabilities in recent versions of Windows. To my surprise, these posts (1, 2, 3) still draw a disproportionate amount of traffic. And whenever I look at my httpd logs, I can count on seeing search engine queries related to “windows native ssh” or similar keywords.

If heterogeneous Cloud is something Microsoft cares about they need to better leverage the potential of the PowerShell Remoting Protocol. They can release open-source Python, Java and Ruby client-side libraries. Alternatively, they can drastically simplify the protocol, rather than its current “binary over SOAP” (you read this right) incarnation. Because the poor Kridek who is looking for the “WSDL for WinRM / Remote Powershell” is in for a nasty surprise if he finds it and thinks he’ll get a ready-to-use stub out of it.

That being said, a brave developer willing to suck it up and create such a Python/Ruby/Java library would probably make some people very grateful.


Filed under Application Mgmt, Automation, Everything, Implementation, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Modeling, Oslo, Protocols, SML, SOAP, Specs, Tech, WS-Management

Dear Cloud API, your fault line is showing

Most APIs are like hospital gowns. They seem to provide good coverage, until you turn around.

I am talking about the dreadful state of fault reporting in remote APIs, from Twitter to Cloud interfaces. They are badly described in the interface documentation and the implementations often don’t even conform to what little is documented.

If, when reading a specification, you get the impression that the “normal” part of the specification is the result of hours of whiteboard debate but that the section that describes the faults is a stream-of-consciousness late-night dump that no-one reviewed, well… you’re most likely right. And this is not only the case for standard-by-committee kind of specifications. Even when the specification is written to match the behavior of an existing implementation, error handling is often incorrectly and incompletely described. In part because developers may not even know what their application returns in all error conditions.

After learning the lessons of SOAP-RPC, programmers are now more willing to acknowledge and understand the on-the-wire messages received and produced. But when it comes to faults, there is still a tendency to throw their hands in the air, write to the application log and then let the stack do whatever it does when an unhandled exception occurs, on-the-wire compliance be damned. If that means sending an HTML error message in response to a request for a JSON payload, so be it. After all, it’s just a fault.

But even if fault messages may only represent 0.001% of the messages your application sends, they still represent 85% of those that the client-side developers will look at.

Client developers can’t even reverse-engineer the fault behavior by hitting a reference implementation (whether official or de-facto) the way they do with regular messages. That’s because while you can generate response messages for any successful request, you don’t know what error conditions to simulate. You can’t tell your Cloud provider “please bring down your user account database for five minutes so I can see what faults you really send me when that happens”. Also, when testing against a live application you may get a different fault behavior depending on the time of day. A late-night coder (or a daytime coder in another time zone) might never see the various faults emitted when the application (like Twitter) is over capacity. And yet these will be quite common at peak time (when the coder is busy with his day job… or sleeping).

All these reasons make it even more important to carefully (and accurately) document fault behavior.

The move to REST makes matters even worse, in part because it removes SOAP faults. There’s nothing magical about SOAP faults, but at least they force you to think about providing an information payload inside your fault message. Many REST APIs replace that with HTTP error codes, often accompanied by a one-line description with a sometimes unclear relationship with the semantics of the application. Either it’s a standard error code, which by definition is very generic or it’s an application-defined code at which point it most likely overlaps with one or more standard codes and you don’t know when you should expect one or the other. Either way, there is too much faith put in the HTTP code versus the payload of the error. Let’s be realistic. There are very few things most applications can do automatically in response to a fault. Mainly:

  • Ask the user to re-enter credentials (if it’s an authentication/permission issue)
  • Retry (immediately or after some time)
  • Report a problem and fail

So make sure that your HTTP errors support this simple decision tree. Beyond that point, listing a panoply of application-specific error codes looks like an attempt to look “RESTful” by overdoing it. In most cases, application-specific error codes are too detailed for most automated processing and not detailed enough to help the developer understand and correct the issue. I am not against using them but what matters most is the payload data that comes along.

On that aspect, implementations generally fail in one of two extremes. Some of them tell you nothing. For example the payload is a string that just repeats what the documentation says about the error code. Others dump the kitchen sink on you and you get a full stack trace of where the error occurred in the server implementation. The former is justified as a security precaution. The latter as a way to help you debug. More likely, they both just reflect laziness.

In the ideal world, you’d get a detailed error payload telling you exactly which of the input parameters the application choked on and why. Not just vague words like “invalid”. Is parameter “foo” invalid for syntactical reasons? Is it invalid because inconsistent with another parameter value in the request? Is it invalid because it doesn’t match the state on the server side? Realistically, implementations often can’t spend too many CPU cycles analyzing errors and generating such detailed reports. That’s fine, but then they can include a link to a wiki a knowledge base where more details are available about the error, its common causes and the workarounds.

Your API should document all messages accurately and comprehensively. Faults are messages too.


Filed under API, Application Mgmt, Automation, Cloud Computing, Everything, Mgmt integration, Protocols, REST, SOAP, Specs, Standards, Tech, Testing, Twitter, Utility computing

Integration patterns for social data: the Open Social Data Bus

The previous entry, “Don’t tell Facebook what you like, tell Twitter“, used Twitter and Facebook as examples to illustrate a general point about the integration of social profile data. Unfortunately, the examples may have overshadowed the larger point. In the post, I didn’t consider Twitter as a social network but as a message conduit. Most people on the other hand think of Twitter as a social network (after all, which Twitterer is not watching his/her follower count?) and could come out with the impression that I was just saying that Twitter is a better social network than Facebook. It wasn’t my point.

The main point is about defining the right integration pattern for social data: is it a “message bus” pattern or a “shared database” pattern. For readers who haven’t had the joy of dealing with integration architecture and enterprise integration patterns, here is a one-paragraph primer:

The expense report application in a company needs to be in sync with the data in the HR system, so that an expense report can be sent to the right manager for review/approval. Implementing such application integration in an efficient, resilient and flexible way is hard. Battle-tested approaches (high-level “patterns”) have emerged that have been successful, in the right context. Architects have learned that 99% of the time they are better off asking themselves which of these enterprise integration patterns is right for their problem, rather than trying to invent a new approach. Two of the most common basic patterns are the “shared database” pattern and the “message bus” pattern. In the “shared database” pattern, all the applications read and write to the same repository. In the “message bus” pattern, applications post messages on a shared channel (the “bus”) and also listen on the channel for messages from other applications that they are interested in. It’s similar to a radio channel of the kind used by police and ham radio operators.

(diagrams by Hohpe/Woolf, under cc license)

Facebook wants your social data to be shared across sites and applications using the “shared database” pattern, in which Facebook is the central database (and also the primary application). What I described in the previous post was the use of a “message bus” pattern (in which Twitter was used as the bus).

A bus has the following advantages when applied to the problem of sharing social data:

  • All applications have equal access
  • The applications are loosely-coupled, meaning that changing one doesn’t break the others
  • If applications only communicate via the bus, you get to observe the data shared about you
  • It can scale well

There are lots of interesting considerations about how to build and operate such a bus: security, scalability, access protocols, payload format, etc. But they are secondary to the choice of the integration pattern. For the sake of illustration, Twitter’s approach to security is OAuth, their scalable architecture is described here, the access protocols here and the payload format here. Reasonable alternatives exist for all these functions.

It’s hard for me to imagine the content of the messages on this bus not resembling RDF-like subject/verb/object triplets, in which the subject is implicit (the user attached to the message). The verbs could be simple strings or represented by URIs and have an associated taxonomy. And as in RDF, the objects should be either URIs or simple values (mostly strings, of a limited size, be it 140 characters or something else). Possible examples (the subject is implicit, the verb is in square brackets):

[say] I just had coffeecake for breakfast

I still think Twitter is the most practical implementation of the Open Social Data Bus, for reasons I listed before:

  • It’s here today
  • It’s open and makes no pretense of (often violated) “privacy settings”
  • It can scale (give or take some growing pains and some still-drastic quota restrictions)
  • It has a delegated authorization model (though not quite as fine-grained as I’d like)
  • It already has a large ecosystem of provider/consumer applications
  • Humans look at the messages, ensuring that any integration of personal data will remain at a human scale and therefore controllable
  • It has proven to be a very successful environment for semantic tags to emerge spontaneously
  • It is persisted by many actors, including Google, Bing and the Library of Congress
  • Did I mention that it’s here today?

I remember discussions, in the early-to-mid-nineties, about whether the Internet, this quirky but fast-growing network, would turn into the expected global “information superhighway” or whether a superior one would have to emerge. This might seem like a silly discussion today but it wasn’t so obvious at the time. Wondering whether Twitter will turn out to be the Open Social Data Bus will seem just as silly in 15 years, though I don’t know if it will be deemed silly because the answer was obviously “no” or obviously “yes”…

The tension between Twitter as an infrastructure provider and Twitter as a competitor in the Twitter app marketplace is well-known. The company understands that what makes them different from other social networks is the ecosystem of applications that was enabled by this “message bus” pattern. Which is why, even as they announced that they were going to create their own applications to tap into the stream, they took pains to explain that they would be calling the same interfaces as everybody else.

On the other hand, Twitter obviously also needs to worry about making money.  If their service becomes a low-level service, invisible to users (almost like DNS), then who is going to pay for the operations? Especially since the expectations on Twitter are currently so high that a “normal” rate of profit on operating such an infrastructure would be a huge letdown for investors. But this is not a post about the business prospects and strategic challenges of Twitter. It’s about allowing integration of social profile data in a way that benefits users.

I’d be fine with some other Open Social Data Bus implementation taking over and serving this need, as long as it fulfills the key requirements of being equally open to all applications and allowing individuals to control what gets posted about them. There are other avenues if Twitter cannot (or doesn’t want to) play this role. As the DNS example shows, it doesn’t necessarily have to be operated by a single operator. And there are a variety of funding models for such essential infrastructure (see “who funds root name server operations?” in the DNS root name servers FAQ). Alternatively, applications might be charged based on how much data they get from the bus.

Corporate support can take different forms. From wireless frequencies to wi-fi networks to DNS to supporting Firefox Google has shown a willingness to support the development and operation of the internet infrastructure, confident that they’ll be in the best position to benefit from it. Especially if the alternative is what Pete Cashmore describes as “Google’s nightmare“.

You could even think of this service eventually falling under the “common carrier” model, with the corresponding legal constraints. Especially in societies that are more privacy-aware.

I don’t know what the right business/operating model is for the Open Social Data Bus. What I know is that it’s how I want my social profile data to flow between applications.

[UPDATED 2010/5/20: Some supporting evidence for my recollection of “discussions, in the early-to-mid-nineties, about whether the Internet, this quirky but fast-growing network, would turn into the expected global ‘information superhighway’ or whether a superior one would have to emerge”:

Gates’s 286-page book [The Road Ahead, 1995] mentions the World Wide Web on only four of its pages, and portrays the Internet as a subset of a much a larger “Information Superhighway.” The Internet, wrote Gates, is one of “the important precursors of the information highway,” along with PCs, CD-ROMs, phone networks, and cable systems, but “none represents the actual information highway. … today’s Internet is not the information highway I imagine, although you can think of it as the beginning of the highway.”]


Filed under Everything, Facebook, Google, Social networks, Tech, Twitter

PaaS portability challenges and the VMforce example

The VMforce announcement is a great step for SalesForce, in large part because it lets them address a recurring concern about the PaaS offering: the lack of portability of Apex applications. Now they can be written using Java and Spring instead. A great illustration of how painful this issue was for SalesForce is to see the contortions that Peter Coffee goes through just to acknowledge it: “On the downside, a project might be delayed by debates—some in good faith, others driven by vendor FUD—over the perception of platform lock-in. Political barriers, far more than technical barriers, have likely delayed many organizations’ return on the advantages of the cloud”. The issue is not lock-in it’s the potential delays that may come from the perception of lock-in. Poetic.

Similarly, portability between clouds is also a big theme in Steve Herrod’s blog covering VMforce as illustrated by the figure below. The message is that “write once run anywhere” is coming to the Cloud.

Because this is such a big part of the VMforce value proposition, both from the SalesForce and the VMWare/SpringSource side (as well as for PaaS in general), it’s worth looking at the portability aspect in more details. At least to the extent that we can do so based on this pre-announcement (VMforce is not open for developers yet). And while I am taking VMforce as an example, all the considerations below apply to any enterprise PaaS offering. VMforce just happens to be one of the brave pioneers, willing to take a first step into the jungle.

Beyond the use of Java as a programming language and Spring as a framework, the portability also comes from the supporting tools. This is something I did not cover in my initial analysis of VMforce but that Michael Cote covers well on his blog and Carl Brooks in his comment. Unlike the more general considerations in my previous post, these matters of tooling are hard to discuss until the tools are actually out. We can describe what they “could”, “should” and “would” do all day long, but in the end we need to look at the application in practice and see what, if anything, needs to change when I redirect my deployment target from one cloud to the other. As SalesForce’s Umit Yalcinalp commented, “the details are going to be forthcoming in the coming months and it is too early to speculate”.

So rather than speculating on what VMforce tooling will do, I’ll describe what portability questions any PaaS platform would have to address (or explicitly decline to address).

Code portability

That’s the easiest to address. Thanks to Java, the runtime portability problem for the core language is pretty much solved. Still, moving applications around require changes to way the application communicates with its infrastructure. Can your libraries and frameworks for data access and identity, for example, successfully encapsulate and hide the different kinds of data/identity stores behind them? Even when the stores are functionally equivalent (e.g. SQL, LDAP), they may have operational differences that matter for an enterprise application. Especially if the database is delivered (and paid for) as a service. I may well design my application differently depending on whether I am charged by the amount of data in the DB, by the number of requests to the DB, by the quantity of app-to-DB traffic or by the total processing time of my requests in the DB. Apparently considers the number of “database objects” in its pricing plans and going over 200 pushes you from the “Enterprise” version to the more expensive “Unlimited” version. If I run against my local relational database I don’t think twice about having 201 “database objects”. But if I run in and I otherwise can live within the limits of the “Enterprise” version I’d probably be tempted to slightly alter my data model to fit under 200 objects. The example is borderline silly, but the underlying truth is that not all differences in application infrastructure can be automatically encapsulated by libraries.

While code portability is a solvable problem for a reasonably large set of use cases, things get hairier for the more demanding applications. A large part of the PaaS value proposition is contingent on the willingness to give up some low-level optimizations. This, and harder portability in some cases, may just have to be part of the cost of running demanding applications in a PaaS environment. Or just keep these off PaaS for now. This is part of the backward-compatible versus forward compatible Cloud dilemma.

Data portability

I have covered data portability in the previous entry, in response to Steve Herrod’s comment that “you should be able to extract the code from the cloud it currently runs in and move it, along with its data, to another cloud choice”. Your data in the database can already be moved somewhere else… as long as you’re willing to write code to get it and perform any needed transformation. In theory, any data that you can read is data that you can move (thus fulfilling Steve’s promise). The question is at what cost. Presumably Steve is referring to data migration tools that VMWare will build (or acquire) and make part of its cloud enablement platform. Another way in which VMWare is trying to assemble a more complete middleware portfolio (see Oracle ODI for an example of a complete data integration offering, which goes far beyond ETL).

There is a subtle difference between the intrinsic portability of Java (which will run in any JRE, modulo JDK version) and the extrinsic portability of data which can in theory be moved anywhere but each place you move it to may require a different process. A car and an oak armoire are both “portable”, but one is designed for moving while the other will only move if you bring a truck and two strong guys.

Application service portability

I covered this in my previous entry and Bob Warfield summarized it as “take advantage of all those juicy services and it will be hard to back out of that platform, Java or no Java”. He is referring to all the platform services (search, reporting, mobile, integration, BPM, IdM, administration) that make a large part of the value proposition. They won’t be waiting for you in your private cloud (though some may be remotely invocable, depending on how SalesForce wants to play its cards). Applications that depend on them will have to be changed, at least until we have standards interfaces for all these services (don’t hold your breath).

Management portability

Even if you can seamlessly migrate your application and your data from your internal servers to, what do you think is going to happen to your management console, especially if it uses operating system agents? These agents are not coming along for the ride, that’s for sure. Are you going to tell your administrators that rather than having a centralized configuration/monitoring/event console they are going to have to look at cute “monitoring” web pages for each application? And all the transaction tracing, event correlation, configuration policy and end-user monitoring features they were relying on are unfortunate victims of the relentless march of progress? Good luck with that sale.

VMWare’s answer will probably be that they will eventually provide you with all the management capabilities that you need. And it’s a fair one, along the lines of the “Application-to-Disk Management” message at the recent launch of Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G. With the difference that EM is not the only way to manage a top-to-bottom Oracle stack, just the one that we think is the best. BMC and HP aren’t locked out.

VMWare and SpringSource (+Hyperic) could indeed theoretically assemble a full-fledged management solution. But this doesn’t happen overnight, even with acquisitions as I know from experience both at HP Software and currently at Oracle. Integration (of management domains across the stack, of acquired application management products, of support data/services from is one of the main advances in Enterprise Manager 11G and it took work.

And even then, this leads to the next logical question. If you can move from cloud to cloud but you are forced to use VMWare development, deployment and management tools, haven’t you traded one lock-in problem for another?

Not to mention that your portability between clouds, if it depends on VMWare tools, is limited to VMWare-powered clouds (private or public). In effect, there are now three levels of portability:

  • not portable (only runs on VMforce)
  • portable to any cloud (public or private) built using VMWare infrastructure
  • portable to any Java/Spring Cloud platform

Is your application portable the way cash is portable, or the way a gift card is portable (across stores of a retail chain)?

If this reminds you of the java portability debates of the early days of Enterprise Java that’s no surprise. Remember, we’re replaying the tape.


Filed under Application Mgmt, Cloud Computing, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Middleware, PaaS, Portability, Spring, Standards, Tech, Utility computing, VMforce, VMware

Analyzing the VMforce announcement

Let’s start with the disclosures: by most interpretations I work for a competitor to what and VMWare are trying to do with VMforce. And all I know about VMforce is what I read in a few authoritative blogs by VMWare’s Steve Herrod, VMWare/SpringSource’s Rod Johnson and Salesforce’s Anshu Sharma. So no hard feeling if you jump off right now.

Overall, I like what I see. Let me put it this way. I am now a lot more likely to write an application on than I was last week. How could this not be a good thing for SalesForce, me and others like me?

On the other hand, this is also not the major announcement that the “VMforce is coming” drum-roll had tried to make us expect. If you fell for it, then I guess you can be disappointed. I didn’t and I’m not (Phil Wainewright fell for it and yet isn’t disappointed, asserting that “ redefines the PaaS landscape” for reasons not entirely clear to me even after reading his article).

The new thing is that now supports an additional runtime, in addition to Apex. That new runtime uses the Java language, with the constraint that it is used via the Spring framework. Which is familiar territory to many developers. That’s it. That’s the VMforce announcement for all practical purposes from a user’s perspective. It’s a great step forward for which was hampered by the non-standard nature of Apex, but it’s just a new runtime. All the other benefits that Anshu Sharma lists in his blog (search, reporting, mobile, integration, BPM, IdM, administration) are not new. They are the platform services that offers to application writers, whether they use Apex or the new Java/Spring runtime.

It’s important to realize that there are two main parts to a full PaaS platform like or Google App Engine. First there are application runtimes (Apex and now Java for, Python and Java for GAE). They are language-dependent and you can have several of them to support different programming languages. Second are the platform services (reports, mobile, BPM, IdM etc for as we saw above, mostly IdM for Google at this point) which are mostly language agnostic (beyond a library used to access them). I think of data storage (e.g. mySQL, database, Google DataStore) as part of the runtime, but it’s on the edge of the grey zone. A third category is made of actual application services (e.g. the CRM web services out of or the application services out of Google Apps) which I tend not to consider part of PaaS but again there are gray zones between application support services and application services. E.g. how domain-specific does your rule engine have to be before it moves from one category to the other?

As Umit Yalcinalp (who works for SalesForce) told me on Twitter “regardless of the runtime the devs using the db will get the same platform benefits, chatter, workflow, analytics”. What I called the platform services above. Which, really, is where most of the PaaS value lies anyway. A language runtime is just a starting point.

So where are VMWare and SpringSource in this picture? Well, from the point of view of the user nowhere, really. SalesForce could have built this platform themselves, using the Spring framework on top of Tomcat, WebLogic, JBoss… Itself running on any OS they want. With or without a hypervisor. These are all implementation details and are SalesForce’s problem, not ours as application developers.

It so happens that they have chosen to run this as a partnership with VMWare/SpringSource which makes a lot of sense from a portfolio/expertise perspective, of course. But this choice is not visible to the application developer making use of this platform. And it shouldn’t be. That’s the whole point of PaaS after all, that we don’t have to care.

But VMWare and SpringSource really want us to know that they are there, so Rod Johnson leads by lifting the curtain and explaining that:

“VMforce uses the physical infrastructure to run vSphere with a special customized vCloud layer that allows for seamless scaling and management. Above this layer VMforce runs SpringSource tc Server instances that provide the execution environment for the enterprise applications that run on VMforce.”

[Side note: notice what’s missing? The operating system. It’s there of course, most likely some Linux distribution but Rod glances over it, maybe because it’s a missing link in VMWare’s “we have all the pieces” story; unlike Oracle who can provide one or, even better, do without.  Just saying…]

VMWare wants us to know they are under the covers because of course they have much larger aspirations than to be a provider to SalesForce. They want to use this as a proof point to sell their SpringSource+VMWare stack in other settings, such as private clouds and other public cloud providers (modulo whatever exclusivity period may be in their contract with SalesForce). And VMforce, if it works well when it launches, is a great validation for this strategy. It’s natural that they want people to know that they are behind the curtain and can be called on to replicate this elsewhere.

But let’s be clear about what part they can replicate. It’s the Java/Spring language runtime and its underlying infrastructure. Not the platform services that are part of the SalesForce platform. Not an IdM solution, not a rules engine, not a business process engine, etc. We can expect that they are hard at work trying to fill these gaps, as the RabbitMQ acquisition illustrates, but for now all this comes from and isn’t directly replicable. Which means that applications that use them aren’t quite so portable.

In his post, Steve Herrod quickly moves past the VMforce announcement to focus on the SpringSource+VMWare infrastructure part, the one he hopes to see multiplied everywhere. The key promise, from the developers’ perspective, is application portability. And while the use of Java+Spring definitely helps a lot in terms of code portability I see some promises in terms of data portability that will warrant scrutiny when VMforce actually rolls out: “you should be able to extract the code from the cloud it currently runs in and move it, along with its data, to another cloud choice”.

It sounds very nice, but the underlying issues are:

  • Does the code change depending on whether I am talking to a local relational DB in my private cloud or whether I am on VMforce and using the database?
  • If it doesn’t then the application is portable, but an extra service i still needed to actually move the data from one cloud to the other (can this be done in-flight? what downtime is needed?)
  • What about the other services (chatter, workflow, analytics…)? If I use them in my code can I keep using them once I migrate out of VMforce to a private cloud? Are they remotely invocable? Does the code change? And if I want to completely sever my links with SalesForce, can I find alternative implementations of these application platform services in my private cloud? Or from another public cloud provider? The answer to these is probably no, which means that you are only portable out of VMforce if you restrain yourself from using much of the value of the platform. It’s not even clear whether you can completely restrain yourself from using it, e.g. can you run on without using their IdM system?

All these are hard questions. I am not blaming anyone for not answering them today since no-one does. But we shouldn’t sweep them under the rug. I am sure VMWare is working on finding workable compromises but I doubt it will be as simple, clean and portable as Steve Herrod implies. It’s funny  how Steve and Anshu’s posts seem to reinforce and congratulate one another, until you realize that they are in large part talking about very different things. Anshu’s is almost entirely about the application platform services (sprinkled with some weird Facebook envy), Steve’s is entirely about the application runtime and its infrastructure.

One thing that I am surprised not to see mentioned is the management aspect of the platform, especially considering the investment that SpringSource made in Hyperic. I can only assume that work is under way on this and that we’ll hear about it soon. One aspect of the management story that concerns me a bit is the lack of acknowledgment of the challenges of configuration management in a PaaS setting. Especially when I read Steve Herrod asserting that the VMWare/SpringSource PaaS platform is going to free us from the burden of “handling code modifications that may be required as the middleware versions change”. There seems to be a misconception that because the application administrators are not the ones doing the infrastructure updates they don’t need to worry about the impact of these updates on their application. Is Steve implying that the first release of the VMWare/SpringSource PaaS stack is going to be so perfect that the hypervisor, guest OS and app server will never have to be patched and versioned? If that’s not the case, then why are those patches suddenly less likely impact the application code? In fact the situation is even worse as the application administrator does not know which hypervisor/OS/middleware patches are being applied and when. They can’t test against the new version ahead of time for validation and they can’t make sure the change is scheduled during a non-critical period for their business. I wrote an entire blog post on this issue six months ago and it’s a little bit disheartening to see the issue flatly denied and ignored. Management is not just monitoring.

Here is another intriguing comment in Steve’s entry: “one of the key differentiators with EC2 based PaaS will be the efficiencies for the many-app model. Customers are frustrated with the need to buy a whole VM as the minimum service unit for their applications. Our PaaS will provide fine-grained resource separation”. I had to read it twice when I realized that the VMWare CTO was telling us that splitting a physical machine into VMs is not a good enough way to share its resources and that you really need middleware-level multi-tenancy. But who can disagree that a GAE-like architecture can support more low-traffic applications on the same server than anything based on VM-based sharing? Which (along with deep pockets) puts Google in position to offer free hosting for low-traffic applications, a great way to build adoption.

These are very early days in the history of PaaS. VMWare, like the rest of us, will need to tackle all these issues one by one. In the meantime, this is an interesting announcement and a noticeable milestone. Let’s just keep our eyes open on the incremental nature of progress and the long list of remaining issues.

[UPDATED 2010/4/29: See the follow-up post, PaaS portability challenges and the VMforce example.]

[UPDATED 2010/6/9: This entry points out how the OS level is a gap in VMWare’s portfolio. They took a step in addressing this today, by partnering with Novell to offer SUSE support.]



Filed under Application Mgmt, BPM, Cloud Computing, Everything, Google App Engine, Middleware, PaaS, Portability, Spring, Tech, Virtualization, VMforce, VMware

Enterprise application integration patterns for IT management: a blast from the past or from the future?

In a recent blog post, Don Ferguson (CTO at CA) describes CA Catalyst, a major architectural overhaul which “applies enterprise application integration patterns to the problem of integrating IT management systems”. Reading this was fascinating to me. Not because the content was some kind of revelation, but exactly for the opposite reason. Because it is so familiar.

For the better part of the last decade, I tried to build just this at HP. In the process, I worked with (and sometimes against) Don’s colleague at IBM, who were on the same mission. Both companies wanted a flexible and reliable integration platform for all aspects of IT management. We had decided to use Web services and SOA to achieve it. The Web services management protocols that I worked on (WSMF, WSDM, WS-Management and the “reconciliation stack”) were meant for this. We were after management integration more than manageability. Then came CMDBf, another piece of the puzzle. From what I could tell, the focus on SOA and Web services had made Don (who was then Mr. WebSphere) the spiritual father of this effort at IBM, even though he wasn’t at the time focused on IT management.

As far as I know, neither IBM nor HP got there. I covered some of the reasons in this post-mortem. The standards bickering. The focus on protocols rather than models. The confusion between the CMDB as a tool for process/service management versus a tool for software integration. Within HP, the turmoil from the many software acquisitions didn’t help, and there were other reasons. I am not sure at this point whether either company is still aiming for this vision or if they are taking a different approach.

But apparently CA is still on this path, and got somewhere. At least according to Don’s post. I have no insight into what was built beyond what’s in the post. I am not endorsing CA Catalyst, just agreeing with the design goals listed by Don. If indeed they have built it, and the integration framework resists the test of time, that’s impressive. And exciting. It apparently even uses some the same pieces we were planning to use, namely WS-Management and CMDBf (I am reluctantly associated with the first and proudly with the second).

While most readers might not share my historical connection with this work, this is still relevant and important to anyone who cares about IT management in the enterprise. If you’re planning to be at CA World, go listen to Don. Web services may have a bad name, but the technical problems of IT management integration remain. There are only a few routes to IT management automation (I count seven, the one taken by CA is #2). You can throw away SOAP if you want, you still need to deal with protocol compatibility, model alignment and instance reconciliation. You need to centralize or orchestrate the management operations performed. You need to be able to integrate with complementary products or at the very least to effectively incorporate your acquisitions. It’s hard stuff.

Bonus point to Don for not forcing a “Cloud” angle for extra sparkle. This is core IT management.

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Filed under Automation, CA, CMDB, CMDB Federation, CMDBf, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Mgmt integration, Modeling, People, Protocols, SOAP, Specs, Standards, Tech, Web services, WS-Management

Waiting for events (in Cloud APIs)

Events/alerts/notifications have been a central concept in IT management at least since the first SNMP trap was emitted, and probably even long before that. And yet they are curiously absent from all the Cloud management APIs/protocols. If you think that’s because “THE CLOUD CHANGES EVERYTHING” then you may have to think again. Over the last few days, two of the most experienced practitioners of Cloud computing pointed out that this omission is a real pain in the neck. RightScale’s Thorsten von Eicken was first to request “an event based interface instead of a request-reply based interface”, pointing out that “we run a good number of machines that do nothing but chew up 100% cpu polling EC2 to detect changes”. George Reese seconded and started to sketch a solution. And while these blog posts gave the issue increased visibility recently, it has been a recurring topic on the AWS Forum and other similar discussion boards for quite some time. For example, in this thread going back to 2006, an Amazon employee wrote that “this is a feature we’ve discussed recently and we’re looking at options” (incidentally, I see a post by Thorsten in that old thread). We’re still waiting.

Let’s look at what it would take to define such a feature.

I have some experience with events for IT management, having been involved in the WS-Notification family of specifications and having co-chaired the OASIS technical committee that standardized them. This post is not about foisting WS-Notification on Cloud APIs, but just about surfacing some of the questions that come up when you try to standardize such a mechanism. While the main use cases for WS-Notification came from IT (and Grid) management, it was supposed to be a generic mechanism. A Cloud-centric eventing protocol can be made simpler by focusing on fewer use cases (Cloud scenarios only). In addition, WS-Notification was marred by the complexity-is-a-sign-of-greatness spirit of the time . On this too, a Cloud eventing protocol could improve things by keeping IBM at bay simplicity in mind.

Types of event

When you pull the state of a resource to see if anything changed,  you don’t have to tell the provider what kind of change you are interested in. If, on the other hand, you want the provider to notify you, then they need to know what you care about. You may not want to be notified on every single change in the resource state. How do you describe the changes you care about? Is there an agreed-upon set of states for the resource and you are only notified on state transitions? Can you indicate the minimum severity level for an event to be emitted? Who determines the severity of an event? Or do you get to specify what fields in the resource state you want to watch? What about numeric values for which you may not want to be notified of every change but only when a threshold is crossed? Do you get to specify a query and get notified whenever the query result changes? In WS-Notification some of this is handled by WS-Topics which I still like conceptually (I co-edited it) but is too complex for the task at hand.

Event formats

What format are the events serialized in? How is the even metadata captured (e.g. time stamp of observation, which may not be the same as the time at which the notification message was sent)? If the event payload is a representation of the new state of the resource, does it indicate what field changes (and what the old value was)? How do you keep event payloads consistent with the resource representation in the request/response interactions? If many events occur near the same time, can you group them in one notification message for better scalability?

Subscription creation

Presumably you need a subscription mechanism. Is the subscription set in stone when the resource is created? Or can you come later and subscribe? If subscription is an operation on the resource itself, how do you subscribe for events on something that doesn’t exist yet (e.g. “create a VM and notify me once it’s started”)? Do you get to set subscriptions on a per-resource-basis? Or is this a global setting for all the resources that you own? Can you have two different subscriptions on the same resource (e.g. a “critical events only” subscription that exist throughout the life of the resource, plus a “lots of events please” subscription that you keep for a few hours while troubleshooting)?

Subscription management

Do you get to come back and update/pause/delete a subscription? Do you get to change what filter the subscription carries? Or is it set in stone until the subscription expires? Can you change the delivery endpoint? What if events fail to be delivered? Does the provider cancel your subscription? After how many failures? Does it just pause it for a few hours? Keep trying?

Subscription expiration

Who sets the expiration period? The subscriber? Can the provider set a max duration? Do you get a warning message before the subscription expires? Can you renew a subscription or do you have to create a new one? Do you get a message telling you that it has expired? Where are these subscription-lifecycle messages sent? To the same endpoint as the regular messages? What if your subscription is being killed because your deliver endpoint is down, clearly it makes no sense to send the warning message to that same endpoint. Do you provide a separate “subscription management” endpoint (different from the event delivery endpoint) when you subscribe? Alternatively, does an email message get sent to the registered user who set the subscription?

Delivery reliability

How reliable do you want the notifications to be? Should the emitter retry until they’ve received a confirmation? How long do they keep messages that can’t be delivered? Some may have a very short shelf life while others are still useful weeks later. If you don’t have a reliable mechanism but you really “need to know about a lost server within a minute of it disappearing” (the example Georges gives) then in reality you may still have to poll just to make sure that an event wasn’t lost. If you haven’t received an event in a while, how can you test if the subscription is still working? Should subscriptions send a heartbeat message once a while?

Delivery mechanism

How do you deliver notifications? Do you keep HTTP connections open through tricks similar to how self-updating web pages work (e.g. COMET, long polling and soon WebSockets)? Or do you just provide a listener endpoint to which the notifier tries to connect (which, in the case of public cloud deployments, means you need to have a publicly-addressable listener, but hopefully not on the same Cloud infrastructure). Do you use XMPP? AMQP? Email? Can I have you hold my events and let me come pull them?


Do you need to verify the origin of the events you receive? Or do you assume they may be forged and always initiate a connection to the provider to double-check? And on the other side, what are the security requirements for event delivery? If a user looses some of their privileges, do you have to go and cancel the still-active subscriptions that they created?


Is there a maximum event rate? Do you get charged for the events the Cloud provider sends you? How do you make sure that someone doesn’t create a subscription pointing to the wrong endpoint (either erroneously or maliciously, e.g. DoS). Do you send a test message at registration asking the delivery endpoint to acknowledge that they indeed want to receive these notifications?


My goal is not to argue that we cannot have a simple yet good enough notification system or to scare anyone from attempting to define it. It’s just to show that it’s not as simple as it may seem at first blush. But there probably is a sweetspot and people like Thorsten and George are very well qualified to find it.

[UPDATED 2010/4/7: Amazon releases AWS Simple notification Service. Not just as an eventing feature for the Cloud API, as a generic notification service. Which can, of course, also carry Cloud management events. Though at this point you’re on your own to publish them from your instances, it doesn’t look like the AWS infrastructure can do it for you. Which means, for example, that you’re not going to be able to publish an event for a sudden crash.]


Filed under API, Application Mgmt, Automation, Cloud Computing, Desired State, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Protocols, Specs, Standards, Tech, Utility computing

Is Business Process Execution the killer app for PaaS?

Have you noticed the slow build-up of business process engines available “as a service”? recently introduced a “Visual Process Manager”. Amazon is looking for product managers to help customers “securely compos[e] processes using capabilities from all parts of their organization as well as those outside their organization, including existing legacy applications, long-running activities, human interactions, cloud services, or even complex processes provided by business partners”. I’ve read somewhere (can’t find a link right now) that WSO2 was planning to make its Business Process Server available as a Cloud service. I haven’t tracked Azure very closely, but I expect AppFabric to soon support a BizTalk-like process engine. And I wouldn’t be surprised if VMWare decided to make an acquisition in the area of business process execution.

Attacking PaaS from the business process angle is counter-intuitive. Rather, isn’t the obvious low-hanging fruit for PaaS a simple synchronous HTTP request handler (e.g. a servlet or its Python, Ruby, etc equivalent)? Which is what Google App Engine (GAE) and Heroku mainly provide. GAE almost defined PaaS as a category in the same way that Amazon EC2 defined IaaS. The expectation that a CGI or servlet-like container naturally precedes a business process engine is also reinforced by the history of middleware stacks. Simple HTTP request-response is the first thing that gets defined (the first version of the servlet package was java.servlet.* since it even predates javax), the first thing that gets standardized (JSR 53: servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2) and the first thing that gets widely commoditized (e.g. Apache Tomcat). Rather than a core part of the middleware stack, business process engines (BPEL and the like) are typically thought of as a more “advanced” or “enterprise” capability, one that come later, as part of the extended middleware stack.

But nothing says it has to be that way. If you think about it a bit longer, there are some reasons why business process execution might actually be a more logical beach head for PaaS  than simple HTTP request handlers.

1) Small contract

Architecturally, the contract between a business process engine and the deployed entities (process definitions) is much smaller than the contract of a GAE-style HTTP handler. Those GAE contracts include an entire programming language and lots of libraries. A BPEL container, on the other hand, has a simple contract. It’s documented in one specification (plus a few dependencies) and offers basic activities like routing logic, message correlation, simple data manipulation, compensation handlers and service invocation. You may not think of BPEL as “simple” but would you rather implement a BPEL engine or a complete Python interpreter along with most of the core libraries? I thought so. That’s what I mean by a simpler (narrower) contract. And BPEL is just one example, I suspect some PaaS platforms will take a more bare-bone approach (e.g. no “scopes”).

Just like “good fences make good neighbors”, small contracts make good Cloud services. When your container only interprets a business process definition (typically an XML document), you don’t need to worry about intercepting/preventing all the nasty low-level APIs (e.g. unfettered network access, filesystem reads, OS calls…) that are not acceptable in a PaaS situation. But that is what Google had to do in the process of pairing down a general-purpose programming language to fit into the constraints of a PaaS container. There is no intrinsic reason why a synchronous HTTP request handler has to have access to image-manipulation libraries and a business process handler doesn’t. But the use cases tend to push you in that direction and the expectations have been set. As a result, a business process engine is architecturally a better candidate for being delivered as a Cloud service.

2) Major differentiator over IaaS-based solutions

Practically speaking, it is pretty easy today to get a (synchronous) Web app framework up and running “in the Cloud”. Provisioning a Django, PHP, RoR or Tomcat (plus the Java framework of your choice) stack on EC2 is a well-traveled path. Even auto-scaling these things is pretty well understood. I am the first one to scream that “here is an AMI of our server stack” is *not* the same as PaaS, but truth be told many people are happy enough with it. As a result, the benefit of going from a “web app on IaaS” situation to GAE-like situation is not perceived as very compelling. I suspect the realization may hit later, but for now people are happy to trade the simplified administration and extra scalability of PaaS for the ability to keep their current framework (MySQL and all) unchanged.

There is no fundamental reason why you can’t run a business process engine on top of an IaaS-provisioned infrastructure. It’s just that you are mostly on your own at this point. Even if you find an existing public AMI that meets your needs, I doubt you’ll find a well-tested way to manage, backup and auto-scale this system (marrying IaaS-level invocations with container-level and DB-level tasks). Or if you do it will probably cost you. In that “new frontier” context, a true PaaS alternative to the “build it on top of IaaS” approach is a lot more compelling than if all you need is yet another RoR-on-EC2 system.

When deciding whether to walk back to your hotel after dinner or take a cab, you don’t just consider the distance. How familiar you are with the neighborhood and how safe it appears are also important parameters.

3) There is an existing market

This may not be obvious to people who come to PaaS from a Web application framework perspective, but there is a large market for business process engines in enterprise integration scenarios. Whether it’s Oracle Fusion Middleware, Microsoft BizTalk, webMethods (now Software AG) or others, this is a very common and useful tool in the enterprise computing toolbox. If this is the market you are after (rather than creating Facebook apps or the next Twitter), then you have to address this need. Not to mention that business processes engines are often used for partner integration scenarios (which makes hosting in a public Cloud a natural choice).


In the end, both synchronous and asynchronous execution engines are useful, as are other core services like storage (here is my proposed list of PaaS container types). I just wanted to bring some attention to business process execution because I think PaaS is the context in which its profile will rise to higher prominence. I also anticipate that this rise will lead to some very interesting progress and innovation in the way these processes are defined, deployed and managed. We haven’t yet seen, in this area, the relentless evolutionary pressure that has shaped today’s synchronous Web application frameworks. Fun times ahead.

[UPDATED 2010/2/18: More information about’s Visual Process Manager.]

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Filed under Application Mgmt, BPEL, BPM, Business Process, Cloud Computing, Everything, Google App Engine, Middleware, PaaS, Portability, Tech, Utility computing

Cloud computing: would you like flexibility with your simplicity?

The recent announcement of the Sun Cloud, and more specifically its API is a good occasion to think about how much simplicity we really want in our datacenter automation mechanisms. The Sun API is very simple and its authors are proud of that fact. Indeed they should be proud of avoiding unneeded complexity. They have probably also kept out (at least so far), some needed complexity.

First, let’s focus on the important part:

It’s not REST that matters, it’s the rest

Most of the comments on the API focus on the fact that it’s RESTful. The authoritative source on this is Tim Bray’s description of the API, which he helped shape. But Tim is very down-to-earth about the reasons to use REST:

Why REST? · It’s a sensible question. The chief virtue of RESTful interfaces is massive scaling. But gimme a break, these are data-center management operations; a typical transaction frequency would be a single-digit number per week, with the single digit often being “0”, and it wouldn’t be surprising if a big multi-cluster staged-boot operation had a latency of minutes. The data-center controls are unlikely to be a bottleneck.

Why, then? Simply because we wanted a bits-on-the-wire interface. APIs, in the general case, suck; and are really hard to make portable. Bits-on-the-wire are ultimately flexible and interoperable. If you’re going to do bits-on-the-wire, Why not use HTTP? And if you’re going to use HTTP, use it right. That’s all.

The use of REST is not a fundamental characteristic of the API. In other words, if this API turns out to be useful I can rewrite it as a SOAP API and it would still be useful. Unless the SOAP API is made purposely complicated, it would only be marginally harder to use, not fundamentally less useful.

In fact, we may find out. If the rumor is confirmed and IBM decides to Tivolify (rather than kill) the Sun Cloud, the whole thing can be refactored as WS-RT/XML/XQuery (and maybe WS-ResourceCatalog) in five days, four of which would be spent capturing, sedating and restraining Tim Bray (and his “spec machete”) with the last one used for coding.

In the case of the Sun Cloud API, REST makes the API simpler in the same way that a keyless system makes a car easier to operate. You don’t have to fumble for they key, but you still need to know to parallel park, change a tire and operate the stereo.

By using REST, the Sun team has kept away some arbitrary complexity (e.g. fine-grained PUT; instead Sun decides what are the two valid sets of input parameters to create a cluster). But that’s only a small percentage of the potential complexity of the system. Not to mention that most developer will use libraries rather than on-the-wire protocols so they won’t see any difference. Instead, the real deal is:

The model

By “the model” I mean both the resource model and the capabilities of the resources. For capabilities, I don’t care whether a virtual machine can be started via an HTTP GET request on a URL that ends with ?control=start, or via a SOAP message with the wsa:Action header set to or via an RPC call to a Start(…) method. I just care that the model includes the capability to start a VM. And the list of states a VM can be in.

Look at a datacenter today. Make an inventory of all the networking equipment, storage, servers, hypervisors, operating systems and infrastructure services that it contains. Consider all the configuration settings of all these resources (as they would be represented in a complete, authoritative and consistent CMDB, that most elusive creature). Add to it all the controls and APIs they expose. That’s a lot of data, even if you don’t consider the applications layer. That’s a few orders of magnitude larger than what the model in the Sun Cloud API can describe. That gap (between our CMDB model and the Sun Cloud model) is what we should look at and analyze. Why are they so far apart? How big is the ideal datacenter automation and virtualization model?

Among other things, these hundreds of configuration settings in your current datacenter are used to optimize deployments. No-one would miss the pain of dealing with the optimizations if they went away, but we would miss the performance benefits they bring. So what replaces them if the model is too simple to support any tweak? Is the infrastructure behind the API auto-optimized, based on actual application patterns? Now that would be real progress towards simplicity and may allow us to rely on an API as simple as the Sun API. But the industry has been trying to do this with little success for a long time. I expect incremental, not radical, progress on this. Alternatively, does Cloud Computing change the economics to the point where performance optimizations through configurations are no longer cost-efficient, where scaling out is the answer? Hard to make this a general statement, considering how difficult it remains for many applications to scale out. And this sounds very SUV-like in these footprint-aware times (we see how well the “stretch the hood and add two cylinders to the engine” approach worked for Detroit).

Sun might very well have this covered under the hood. But I don’t know that I want to assume that they have an auto-optimizing system just because they produced an API that would benefit from having it underneath.

Not to mention that not all configuration tweaks have to do with performance optimization. Some of them are driven by licensing, organizational, risk and compliance considerations. If auto-detecting an application performance profile is hard, try auto-detecting its regulatory requirements.

Complexity with a purpose

The right place to be, between the “omniscient CMDB model” and the “Sun Cloud model” is somewhere in the middle, with a couple of incrementally complex layers. Of course they are so far apart that saying “somewhere in the middle” is a cope-out.  The current level of complexity is very hard to manage by humans (assisted by processes and tools, e.g. ITIL) and impossible to really automate. A lot of the complexity and variability is arbitrary rather than flexibility-inducing. We need to reduce this (all-out standardization is one way, stack integration is another). But the simplicity of the model in the Sun Cloud API is too extreme. Look at Amazon EC2. Everyone lauds the simplicity of the APIs and everyone, in the same breath, asks for more options (different instance types, availability zones, reserved instances…). Amazon (and Sun too, I assume) is taking the eminently rational approach of starting from simple and adding complexity (sorry, flexibility) as needed. That’s great. Just don’t get too enamored with the initial simplicity.

[UPDATED 2009/3/20: James Governor lauds the simplicity of Amazon’s cloud offering.  If I understand him correctly, he sees simplicity as coming not just from “few options” but also from backward compatibility with current app infrastructure. That second part is what William Louth criticizes in his comment below. At the very least I like to keep the two separated: “how intrinsicly simple is it” and “how backward compatible is it” even though both can be seen as providing the benefit of simplicity.]


Filed under Automation, Cloud Computing, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Modeling, REST, Specs, Tech, Utility computing, Virtualization

CMDBf is a lot more and a lot less than you think

The DMTF CMDBf working group has recently published an updated draft of its specification. The final version should follow soon and I don’t expect major changes so now is not a bad time to start thinking about what this baby can do.

Since CMDBf stands for “configuration management database federation”, you might think the obvious answer to the “what can it do” question is “build a federation of configuration management databases”. Except it’s not. Despite its name, CMDBf provides little support for federation unless you take a very loose definition of the term. The specification gives you a query language and a very simple registration interface, with a sprinkle of metadata to improve interoperability. The query language lets you talk to a CMDB to retrieve information on configuration items (CIs) that it knows about. The registration interface lets you keep a CMDB informed of changes to CIs that it may care about. If you want to build on top of this a real federation, one that scales to the type of environment that CMDBs are used for today, you have to go further than what the specification provides. What CMDBf does give you is some amount of integration between CMDBs (at the protocol level at least, not at the model level). It may not sound like much but it is a lot of progress on the current situation and the right incremental step, whether you are aiming for true federation as the end goal or not.

That’s the “a lot less than you think” part. So, what’s the “a lot more than you think” part? Good stuff all around:

CMDBf provides a metamodel that is well-suited for complex IT systems and it provides an elegant graph-oriented query language on top of it. The most convenient representation for an IT system is neither “one big XML document” nor “a sea of nodes and edges”. CMDBf gives you a middle ground: a graph model with XML leaf nodes. So you can precisely model the relationships between your IT elements using explicit relationships (with their own records), but you can also attach a well-understood piece of XML to an item as a record without having to break that XML into a bunch of tiny relationships.

I am pretty sure there are other domains, beyond IT systems, for which this would be useful. It will be interesting to see if the CMDBf specification gets considered outside of its intended scope. But these domains are more likely to end up using RDF/OWL/SPARQL instead. Not everyone has made the leap from XML as a tool to XML as a religion, which made CMDBf necessary for us. But let’s not veer into another rant.

Let’s go back instead to describing how useful CDMBf can be to IT systems management, independently of any “federation” objective. Let me put it this way: if one was to create from scratch a configuration store for IT systems they should strongly consider the CMDBf conceptual model as the base metamodel. And something along the lines of the CMDBf Query (though not necessarily through its XML serialization) as the native query language for it. Most CMDBf implementers of course are not in this situation. Rather than writing the store from scratch they will create a CMDBf wrapper/interface on their current CMDB. And that’s fine too. CMDBf will work well as an interoperability protocol. Putting aside my gripes about XPath overuse, CMDBf strikes a reasonable balance that makes it implementable on top of any back-end technology (relational, XML, RDF, in-memory objects, bags of name-value pairs…). And the query patterns it supports map well to CMDB-to-CMDB integration use cases. But it is underselling it, in my view, to restrict it to this over-the-wire interoperability scenario. CMDBf also provides a very useful foundation for local access to the CMDB. CMDBf graph queries can support powerful visualization of the content of the CMDB. They can support the definition of configuration rules. They can support in-depth inspection of relationships (e.g. fault tree).

And that may jsut be the beginning. It could take three directions after v1:

The first one, as always for a standard, is that it is ignored and becomes irrelevant. I have to reluctantly list this one first, because it is statistically the most likely for a new standard. Especially one that is not a ratification of an existing de facto standard. And one that threatens an important control point for vendors. A slight variation on this scenario is for CMDBf to succeed from a marketing perspective, as a checkmark that most vendors tick, but not as a true technology. This is the “smokescreen” scenario from Mr. Skeptic. One scenario that worries me is that CMDBf could fail because of the poor models of the CMDBs that implement it. If your IT model is not granular enough or if it matches the UI of your application more than the semantics of the IT components, then CMDBf will expose these shortcomings and probably be blamed for them (with bad models, “shoot the messenger” becomes “shoot the protocol”).

The second possible direction is that CMDBf provides enough value in integrating CMDBs that people want more and challenge the group to deliver on the “f” part, federation. That could take the form of a combination of:

  • better integration with other protocols (mostly from the WS-Management family, like WS-Enumeration and WS-Eventing),
  • reconciliation support (here are ways to address it),
  • some model transformations or canonical models,
  • some optimizations in the query mechanism for distributed queries (e.g. data partition rules).

The third possible direction (not exclusive) is for CMDBf to become the basis for a standard rule language for IT models. Yeah, another one (remember SML?). SPIN and SML show us how a generic query language can be used to support configuration rules. I very much like SPIN but it requires adopting RDF as a metamodel, which is a hard sell in XML-land. SML suffers technically from being too reliant on an inappropriate validation tool (XSD) and treating relationships as a second thought rather than an integral part of the model. Which is fine in many areas (EMF does it too), but not, in my view, when modeling IT systems.

If we are not going to use RDF/SPIN then let’s copy them. We can use the CMDBf metamodel (graph-based) where SPIN uses RDF. We can use the CMDBf query language (graph-oriented) where SPIN uses SPARQL. Since CMDBf queries use XPath, we see some commonalities with SML (which uses XPath through Schematron). But in CMDBf XPath is scoped to the leaf nodes of the graph, not the entire model as it is in SML. In other words, SML adds relationship traversal to XPath, while CMDBf adds XPath to its relationship-aware queries. It’s a matter of who’s on top. It sounds academic but it isn’t.

Does the industry really want standardized, re-usable configuration rules? SML/CML seem to say no. The push towards Cloud interop, on the other hand, begs for it. At least if you believe in programming your environment in a way that is partialy declarative rather than entirely procedural.

[UPDATED 2009/3/5: Rob England (a.k.a. Mr. Skeptic as I refer to him above) provides a geek-to-English translation for this post. Neat!]


Filed under CMDB, CMDB Federation, CMDBf, DMTF, Everything, Graph query, IT Systems Mgmt, Mgmt integration, Modeling, RDF, SML, Specs, Standards, Tech, XPath

The datacenter as a programmable entity

This is an exciting time for those who want to shrink the computer. They are having a field day playing with devices powered by Android, the iPhone’s Cocoa, Palm’s new WebOS, Windows Mobile, JavaFX (maybe one day) and, to a lesser extent, the Blackberry.

But times are good too for those who want to go the other way and program larger things rather than smaller ones. If you are interested in thinking about datacenters as a programmable entity, you are in luck: for these long plane trips when you run out of battery, bring a printout of the proceedings of the research meeting organized last year in Cambridge by Microsoft and HP Labs, titled “The Rise and Rise of the Declarative Datacentre”. When you’re back on-line go check the presentations on the site.

And if you liked Paul Anderson’s “Programming the Data Centre” presentation at the Cambridge meeting, you can also read his “Programming the Virtual Infrastructure” slides from LISA 08. More LISA 08 presentations here.

I got the link to Paul Anderson’s second presentation (and maybe also the first one, some time ago) from Steve Loughran, who also adds a few comments, starting with the debate between the declarative and procedural approaches. This question has plenty of down-the-road implications. There is a lot to like about the declarative approach in terms of composition, manageability and more generally as a framework to manage complexity via encapsulation.

A simple analogy for this debate is to think about driving directions. The declarative approach is for me to give you a map with a circle on it showing where my house is and let you find your way. It’s more work for you but it’s also more resilient. The procedural approach is for me to give you a set of turn-by-turn directions, based on where you are coming from. If you miss one turn or if one road happens to be blocked at the time, then you’re in trouble.

That being said, there are enough powerful and useful PowerShell or Puppet scripts out there to give you a pause before discarding procedural approaches. While the declarative (aka “desired state”, “policy-driven” and sometimes “model-based”) approach looks a lot more elegant, at this point in time the real work usually gets done via scripts, deployment procedures or the likes.

In additin to academia, the competition between these approaches is playing out right now between all the companies and products that want to help you automate and manage your cloud deployments (public and/or private): for example, Rightscale scripts (custom scripts and Righscripts, see here and here) versus the more declarative ECML/EDML documents from Elastra. Or the very declarative approach taken by SmartFrog.


Filed under Automation, Cloud Computing, Conference, Desired State, Everything, Grid, Implementation, Research, Tech, Utility computing

Is notification wrapping getting a bum rap?

Looks like the question of whether to wrap SOAP-based notifications is back. Like Gil I prefer to stay away from wrapping notifications but my reasons are somewhat different.

I am not convinced by WSDL-centric arguments one way or the other. Proponents of wrapping say that it gives them a WSDL they can use for creating a generic listener, while opponents say that avoiding wrapping gives them a WSDL that generates useful code (payload-aware). I am not a big fan of WSDL-based code generation, but even if you are going to do it nobody says that you have to do it based on the WSDL document that ships with the specification. You’re free to modify the WSDL any way you want before feeding it to your code generation tool, as long as the result correctly describes the messages. One can write an infinity of WSDL documents for a given set of messages, some more precise and others more high-level (in which you quickly hit an xs:any). So, if the spec gives you a WSDL where the payload is xs:any and you know that in your case the payload is going to be sec:intrusionDetected, feel free to insert that element in the WSDL before running wsdl2java or whatever.

At the end, the question is not about what the WSDL in the specification looks like. The question is simply to what extent you know ahead of time the payload of the events you are going to have to handle. And you’d better know enough about the payload to create whatever logic your event consumer has to apply to the notification. Whether that’s through WSDL or some other mean. If you are not going to apply any payload-dependent logic (“generic sink”) then you don’t need to know anything about the payload. And I don’t see why someone needs a wrapper to create a generic sink.

Rather, what I don’t like about wrapping notifications is that you force them to be handled only as notifications, not as regular SOAP messages. You put them in a separate world and you make it hard for someone to create a service that can be invoked either in a subscription-driven way or in a direct way.

Here is a made-up example: consider a message to indicate that a physical intrusion has been detected in a building. There are many possible consumers for this message (local security staff, private security company, police, sound alarm, the cell phone of the owner, audit log, etc…). There are many possible sources for the message. In some cases, the message does not come from a subscription (e.g. a homeowner calls the security company and the operator enters data in a system that produces the message, or the sensor is hard-coded to sound the alarm). In others, there is a subscription (e.g. a home alarm system allows someone to register phone numbers and email addresses to which to send intrusion alerts). Sometimes something that starts as a subscription-based notification gets forwarded to someone who did not register for anything. It’s a good thing if web services that consume this message do not have to know (if they don’t care) whether this message originated because of a subscription or not. All they need to worry about is that there is a message that they have to respond to (e.g. by dispatching a patrol of clowns with orange lights on their car).

Here is a simpler analogy. Imagine that you have a filter in your email client to move all messages from Joe to a given folder. How much would you like to have to write the rule twice, one for messages that Joe sends to you directly and one for messages that Joe sends to a mailing list to which you are subscribed? Not very much I imagine.

At the same time, most notification systems are aware that they are processing notifications and there may be notification-related data that you’d like to have available in a consistent way (e.g. enough information to manage the subscription that resulted in you receiving this message). That’s fine but you don’t need an intrusive wrapper for this. Just use a SOAP header. It’s out of the way if you don’t care about it and it’s right there if you do (if you want to subject yourself to a two-year-old rant about how the SOAP processing model is unfortunately underutilized, be my guest).

One place where you need some kind of wrapping is when delivering several events at a time (either because you use pull-style retrieval or because you find it more efficient to push them in batches). If that’s what you’re after (and you want to handle it within one SOAP message rather than boxcarring a set of SOAP messages) then go ahead define a wrapper but make it a specialized wrapper that serves this purpose: collecting notifications and properly attaching whatever metadata to each. That’s a real purpose, not some WSDL make-believe.

Another use case is if you apply some transformation to the notification before sending it. Say that instead of returning a large notification you filter it by running an XPath on it and returning a serialization of the resulting node set (assuming you first solve the XPath serialization conundrum). You’d need some kind of wrapper to contain the result and put it in context, but again that should be a specialized wrapper for you filter mechanism. Not a generic wrapper.

It’s been a while since I really thought about this. My recollection may be flawed but I think I was already holding this position in the OASIS WS-Notification technical committee (which completed its work by publishing three standards in October 2006). I remember David Hull making a very eloquent case in the same direction (“wrapping” as policy-advertised option, not a part of the base framework), and strong pushback from IBM. I learned a lot about pub/sub systems from my WS-Notification committee co-chair, IBM’s Peter Niblett (a leading expert on the topic) while working on WS-Notification, but this is one area in which he did not convert me.

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