Category Archives: Microsoft

REST + RDF, finally a practical solution?

The W3C has recently approved the creation of the Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group. The charter contains its official marching orders. Its co-chair Erik Wilde shared his thoughts on the endeavor.

This is good. Back in 2009, I concluded a series of three blog posts on “REST in practice for IT and Cloud management” with:

I hereby conclude my “REST in practice for IT and Cloud management” series, with the intent to eventually start a “Linked Data in practice for IT and Cloud management” series.

I never wrote that later part, because my work took me away from that pursuit and there wasn’t much point writing down ideas which I hadn’t  put to the test. But if this W3C working group is successful, they will give us just that.

That’s a big “if” though. Religious debates and paralyzing disconnects between theorists and practitioners are all-too-common in tech, but REST and Semantic Web (of which RDF is the foundation) are especially vulnerable. Bringing these two together and trying to tame both sets of daemons at the same time is a daring proposition.

On the other hand, there is already a fair amount of relevant real-life experience (e.g. – read Jeni Tennison on the choice of Linked Data). Plus, Erik is a great pick to lead this effort (I haven’t met his co-chair, IBM’s Arnaud Le Hors). And maybe REST and RDF have reached the mythical point where even the trolls are tired and practicality can prevail. One can always dream.

Here are a few different ways to think about this work:

The “REST doesn’t provide interoperability” perspective

RESTful API authors too often think they can make the economy of a metamodel. Or that a format (like XML or JSON) can be used as a metamodel. Or they punt the problem towards defining a multitude of MIME types. This will never buy you interoperability. Stu explained it before. Most problems I see addressed via RESTful APIs, in the IT/Cloud management realm, are modeling problems first and only secondarily protocol/interaction problems. And their failures are failures of modeling. LDP should bring modeling discipline to REST-land.

The “RDF was too much, too soon” perspective

The RDF stack is mired in complexity. By the time people outside of academia had formed a set of modeling requirements that cried for RDF, the Semantic Web community was already deep in the weeds and had overloaded its basic metamodel with enough classification and inference technology to bury its core value as a simple graph-oriented and web-friendly metamodel. What XSD-fever was to making XML seem overly complex, OWL-fever was to RDF. Tenfold.

Everything that the LDP working group is trying to achieve can be achieved today with existing Semantic Web technologies. Technically speaking, no new work is needed. But only a handful of people understand these technologies enough to know what to use and what to ignore, and as such this application doesn’t have a chance to materialize. Which is why the LDP group is needed. But there’s a reason why its starting point document is called a “profile”. No new technology is needed. Only clarity and agreement.

For the record, I like OWL. It may be the technology that most influenced the way I think about modeling. But the predominance of RDFS and OWL (along with ugly serializations) in Semantic Web discussions kept RDF safely out of sight of those in industry who could have used it. Who knows what would have happened if a graph query language (SPARQL) had been prioritized ahead of inference technology (OWL)?

The Cloud API perspective

The scope of the LDP group is much larger than Cloud APIs, but my interest in it is mostly grounded in Cloud API use cases. And I see no reason why the requirements of Cloud APIs would not be 100% relevant to this effort.

What does this mean for the Cloud API debate? Nothing in the short term, but if this group succeeds, the result will probably be the best technical foundation for large parts of the Cloud management landscape. Which doesn’t mean it will be adopted, of course. The LDP timeline calls for completion in 2014. Who knows what the actual end date will be and what the Cloud API situation will be at that point. AWS APIs might be entrenched de-facto standards, or people may be accustomed to using several APIs (via libraries that abstract them away). Or maybe the industry will be clamoring for reunification and LDP will arrive just on time to underpin it. Though the track record is not good for such “reunifications”.

The “ghost of WS-*” perspective

Look at the 16 “technical issues” in the LCD working group charter. I can map each one to the relevant WS-* specification. E.g. see this as it relates to #8. As I’ve argued many times on this blog, the problems that WSMF/WSDM/WS-Mgmt/WS-RA and friends addressed didn’t go away with the demise of these specifications. Here is yet another attempt to tackle them.

The standards politics perspective

Another “fun” part of WS-*, beyond the joy of wrangling with XSD and dealing with multiple versions of foundational specifications, was the politics. Which mostly articulated around IBM and Microsoft. Well, guess what the primary competition to LDP is? OData, from Microsoft. I don’t know what the dynamics will be this time around, Microsoft and IBM alone don’t command nearly as much influence over the Cloud infrastructure landscape as they did over the XML middleware standardization effort.

And that’s just the corporate politics. The politics between standards organizations (and those who make their living in them) can be just as hairy; you can expect that DMTF will fight W3C, and any other organization which steps up, for control of the “Cloud management” stack. Not to mention the usual coo-petition between de facto and de jure organizations.

The “I told you so” perspective

When CMDBf started, I lobbied hard to base it on RDF. I explained that you could use it as just a graph-based metamodel, that you could  ignore the ontology and inference part of the stack. Which is pretty much what LDP is doing today. But I failed to convince the group, so we created our own metamodel (at least we explicitly defined one) and our own graph query language and that became CMDBf v1. Of course it was also SOAP-based.

KISS and markup

In closing, I’ll just make a plea for practicality to drive this effort. It’s OK to break REST orthodoxy. And not everything needs to be in RDF either. An overarching graph model is needed, but the detailed description of the nodes can very well remain in JSON, XML, or whatever format does the job for that node type.

All the best to LDP.


Filed under API, Cloud Computing, CMDB Federation, CMDBf, DMTF, Everything, Graph query, IBM, Linked Data, Microsoft, Modeling, Protocols, Query, RDF, REST, Semantic tech, SPARQL, Specs, Standards, Utility computing, W3C

The necessity of PaaS: Will Microsoft be the Singapore of Cloud Computing?

From ancient Mesopotamia to, more recently, Holland, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore and Korea, the success of many societies has been in part credited to their lack of natural resources. The theory being that it motivated them to rely on human capital, commerce and innovation rather than resource extraction. This approach eventually put them ahead of their better-endowed neighbors.

A similar dynamic may well propel Microsoft ahead in PaaS (Platform as a Service): IaaS with Windows is so painful that it may force Microsoft to focus on PaaS. The motivation is strong to “go up the stack” when the alternative is to cultivate the arid land of Windows-based IaaS.

I should disclose that I work for one of Microsoft’s main competitors, Oracle (though this blog only represents personal opinions), and that I am not an expert Windows system administrator. But I have enough experience to have seen some of the many reasons why Windows feels like a much less IaaS-friendly environment than Linux: e.g. the lack of SSH, the cumbersomeness of RDP, the constraints of the Windows license enforcement system, the Windows update mechanism, the immaturity of scripting, the difficulty of managing Windows from non-Windows machines (despite WS-Management), etc. For a simple illustration, go to EC2 and compare, between a Windows AMI and a Linux AMI, the steps (and time) needed to get from selecting an image to the point where you’re logged in and in control of a VM. And if you think that’s bad, things get even worse when we’re not just talking about a few long-lived Windows server instances in the Cloud but a highly dynamic environment in which all steps have to be automated and repeatable.

I am not saying that there aren’t ways around all this, just like it’s not impossible to grow grapes in Holland. It’s just usually not worth the effort. This recent post by RighScale illustrates both how hard it is but also that it is possible if you’re determined. The question is what benefits you get from Windows guests in IaaS and whether they justify the extra work. And also the additional license fee (while many of the issues are technical, others stem more from Microsoft’s refusal to acknowledge that the OS is a commodity). [Side note: this discussion is about Windows as a guest OS and not about the comparative virtues of Hyper-V, Xen-based hypervisors and VMWare.]

Under the DSI banner, Microsoft has been working for a while on improving the management/automation infrastructure for Windows, with tools like PowerShell (which I like a lot). These efforts pre-date the Cloud wave but definitely help Windows try to hold it own on the IaaS battleground. Still, it’s an uphill battle compared with Linux. So it makes perfect sense for Microsoft to move the battle to PaaS.

Just like commerce and innovation will, in the long term, bring more prosperity than focusing on mining and agriculture, PaaS will, in the long term, yield more benefits than IaaS. Even though it’s harder at first. That’s the good news for Microsoft.

On the other hand, lack of natural resources is not a guarantee of success either (as many poor desertic countries can testify) and Microsoft will have to fight to be successful in PaaS. But the work on Azure and many research efforts, like the “next-generation programming model for the cloud” (codename “Orleans”) that Mary Jo Foley revealed today, indicate that they are taking it very seriously. Their approach is not restricted by a VM-centric vision, which is often tempting for hypervisor and OS vendors. Microsoft’s move to PaaS is also facilitated by the fact that, while system administration and automation may not be a strength, development tools and application platforms are.

The forward-compatible Cloud will soon overshadow the backward-compatible Cloud and I expect Microsoft to play a role in it. They have to.


Filed under Application Mgmt, Automation, Azure, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Linux, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Middleware, Oslo, PaaS, Research, Utility computing, WS-Management

Updates on Microsoft Oslo and “SSH on Windows”

I’ve been tracking the modeling technology previously known as “Microsoft Oslo” with a sympathetic eye for the almost three years since it’s been introduced. I look at it from the perspective of model-driven IT management but the news hadn’t been good on that front lately (except for Douglas Purdy’s encouraging hint).

The prospects got even bleaker today, at least according to the usually-well-informed Mary Jo Foley, who writes: “Multiple contacts of mine are telling me that Microsoft has decided to shelve Quadrant and ‘refocus’ M.” Is “M” the end of the SDM/SML/M model-driven management approach at Microsoft? Or is the “refocus” a hint that M is returning “home” to address IT management use cases? Time (or Doug) will tell…

While we’re talking about Microsoft and IT automation, I have one piece of free advice for the Microsofties: people *really* want to SSH into Windows servers. Here’s how I know. This blog rarely talks about Microsoft but over the course of two successive weekends over a year ago I toyed with ways to remotely manage Windows machines using publicly documented protocols. In effect, showing what to send on the wire (from Linux or any platform) to leverage the SOAP-based management capabilities in recent versions of Windows. To my surprise, these posts (1, 2, 3) still draw a disproportionate amount of traffic. And whenever I look at my httpd logs, I can count on seeing search engine queries related to “windows native ssh” or similar keywords.

If heterogeneous Cloud is something Microsoft cares about they need to better leverage the potential of the PowerShell Remoting Protocol. They can release open-source Python, Java and Ruby client-side libraries. Alternatively, they can drastically simplify the protocol, rather than its current “binary over SOAP” (you read this right) incarnation. Because the poor Kridek who is looking for the “WSDL for WinRM / Remote Powershell” is in for a nasty surprise if he finds it and thinks he’ll get a ready-to-use stub out of it.

That being said, a brave developer willing to suck it up and create such a Python/Ruby/Java library would probably make some people very grateful.


Filed under Application Mgmt, Automation, Everything, Implementation, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Modeling, Oslo, Protocols, SML, SOAP, Specs, Tech, WS-Management

Exclusive! Mark Hurd pulls a Steve Jobs on Microsoft

When Mark Hurd read Steve Job’s rant against Flash (saying, in effect, “we have to tolerate Flash on our desktops/laptops for now but this piece of crap is not going to soil our iPhones, iPads and iPods”) he must have thought “hey, if I can pull one of these stunts maybe I too will have groupies screaming my name when I unveil our tablet”. Sources tell me he is planning to work on this over the weekend and publish it on on Monday. I was able to get hold of an early draft, which an HP staffer (or Mark himself?) left in a beer garden. Here is what Mark Hurd has to say to about Windows for mobile devices:

Thoughts on Windows

HP has a long relationship with Microsoft… [Note from Mark: someone inserts some hypocritical blah blah about how we used to love each other – sure hasn’t been the case since I’ve been here]. Today the two companies still work together to serve their joint customers – HP customers buy a big chunk of Windows licenses – but beyond that there are few joint interests.

I wanted to jot down some of our thoughts on Microsoft’s Windows products so that customers and critics may better understand why we will not use Windows in our phones and tablets. Microsoft will characterize our decision as being primarily business driven – they say we want to taste decent margins for once – but in reality it is based on technology issues. Microsoft will claim that we are a closed system, and that Windows is open, but in fact the opposite is true. Let me explain.

First, there’s “Open”.

Microsoft Windows products are 100% proprietary. They are only available from Microsoft, and Microsoft has sole authority as to their future enhancement, pricing, etc. While Microsoft Windows products are widely available, this does not mean they are open, since they are controlled entirely by Microsoft and available only from Microsoft. By almost any definition, Windows is a closed system.

HP has many proprietary products too. Though the WebOS operating system we’ll use in our phones and tablets is proprietary, we strongly believe that all standards pertaining to the web should be open. Rather than use Windows, HP has adopted HTML5, CSS and JavaScript – all open standards. HP’s mobile devices will all ship with high performance, low power implementations of these open standards. HTML5, the new web standard that has been adopted by HP, Apple, Google and many others, lets web developers create advanced applications without relying on proprietary APIs (like Windows). HTML5 is completely open and controlled by a standards committee.

Second, there’s the “full application ecosystem”.

Microsoft has repeatedly said that HP mobile devices will not be able to access “the full application ecosystem” because 75% of applications are Windows applications. What they don’t say is that almost all these applications are also available in a more modern form, using Web standards and implemented as a service, and usable on HP’s upcoming phones and tablets. Microsoft Office, Outlook, financial software etc all have excellent Web-based alternatives. Users of HP’s phones and tablets won’t be missing many applications.

Third, there’s reliability, security and performance.

Windows has had an awful security records for twenty years. We also know first hand that Windows is the number one reason PCs crash. We have been working with Microsoft to fix these problems, but they have persisted for several years now. We don’t want to reduce the reliability and security of our phones and tablets by using Windows.

In addition, Windows has not performed well on mobile devices. We have routinely asked Microsoft to show us Windows performing well on a mobile device, any mobile device, for a few years now. We have never seen it. Microsoft publicly said that Windows would work well on a device starting with the first Windows CE in 1996. Then came Pocket PC 2000, then Pocket PC 2002, then Windows Mobile 2003, then Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.1 and 6.5, none of which was any good. And now they say it will be with Windows Phone 7. We think it will eventually ship, but we’re glad we didn’t hold our breath. Who knows how it will perform?

Fourth, there’s battery life.

To achieve long battery life, mobile devices must use thin and efficient software and Windows is anything but that. It only runs on power-hungry Intel processors while the same features can be delivered by much smaller and more efficient processors when using WebOS. Not only does the battery last longer, the devices are lighter and don’t leave burn marks on your clothes.

Fifth, there’s Touch.

Windows was designed for PCs using mice, not for touch screens using fingers. For example, many Windows applications have such crappy UI that users depend on tooltips to figure out what a button does. They pop up when the mouse arrow hovers over a specific spot. WebOS revolutionary multi-touch interface doesn’t use a mouse, and there is no concept of a tooltip. Most Windows applications will need to be rewritten to support touch-based devices. If developers need to rewrite their Windows applications, why not use modern technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript?

Even if HP phones and tablets used Windows, it would not solve the problem that most Windows applications need to be rewritten to support touch-based devices.

Sixth, the most important reason.

Besides the fact that Windows is closed and proprietary, has major technical drawbacks, and doesn’t support touch based devices, there is an even more important reason we will not use Windows on our phones and tablets. Windows is an abstraction layer that covers very different underlying hardware.

We know from painful experience that letting a third party layer of software come between the hardware and the developer ultimately results in sub-standard apps and hinders the enhancement and progress of the platform. If developers grow dependent on third party development libraries and tools, they can only take advantage of hardware enhancements if and when the third party chooses to adopt the new features. We cannot be at the mercy of a third party deciding if and when they will make our enhancements available to our developers.

This becomes even worse if the third party is supplying an operating system that runs on hardware from many vendors. The third party may not adopt enhancements from one platform unless they are available on all of their supported platforms. Hence developers only have access to the lowest common denominator set of features. Again, we cannot accept an outcome where developers are blocked from using our innovations and enhancements because they are not available on our competitor’s platforms.

Windows is a multi-hardware abstraction. It is not Microsoft’s goal to help developers write the best application for HP’s phones and tablets. It is their goal to help developers write applications that will run on Windows devices from all hardware manufacturers. [Note from Mark: should I describe how Microsoft has been getting in the way of how our PCs talk to our printers and making a mess of desktop printing for the last 20 years or is this off-topic?]

Our motivation is simple – we want to provide the most advanced and innovative platform to our developers, and we want them to stand directly on the shoulders of this platform and create the best apps the world has ever seen. We want to continually enhance the platform so developers can create even more amazing, powerful, fun and useful applications. Everyone wins – we sell more devices because we have the best apps, developers reach a wider and wider audience and customer base, and users are continually delighted by the best and broadest selection of apps on any platform.


Windows was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice. Windows is a successful business for Microsoft, and we can understand why they want to push it beyond PCs. But the mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open web standards – all areas where Windows falls short.

The avalanche of Web-based applications accessible from Web-enabled mobile devices demonstrates that Windows is no longer necessary to access application functionalities of any kind.

New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too [Note from Mark: maybe I should remove that parenthesis or we’ll give Ballmer a heart attack]). Perhaps Microsoft should focus more on creating a great Web-centric platform for the future, and less on criticizing HP for leaving the past behind.

Mark Hurd
April, 2010

[UPDATED 2010/5/18: I hear echos of “should I describe how Microsoft has been getting in the way of how our PCs talk to our printers and making a mess of desktop printing for the last 20 years or is this off-topic?” in the statements Mark Hurd made during his post-earning analyst call today: “when you look across the HP ecosystem of interconnected devices, it is a large family of devices and we think of printers, you’ve now got a whole series of web connected printers and as they connect to the web, [they] need an OS.” Though I am really puzzled by the next line: “Hurd adds that HP prefers to own the OS to “control the customer experience” as it always has in printing.” HP doesn’t control the customer experience at all in printing, because of Windows. It’s only because we are so used to it that we don’t realize how awful the printing experience is, whether using a connected printer or over the network. Glad to see that they intend to apply the Palm acquisition to this problem too.]

[UPDATED 2010/5/26: According to some, this breakup letter from HP caused a breakup inside Microsoft: The reason Robbie Bach was fired]

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Filed under Everything, HP, Microsoft, Mobile, Off-topic

Steve Ballmer gets Cloud

Steve Ballmer wants devops

Devops? What’s devops? See these articles:


Filed under Cloud Computing, DevOps, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Microsoft, People

Can Cloud standards be saved?

Then: Web services standards

One of the most frustrating aspects of how Web services standards shot themselves in the foot via unchecked complexity is that plenty of people were pointing out the problem as it happened. Mark Baker (to whom I noticed Don Box also paid tribute recently) is the poster child. I remember Tom Jordahl tirelessly arguing for keeping it simple in the WSDL working group. Amberpoint’s Fred Carter did it in WSDM (in the post announcing the recent Amberpoint acquisition, I mentioned that “their engineers brought to the [WSDM] group a unique level of experience and practical-mindedness” but I could have added “… which we, the large companies, mostly ignored.”)

The commonality between all these voices is that they didn’t come from the large companies. Instead they came from the “specialists” (independent contractors and representatives from small, specialized companies). Many of the WS-* debates were fought along alliance lines. Depending on the season it could be “IBM vs. Microsoft”, “IBM+Microsoft vs. Oracle”, “IBM+HP vs. Microsoft+Intel”, etc… They’d battle over one another’s proposal but tacitly agreed to brush off proposals from the smaller players. At least if they contained anything radically different from the content of the submission by the large companies. And simplicity is radical.

Now: Cloud standards

I do not reminisce about the WS-* standards wars just for old time sake or the joy of self-flagellation. I also hope that the current (and very important) wave of standards, related to all things Cloud, can do better than the Web services wave did with regards to involving on-the-ground experts.

Even though I still work for a large company, I’d like to see this fixed for Cloud standards. Not because I am a good guy (though I hope I am), but because I now realize that in the long run this lack of perspective even hurts the large companies themselves. We (and that includes IBM and Microsoft, the ringleaders of the WS-* effort) would be better off now if we had paid more attention then.

Here are two reasons why the necessity to involve and include specialists is even more applicable to Cloud standards than Web services.

First, there are many more individuals (or small companies) today with a lot of practical Cloud experience than there were small players with practical Web services experience when the WS-* standardization started (Shlomo Swidler, Mitch Garnaat, Randy Bias, John M. Willis, Sam Johnston, David Kavanagh, Adrian Cole, Edward M. Goldberg, Eric Hammond, Thorsten von Eicken and Guy Rosen come to mind, though this is nowhere near an exhaustive list). Which means there is even more to gain by ensuring that the Cloud standard process is open to them, should they choose to engage in some form.

Second, there is a transparency problem much larger than with Web services standards. For all their flaws, W3C and OASIS, where most of the WS-* work took place, are relatively transparent. Their processes and IP policies are clear and, most importantly, their mailing list archives are open to the public. DMTF, where VMWare, Fujitsu and others have submitted Cloud specifications, is at the other hand of the transparency spectrum. A few examples of what I mean by that:

  • I can tell you that VMWare and Fujitsu submitted specifications to DMTF, because the two companies each issued a press release to announce it. I can’t tell you which others did (and you can’t read their submissions) because these companies didn’t think it worthy of a press release. And DMTF keeps the submission confidential. That’s why I blogged about the vCloud submission and the Fujitsu submission but couldn’t provide equivalent analysis for the others.
  • The mailing lists of DMTF working groups are confidential. Even a DMTF member cannot see the message archive of a group unless he/she is a member of that specific group. The general public cannot see anything at all. And unless I missed it on the site, they cannot even know what DMTF working groups exist. It makes you wonder whether Dick Cheney decided to call his social club of energy company executives a “Task Force” because he was inspired by the secrecy of the DMTF (“Distributed Management Task Force”). Even when the work is finished and the standard published, the DMTF won’t release the mailing list archive, even though these discussions can be a great reference for people who later use the specification.
  • Working documents are also confidential. Working groups can decide to publish some intermediate work, but this needs to be an explicit decision of the group, then approved by its parent group, and in practice it happens rarely (mileage varies depending on the groups).
  • Even when a document is published, the process to provide feedback from the outside seems designed to thwart any attempt. Or at least that’s what it does in practice. Having blogged a fair amount on technical details of two DMTF standards (CMDBf and WS-Management) I often get questions and comments about these specifications from readers. I encourage them to bring their comments to the group and point them to the official feedback page. Not once have I, as a working group participant, seen the comments come out on the other end of the process.

So let’s recap. People outside of DMTF don’t know what work is going on (even if they happen to know that a working group called “Cloud this” or “Cloud that” has been started, the charter documents and therefore the precise scope and list of deliverables are also confidential). Even if they knew, they couldn’t get to see the work. And even if they did, there is no convenient way for them to provide feedback (which would probably arrive too late anyway). And joining the organization would be quite a selfless act because they then have to pay for the privilege of sharing their expertise while not being included in the real deciding circles anyway (unless there are ready to pony up for the top membership levels). That’s because of the unclear and unstable processes as well as the inordinate influence of board members and officers who all are also company representatives (in W3C, the strong staff balances the influence of the sponsors, in OASIS the bylaws limit arbitrariness by the board members).

What we are missing out on

Many in the standards community have heard me rant on this topic before. What pushed me over the edge and motivated me to write this entry was stumbling on a crystal clear illustration of what we are missing out on. I submit to you this post by Adrian Cole and the follow-up (twice)by Thorsten von Eicken. After spending two days at a face to face meeting of the DMTF Cloud incubator (in an undisclosed location) this week, I’ll just say that these posts illustrate a level of practically and a grounding in real-life Cloud usage that was not evident in all the discussions of the incubator. You don’t see Adrian and Thorsten arguing about the meaning of the word “infrastructure”, do you? I’d love to point you to the DMTF meeting minutes so you can judge for yourself, but by now you should understand why I can’t.

So instead of helping in the forum where big vendors submit their specifications, the specialists (some of them at least) go work in OGF, and produce OCCI (here is the mailing list archive). When Thorsten von Eicken blogs about his experience using Cloud APIs, they welcome the feedback and engage him to look at their work. The OCCI work is nice, but my concern is that we are now going to end up with at least two sets of standard specifications (in addition to the multitude of company-controlled specifications, like the ubiquitous EC2 API). One from the big companies and one from the specialists. And if you think that the simplest, clearest and most practical one will automatically win, well I envy your optimism. Up to a point. I don’t know if one specification will crush the other, if we’ll have a “reconciliation” process, if one is going to be used in “private Clouds” and the other in “public Clouds” or if the conflict will just make both mostly irrelevant. What I do know is that this is not what I want to see happen. Rather, the big vendors (whose imprimatur is needed) and the specialists (whose experience is indispensable) should work together to make the standard technically practical and widely adopted. I don’t care where it happens. I don’t know whether now is the right time or too early. I just know that when the time comes it needs to be done right. And I don’t like the way it’s shaping up at the moment. Well-meaning but toothless efforts like don’t make me feel better.

I know this blog post will be read both by my friends in DMTF and by my friends in Clouderati. I just want them to meet. That could be quite a party.

IBM was on to something when it produced this standards participation policy (which I commented on in a cynical-yet-supportive way – and yes I realize the same cynicism can apply to me). But I haven’t heard of any practical effect of this policy change. Has anyone seen any? Isn’t the Cloud standard wave the right time to translate it into action?

Transparency first

I realize that it takes more than transparency to convince specialists to take a look at what a working group is doing and share their thoughts. Even in a fully transparent situation, specialists will eventually give up if they are stonewalled by process lawyers or just ignored and marginalized (many working group participants have little bandwidth and typically take their cues from the big vendors even in the absence of explicit corporate alignment). And this is hard to fix. Processes serve a purpose. While they can be used against the smaller players, they also in many cases protect them. Plus, for every enlightened specialist who gets discouraged, there is a nutcase who gets neutralized by the need to put up a clear proposal and follow a process. I don’t see a good way to prevent large vendors from using the process to pressure smaller ones if that’s what they intend to do. Let’s at least prevent this from happening unintentionally. Maybe some of my colleagues  from large companies will also ask themselves whether it wouldn’t be to their own benefit to actually help qualified specialists to contribute. Some “positive discrimination” might be in order, to lighten the process burden in some way for those with practical expertise, limited resources, and the willingness to offer some could-otherwise-be-billable hours.

In any case, improving transparency is the simplest, fastest and most obvious step that needs to be taken. Not doing it because it won’t solve everything is like not doing CPR on someone on the pretext that it would only restart his heart but not cure his rheumatism.

What’s at risk if we fail to leverage the huge amount of practical Cloud expertise from smaller players in the standards work? Nothing less than an unpractical set of specifications that will fail to realize the promises of Cloud interoperability. And quite possibly even delay them. We’ve seen it before, haven’t we?

Notice how I haven’t mentioned customers? It’s a typical “feel-good” line in every lament about standards to say that “we need more customer involvement”. It’s true, but the lament is old and hasn’t, in my experience, solved anything. And today’s economical climate makes me even more dubious that direct customer involvement is going to keep us on track for this standardization wave (though I’d love to be proven wrong). Opening the door to on-the-ground-working-with-customers experts with a very neutral and pragmatic perspective has a better chance of success in my mind.

As a point of clarification, I am not asking large companies to pick a few small companies out of their partner ecosystem and give them a 10% discount on their alliance membership fee in exchange for showing up in the standards groups and supporting their friendly sponsor. This is a common trick, used to pack a committee, get the votes and create an impression of overwhelming industry support. Nobody should pick who the specialists are. We should do all we can to encourage them to come. It will be pretty clear who they are when they start to ask pointed questions about the work.

Finally, from the archives, a more humorous look at how various standards bodies compare. And the proof that my complaints about DMTF secrecy aren’t new.


Filed under Cloud Computing, CMDBf, DMTF, Everything, HP, IBM, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Oracle, People, Protocols, Specs, Standards, Utility computing, VMware, W3C, Web services, WS-Management

PaaS as the path to MDA?

Lots of communities think of Cloud Computing as the realization of a vision that they have been pusuing for a while (“sure we didn’t call it Cloud back then but…”). Just ask the Grid folks, the dynamic data center folks (DCML, IBM’s “Autonomic Computing”, HP’s “Adaptive Enterprise”,  Microsoft’s DSI), the ASP community, and those of us who toiled on what was going to be the SOAP-based management stack for all IT (e.g. my HP colleagues and I can selectively quote mentions of “adaptation mechanisms like resource reservation, allocation/de-allocation” and “management as a service” in this WSMF white paper from 2003 to portray WSMF as a precursor to all the Cloud APIs of today).

I thought of another such community today, as I ran into older OMG specifications: the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) community. I have no idea what people in this community actually think of Cloud Computing, but it seems to me that PaaS is a chance to come close to part of their vision. For two reasons: PaaS makes it easier and more rewarding, all at the same time, to practice model-driven design. More bang for less buck.


My understanding of the MDA value proposition is that it would allow you to create a high-level design (at the level of something like an augmented version of UML) and have it automatically turn into executable code (e.g. that can run in a JEE or .NET container). I am probably making it sound more naive than it really is, but not by much. That’s a might wide gap to bridge, for QVT and friends, from UMLish to byte-code and it’s no surprise that the practical benefits of MDA are still to be seen (to put it kindly).

In a PaaS/SaaS world, on the other hand, you are mapping to something that is higher level than byte code. Depending on what types of PaaS containers you envision, some of the abstractions provided by these containers (e.g. business process execution, event processing) are a lot closer to the concepts manipulated in your PIM (Platform-independent model, the UMLish mentioned above). Thus a smaller gap to bridge and a better chance of it being automagical. Especially if you add a few SaaS building blocks to the mix.

More rewarding

Not only should it be easier to map a PIM to a PaaS deployment environments, the benefits you get once you are done are incommensurably greater. Rather than getting a dump of opaque auto-generated byte-code running in a regular JVM/CLR, you get an environments in which the design concepts (actors/services, process, rules, events) and the business model elements are first class citizens of the platform management infrastructure. So that you can monitor and set policies on the same things that you manipulate in you PIM. As opposed to falling down to the lowest common denominator of CPU/memory metrics. Or, god forbid, trying to diagnose/optimize machine-generated code.

We shall see

I wasn’t thinking of Microsoft SQL Server Modeling (previously known as Oslo) when I wrote this, but Doug Purdy’s tweet made the connection for me. And indeed, one can see in SQLSM+Azure the leading candidate today to realizing the MDA vision… minus the OMG MDA specifications.

[Note: I wasn’t planning to blog this, but after I tweeted the basic idea (“Attempting MDA (model-driven architecture) before inventing model-driven deployment and mgmt was hopeless. Now possibly getting there.”) Shlomo requested more details and I got frustrated by the difficulty to explain my point in twitterisms. In effect, this blog entry is just an expanded tweet, not something as intensely believed, fanatically researched and authoritatively supported as my usual blog posts (ah!).]

[UPDATED 2009/12/29: Some relevant presentations from OMG-land, thanks to Jean Bezivin. Though I don’t see mention of any specific plan to use/adapt MOF/XMI/QVT/etc for the Cloud.]


Filed under Application Mgmt, Automation, Azure, BPM, Business Process, Cloud Computing, Everything, Implementation, Microsoft, Middleware, Modeling, Specs, Standards, Utility computing

PaaS as a satisfying and success-ready hobbyist platform

I don’t know anyone in Silicon Valley who can code and doesn’t fantasize about writing an accidental killer app. One that gets designed during a long layover in DEN and implemented in a rainy weekend (El Nino is my VC). One that was only supposed to meet the needs of a few friends and is used by half of the world a few months/years later.

I am not talking about seasoned entrepreneurs, who have a network, discipline, resources and enough experience to know that it takes a lot more than a cool idea. Rather, about programming hobbyists (who may of may not be programmers in their day jobs),

By definition, hobbyists only do things that are satisfying. In the rarefied air of Silicon Valley, it also helps if there is a conceivable “upside” to dream about. Platform as a Service (PaaS, e.g. Google App Engine) provides both to software-oriented hobbyist. And make it very cheap (borderline free), which doesn’t hurt.


In a well-crafted PaaS environment, the development process and the result are both satisfying. I am not a Google shrill, but GAE is a fair example. The barrier to entry is very low (the download is less than 10MB and contains all you need to get started). In an hour you have an application running locally. In an hour and 5 minutes you have it deployed and accessible on the web for all. And yet this ease of bootstrap does not come at the cost of too many longer-term limitations (now that the environment has gown a bit from the original limitations and provides scheduled and background jobs). Unlike Yahoo Pipes, for which the first impression is “nifty!” and the second is “gimme a textual representation of my pipe now!”.

Beyond the easy ramp-up, the main source of satisfaction developing in a PaaS environment is that you spend 99% of your time working on the application. Not the OS, not the firewall, not the application container, not the database. Not to mention having to deal with your co-lo provider or the leased line for the servers in the basement. If you are a hobbyist with only a few spare hours per week, that’s a make or break deal. It also means that you have a fighting chance of developing a secure application because you are responsible for a much smaller surface of attack.

Eons ago (in computing time), Visual Basic was the name of the game for these people. More recent was the rise of PHP. It dramatically lowered the barrier to adoption and provided a quick route to a working web application. I know several non-professional developers (e.g. web designers) who are scared of any “normal” programming language but happily write PHP (often of equivalent complexity BTW). Combine this with the wide availability of ISP-managed PHP environments and you get close to what GAE gives you. At the risk of adding to the annoying trend of retroactively cloudifying everything, I think of ISP-hosted PHP as the first generation of PaaS. But it is focused on “show what’s in the DB” scenarios rather than service-centric / mash-up / web 2.0 integration. And even for DB-centric scenarios, by and large PHP coders don’t want to think too much about model and queries (and it shows). I think Google decided to go with Python rather than the easy route of aping the hosted PHP environments in large part to avoid hitting such ceilings down the road. Not surprisingly, PHP support is currently the most requested GAE feature, ahead of Perl and Ruby. Lets see if Google tries to get the PHP community on board or prefers to stay clear of such PaaS legacy (already!).

Ready for success

In the unlikely event that your application catches fire and sees wide adoption (which is not impossible, especially if well integrated in a social network), what are you going to do about it? Keeping in mind two constraints: first, this is a part-time hobby of yours. Second, don’t dream of riches. We are talking about an influx of facebookers or twitterers here, with no intention to pay for anything. But click they will. If you were going to answer: “I get funding and hire a real IT staff” then think again. You most likely won’t get funding for your toy app without revenue potential. And even if you do, by the time you have it it’s too late and people have moved on because you were not there when the spotlight was on you.

With a PaaS-based application you have a fighting chance. If the spike is short enough, you may not even hit the limit of the free quota. If it does, you have the choice of whether you are willing to pay to support the extra traffic or not. No change in code required (though it may be advised anyway, if your app wasn’t architected for efficient scaling – PaaS doesn’t entirely take this off your hands).

That “sudden spike” story is a commonly-invoked use case for EC2. And it’s probably true for a start-up with an IT staff (of at least one full-time person). But despite Amazon’s efforts (and other providers such as RightScale) this type of scaling is something you have to architect for and putting it in place takes away from the time you spend coding application features. It also means that you are responsible for more infrastructure (OS and application container at least). Not to mention that IaaS providers don’t usually offer free resources for limited usage, the way Google does (I suspect 99% of GAE apps never get over this quota). Even if a small EC2 instance is not very expensive (though it adds up over time if you keep it up for that occasional user), the difference between “free” and “cheap” is significant. As an application provider you’d like for this not to be the case with your users, but as a consumer of infrastructure service you’re on the other side of the deal, aren’t you?

There is a reason why suburbia-bound SUVs are advertised crossing mountain streams. The “I could if I wanted to” line has appeal. For the software hobbyist, knowing that your application won’t crash if it happened to meet success (even if only for a couple of days, e.g. the Slashdot effect) is a good feeling (“I could if *they* wanted to”). In truth this occasion is rare (and likely to end up like this), but you are ready for the eventuality. And if there are enough such hobbyists, then statistically some will encounter it.

The provider’s upside

That last point brings the topic of the PaaS provider’s upside in this. I have read several critical comments arguing that no company will rewrite their application for GAE (true) and that no start-up will write their new code for it either because of the risk of lock-in (also true: “being bought by Google” is not a bad outcome but “has to be bought by Google” is a bad exit strategy). But I think this misses the point of casting such a wide nest and starting with creating a great tool for hobbyists.

After all, Google has made a great business monetizing millions of small sites none of which makes much money by itself. At the very least least this can grow the web and, symbiotically, Google. With  two possible upsides:

  • Some of these hobbyist applications may actually take off and Google becomes their natural partner/godfather (including managing their user accounts). For example, wouldn’t it be nice for Google if Craigslist or Twitter was running on GAE?
  • The platform eventually evolves into something that makes sense for start-ups, SMBs and/or enterprises to use. Google works out the kinks with less demanding users first.

Interesting times

Two closing thoughts, which I’ll leave undeveloped for now:

  • There is an especially good synergy between mobile apps and PaaS. Once you get past the restaurant tip calculators, many mobile apps need a server-hosted sidekick to do the heavy lifting of gathering/storing/transforming data. As a hobbyist, you want to spend most of your time making you mobile app cool. Which leaves even less time for administrating server components. On the server side, you are even less likely to want to deal with anything but application logic. PaaS is especially attractive in these scenarios. Google and Microsoft have to navigate these waters carefully but look for some synergy/integration stories around GAE + Android and Azure + Windows Mobile respectively. Not clear what Apple’s story is here or if they think they need one. If it surfaces as an issue then we have yet another reason to restart the “Apple buys Adobe” rumor. Or maybe Sanjiva will get a middle-of-the-night call from Steve Jobs…
  • A platform to build/run your application is one thing. A way to reach users is another (arguably much more critical). Things like mobile app stores (especially Apple’s of course), Facebook and next generation app stores. But this goes  beyond the scope of this post.

Just to be clear, I am not in any way suggesting that PaaS is only for hobbyists. I am just saying that right now it is a great tool for them, the best way for an individual programmer to have fun and have an impact. This doesn’t take away from the value that PaaS will eventually deliver to larger organizations.

[UPDATED 2009/10/4: Microsoft Azure apparently supports PHP.]


Filed under Cloud Computing, Everything, Google, Google App Engine, Implementation, Mashup, Microsoft, PaaS, Utility computing, WSO2

Thoughts on the “Simple Cloud API”

PHP developers with Cloud aspirations rejoice! Zend has announced a PHP toolkit (called the Simple Cloud API project) to abstract and access application-level Cloud services. This is not just YACA (yet another Cloud API), as there are interesting differences between this and all the other Cloud toolkits out there.

First it’s PHP, which was not covered by the existing toolkits. Considering how many web applications are written in PHP (including the one that serves this very blog) this may seem strange, until you realize that most Cloud toolkits out there are focused on provisioning/managing low-level compute resources of the IaaS kind. Something that is far out of PHP’s sweetspot and much more practically handled with Java, Python, Ruby or some .NET language accessible via PowerShell.

Which takes us to the second, and arguably most interesting, characteristic of this toolkit: it is focused on application-level Cloud services (files, documents and queues for now) rather than infrastructure-level. In other word, it’s the first (to my knowledge) PaaS toolkit.

I also notice that Zend has gotten endorsements from IBM, Microsoft, Nirvanix, Rackspace and GoGrid. The first two especially seem to have impressed InfoWorld. Let’s keep in mind that at this point all we are talking about are canned quotes in a press release. Which rank only above politician campaign promises as predictor of behavior. In any case that can’t be the full extent of IBM and Microsoft’s response to the VMWare/Cisco push on IaaS standards. But it may suggest that their response will move the battlefield to include PaaS, which would be a smart move.

Now for a few more acerbic comments:

  • It has “simple” in its name, like SOAP (as Pete Lacey famously lampooned). In the long term this tends to negatively correlate with simplicity, just like the presence of “democratic” in the official name of a country does not bode well for actual democracy.
  • Please, don’t shorten “Simple Cloud API” to SCA which is already claimed in a (potentially) closely related field.
  • Reuven Cohen is technically correct to see it as “a way to create other higher level programmatic API interfaces such as REST or SOAP using an easy, yet portable PHP programming environment”. But pay attention to how many turtles are on this pile: the native provider API, the adapter to the “simple cloud API”, the SOAP or REST remote API and the consuming application’s native API. How much real isolation are you getting when you build your house on such a wobbly foundation

[UPDATE: Comments from someone in the know:  a programmer working on adding Azure support for this Simple Cloud API project.]


Filed under Application Mgmt, Cloud Computing, Everything, IBM, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Middleware, Open source, Portability, Utility computing

So long Oslo

This post is a farewell to Microsoft’s Oslo project. Not primarily because the name Oslo will be phased out at the next PDC as Doug Purdy reports. More importantly because Doug’s post puts Oslo so far on my back burner that I am unlikely to ever get back to it.

I have mostly been tracking Oslo (the modeling part of it, i.e. the “D” and then “M” stacks and associated tools) from the point of view of its applicability to IT management and Microsoft’s DSI effort. That made sense at first and I found some encouragements in this direction by (see the partial transcript of David Chappell’s video). But from the start there were also many signs of a very different vision for Oslo, as a software development tool with only a peripheral relationship to IT management.

As time went by it became clear that that vision was the real one and Doug’s announcement that Microsoft will “merge the Data Programmability team (EDM, EF, Astoria, XML, ADO.NET, and tools/designers) and the Oslo team (Quadrant, Repository, M) together” is the final confirmation.

M is still a very interesting piece of technology and I’d like to keep track of it, but it’s now too far removed from my focus area for me to justify paying much attention to it in the foreseeable future. Good luck to the team.

In the meantime, this brings back the question of what’s the current modeling story in the System Center team. SDM? SML? Some M-based replacement? Back to CIM? I am just asking because they had been a lot more public and proactive on this than other management vendors, but this has stopped abruptly.

[UPDATED 2009/8/28: Doug responded with enough of a teaser (“some things coming out of incubation in the management space”) to give me a justification to keep at least an eye on Oslo. At the very least I’ll keep monitoring his blog, waiting for this DSI link to emerge.]


Filed under Everything, Microsoft, Modeling, Oslo

File upload/download and remote program execution using WS-Management – a practical solution

The previous blog post described a way to upload and (in theory at least) download text files to/from a remote Windows machine using WS-Management. In practice, the applicability of the method is  limited for upload (text files only, slow for large files) and almost nonexistent for download. Here is a much improved version.

This is another example of something that was too obvious for me to see last weekend when I was in the thick of fighting with WS-Management SOAP messages and learning about WMI classes. It just took a day of not thinking about it to have the solution pop in my mind: use ftp.exe. For the longest time (at least since Windows NT) Windows has been shipping with this FTP client. And the documentation shows that you can call it from the command line and provide it with the name of a text file containing the commands to execute. Bingo.

Specifically, here are the steps. Let’s say that I want to run a program called task.exe on a remote Windows machine and that program takes a large binary file (data.bin) as input. I want to transfer both to the remote machine and then run the program. This can be done in 3 simple steps:

Step 1: upload the FTP command file to the remote Windows machine. The content of the command file is below. is the name of the machine from which the two files can be retrieved over FTP. I use anonymous FTP here, but you could just as well provide a username and password.

get task.exe
get data.bin

Step 2: execute the FTP commands above. This downloads task.exe and data.bin from onto the remote Windows machine.

Step 3: execute the program on the remote Windows machine (“task.exe data.bin”).

Here are the on-the-wire messages corresponding to each step:

Step 1: upload the FTP command file to the remote Windows machine

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""
    <w:ResourceURI s:mustUnderstand="true"> </w:ResourceURI>
    <a:Address s:mustUnderstand="true"></a:Address>
    <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="true"></a:Action>
    <p:Create_INPUT xmlns:p="">
      <p:CommandLine>cmd /c echo open>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo
      anonymous>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo binary>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo get
      task.exe>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo get data.bin>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo

As before, you need to set the Content-Type HTTP header to “application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8” (or UTF-16).

Step 2: execute the FTP commands to download the files from your server

It’s the same message, except the <p:CommandLine> element now has this value:

<p:CommandLine>ftp -s:ftpscript</p:CommandLine>

Step 3: execute the task.exe program on the remote Windows machine

Again, the same message except that the command line is simply:

<p:CommandLine>C:datawinrm-testtask.exe data.bin</p:CommandLine>

Note that I have broken this down in three messages for clarity, but you can easily bundle all three steps in one SOAP message. Just use this command line:

<p:CommandLine>cmd /c echo open>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo
anonymous>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo binary>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo get
task.exe>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo get data.bin>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;echo
quit>>ftpscript&amp;&amp;ftp -s:ftpscript&amp;&amp;C:datawinrm-testtask.exe

Of course this can also be used in reverse, to download files from the remote Windows machine rather than upload files to it. Just use PUT or MPUT as FTP commands instead of GET or MGET.

This mechanism is a major improvement, for many use cases, over what I originally described. I feel a bit like someone who just changed a flat tire by loosening the lug nuts with his teeth and then found the lug wrench under the spare tire.


Filed under Everything, Implementation, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Microsoft, Portability, SOAP, Standards, WS-Management

Uploading a file to a Windows machine via WMI/WS-Management

[UPDATED 2009/6/30: Check the following post for a more practical solution.]

Here is a simple way to upload a text (i.e. not binary) file to a Windows machine. Because my interest is to be able to do it from any platform, I investigated the use of WS-Management. But the method relies on invoking WMI methods over WS-Management, so I don’t see why it would not also work in a straight WMI scenario if you prefer.

I am not a Windows management expert, so there may be a much better way to do this (e.g. BITS). But if what you’re after is the simplest possible way to drop a file on a Windows machine it from a non-Windows machine, it doesn’t get much simpler than sending an XML doc over HTTP and calling it a day. Here is how.

The easiest would be if the CIM_DataFile WMI class had a “create” method to create a new file. It doesn’t. But Win32_Process does. Invoking this method creates a new process and you get to specify the command line to execute. All you need to do is come up with a command line that invokes a program that will create the file that you want to upload.

There may be alternatives, but the command line I came up with for this purpose uses the “cmd.exe” interpreter (the Windows command-line shell). By using the “/c” option, you can invoke this interpreter with its instructions as parameters directly on the command line (it gets a bit confusing because we have two “command lines” here, the one that is used to launch the “cmd.exe” shell and the one that is presented inside the “cmd.exe” shell).

Anyway, if you type the following line inside the “start/run” field in Windows

cmd /c echo 1st line > test1.txt

It will have the same effect as opening a command shell, typing “echo 1st line > test1.txt” in it and the closing it. It creates a new file called “test1.txt” with one line of content (“1st line”). If you want a second line, you can do this by adding a second command that uses “>>” (append) instead of “>”. And the two commands can be joined by “&&” to invoke them in one pass. So to create a file with three lines, we’d execute:

cmd /c echo 1st line > test1.txt && echo 2nd line >> test1.txt
&& echo 3rd line >> test1.txt

Now all we have to do is package this in a WS-Management SOAP message and post it to the WS-Management listener of the Windows machine. In the process, we have to escape the “&” in the command line to “&amp;” because of XML syntax rules. The resulting message looks like:

<w:ResourceURI s:mustUnderstand="true">
<a:Address s:mustUnderstand="true">
<a:Action s:mustUnderstand="true">
<p:CommandLine>cmd /c echo 1st line > test1.txt &amp;&amp; echo 2nd line >>
  test1.txt &amp;&amp; echo 3rd line >> test1.txt</p:CommandLine>

You don’t even need a WS-Management toolkit to do this as the only WS-Management header is w:ResourceURI which can easily be set manually. You don’t need a WS-Addressing library either as all the headers are also static (except for the MessageID even though nobody will care in practice if you always send the same value; I hereby authorize you to re-use the one in my example as much as you want). As a side note, this is yet another illustration of how useless this header (and more generally WS-Addressing) is in 95% of the case. And yet the Microsoft WS-Management implementation (like many others) will make a point to fault if you don’t send it. But ranting against WS-Addressing is a topic for another day (look for a future post titled “WS-IfInteroperabilityWasEasyItWouldNotBeFunWouldIt”).

I should mention that you want to set the Content-Type HTTP header to “application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8” for this message. Or UTF-16 if that’s what you’re sending.

A few comments:

  • This obviously only works for character-based files, not binaries
  • I’ve noticed that the parsing of the wsa:Action header is pretty minimalistic. The Microsoft implementation seems to just pick up the text behind the last “/”. So you can type send “blahblah/Create” and it works just as well as the correct value, “” (it knows what class to apply the operation on from the Resource URI). Interestingly, there is only one URL ending in “/Create” that doesn’t work and it’s the WS-Transfer “Create” operation (“”). That’s because the “Create” operation invoked in the message above is not the WS-Transfer “Create” operation but rather the homonymous operation on the WMI class.
  • Using the “/k” modifier on “cmd” in the command line (instead of “/c”) would also work, but the command shell would stay alive after returning so over time you’d have quite a few of them hanging out and using up memory on the remote machine. Not a good move.
  • As part of this exercise, I noticed an error in the MSDN page describing the “invoke” method of Win32_Process. In the SOAP body, the URI for the “p” namespace prefix uses “…/cim/…” instead of “…/cimv2/…”, which caused my first attempts to fail.

If the file you want to upload is large, you can break the upload over several successive messages similar to the one above. As long as you use the same file name and use “>>” instead of “>” you’ll keep appending to the end of the file until it’s complete.

Of course this could be any type of text file, including XML (watch for the character-escaping rules though, both for XML and for “cmd” as you have to apply them in the right sequence). Even better, it could be a Python, Perl or PowerShell script too. And in that case (assuming the corresponding interpreter is installed on the machine) you can use the same mechanism to also invoke the script for execution. So that you use this WS-Management interface just to bootstrap into a more comfortable remote-control mechanism.

The next logical question (for extra credit) is whether WS-Management can be used to read files remotely instead of writing them. In theory yes, though in practice you’re much better off with alternate solutions, like the remote shell extension to WS-Management that I have described as “dumb SSH” previously.

But since you ask, here is the theory. My first attempt was to do a WS-Management “Get” (the Get operation from WS-Transfer) on an instance of CIM_DataFile (using the “Name” selector and setting it to “C:datawinrm-testtest1.txt”). But this returns the properties of the file rather than its content. Whether this is kosher is an interesting theoretical question to ponder from a REST-beard-stroking perspective, but it’s useless for my file retrieval purpose. As before, one solution is to use the magical Win32_Process “Create” method to overcome the shortcomings of the CIM_DataFile class. The windows command shell “type” command can be used to display the content of a text file. But the WMI Win32_Process “create” operation that we use here only returns the processId and a result code, not the stdout stream (unlike the remote shell protocol that I mentioned above). We cannot therefore use it directly to return the output of the “type” command over the wire.

The solution is to use one Win32_Process “create” operation over WS-Management to write the content of the file in a place where a subsequent WS-Management opeation can read it. I can think of two examples off the top of my head: directory names and environment variables.

Here is how you’d do it with directory names. The following command takes the test1.txt file, reads it and creates nested subdirectories, one for each line in the input file. The name of the directory is the content of the corresponding line in the file.

for /f "delims=" %I in (test1.txt) do @mkdir "%I" && cd "%I"

For example, if the file content is

1st line
2nd line
3rd line

The command will generate the following three subdirectories:

1st line
  |_ 2nd line
      |_ 3rd line

What’s the point? You can use WS-Management enumeration to retrieve the names of all directories (using the Win32_Directory WMI class). Now that may be a bit overwhelming, so you want to add a WS-Enumeration filter to your WS-Management request. The Microsoft WS-Management implementation supports the WQL filter syntax that lets you do just that.

BTW, you can presumably do the same thing with files, but directories by their nesting make it easy to read the lines in the order in which their appear in the file. Though you’d quickly run into path length limitations (and characters that are not valid in file/directory names).

A slightly more robust approach may be to set each line of the file in an environment variable (again via the “for”, and using “set” after the “do”). You can then read these environment variables over WS-Management by doing a WS-Transfer Get on the Win32_Environment WMI class. Unlike CIM_DataFile (for which Get only return properties, not the content), a Get on Win32_Environment includes the value of the environment variable as one of the properties. The pragmatic reasons for this dichotomy are obvious, but the architectural consequences will give a headache to anyone who still has any illusion that WS-Transfer has anything to do with REST.

As a side note, the “for” instruction can keep no more than 52 variables at a time, so if your file has more than 52 lines you’d have to send successive WS-Management requests and add a “skip” option to the “for” operation on subsequent requests (“skip=52”, “skip=104”, etc…). Again, practicality isn’t much of a concern here, we’re just playing with theory (Ed: “we”? how many people do you expect will still be reading at this point?).

That’s it for today’s episod of “Windows management for the on-the-wire-protocol guy”. Maybe next weekend I’ll take some time to look more into the remote shell over WS-Management protocol extention and how it can be misued/abused.

[UPDATE: The next post describes a more practical approach.]


Filed under DMTF, Everything, Implementation, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Microsoft, SOAP header, Specs, Standards, WS-Management

Whose ******* idea was this?

My last two entries have been uncharacteristically Microsoft-friendly, so it’s time to restore some balance. Coincidentally, I just noticed the latest “alertbox” entry by Jakob Nielsen, about putting an end to password masking (the ******* that appears when you type a password). I actually disagree with Nielsen on this (it’s not just about shoulder-surfing, who hasn’t had to enter a password while sharing their desktop via a projector or a webex-like conference service; plus I either know my password very well or I paste it directly from a password management tool, either way the lack of visual feedback doesn’t bother me).

But, and this is where the Microsoft-bashing starts, there is one area where password-masking is inane: wifi keys. Unlike passwords, these are never things that you have picked yourself, so they are harder to type, often hexadecimal (the one I chose, for my home network, I never have to type).  And where do we do this? Either in a meeting room, where the key is written on the white board, or in a dentist waiting room, where it is pinned on the wall. In almost all cases, everyone in the room has access to the key. And if it is not on a wall, then it is on a piece of paper that’s right next to my computer and easier to snoop from. Masking this field, as Windows XP does, is plain stupid.

But stupidity turns into depravity and sadism when they force you to type it twice. I understand the reason for entering passwords twice when you initially set them in the system (accidentally entering a different password than what you intended can be trouble). But not when you provide them as a user requesting access (accidentally entering the wrong password just means you have to try again). So why does Windows insist on this? In the best case (I enter the key correctly twice) I’ve had to do double work for the same result. In the worst case (at least one is mistyped) I am in no better situation than if there was only one field but I have done twice the work. And this worst case is twice as likely to happen, since I have twice the opportunity to foul-up.

When confronted with this, I usually type the key in a regular text box (e.g. the search box in Firefox) and copy-paste from there to both fields in the Windows dialog box. But I shouldn’t have to.

While I am at it, do you also want to read what I think about the practice, initiated by MS Word as far as I can tell, to include formatting in copy/paste by default? And how deep you have to go in the “paste special” menu to get the obviously superior behavior (unformatted text)? Not really? Ok, I’ll save that for a future rant. Let’s just say that this idea must have come from a relative of the Windows wifi-key-screen moron. Just give me their names and I’ll be the arm of Darwinism.

[UPDATED 2009/6/26: Bruce Schneier agrees with Jakob Nielsen. So this is an issue at the confluence of security and usability on which both security guru Schneier and usability guru Nielsen are wrong. Gurus can’t always be right, but what’s the chance of them being wrong at the same time?]


Filed under Everything, Microsoft, Off-topic

Native “SSH” on Windows via WS-Management

Did you know that you can now SSH to a Windows machine over WS-Management and its is a documented protocol that can be implemented from any platform and programming language? This is big news to me and I am surprised that, as management protocol geek, I hadn’t heard about it until I started to search MSDN for a related but much smaller feature (file transfer over WS-Management).

OK, so it’s not exactly SSH but it is a remote shell. In fact it comes in two flavors, which I think of as “dumb SSH” and “super SSH”.

Dumb SSH

Dumb SSH is the ability to remotely run a DOS-like command shell over WS-Management. Anyone who has had to use the Windows command shell as a scripting language ersatz understands why I call it “dumb”. I expect that even in Microsoft most would agree (otherwise why would they have created PowerShell?).

Still, you can do quite a few basic things using the Windows command shell and being able to do them remotely is not something to sneer at if you’re building a management product. If you’re interested, you need to read MS-WSMV, the WS-Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista specification (available here as a PDF). By the name of the specification, I expected a laundry list of tweaks that the WS-Management and WS-CIM implementation in Vista makes on top of the standards (e.g. proprietary extensions, default values, unsupported features, etc). And there is plenty of that, in sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. The kind of “this is my way” decisions that you’d come to expect from Microsoft on implementing standards. A bit frustrating when you know that they pretty much wrote the standard but at least it’s well documented. Plus, being one of those that forced a few changes in WS-Management between the Microsoft submission and the DMTF standard (under laments from Microsoft that “it’s too late to change Longhorn”) I am not really in position to complain that “Longhorn” (now Vista) indeed deviates from the standard.

But then we get to section 3.4 and we enter a new realm. These are not tweaks to WS-Management anymore. It’s a stateful tunneling protocol going over WS-Management, complete with base-64-encoded streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) and signals. It gives you all you need to run a remote command shell over WS-Management. In addition to the base Windows command shell, it also supports “custom remote shells”, which lets you leverage the tunneling mechanism for another protocol than the one made of Windows shell commands. For example, you could build an HTTP emulation over this on top of which you could run WS-Management on top of which… you know where this is going, don’t you?

A more serious example of such a “custom remote shell” is PowerShell, which takes us to…

Super SSH

Imagine SSH with the guarantee that the shell that you log into on the other side was a Python interpreter, complete with full access to the server’s management API. I think that would qualify as “super SSH”, at least for IT management purposes (no so exciting if all you want to do is check your email with mutt). This is equivalent to what you get when the remote shell invoked over WS-Management (or rather WS-Management plus Vista extensions described above) is PowerShell instead of the the Windows command shell. I have always liked PowerShell but it hasn’t really be all that relevant to me (other than as a design study) because of its ties to the Windows platform. Now, thanks to MS-PSRP, the PowerShell Remoting Protocol specification (PDF here) we are only a good Java (or Python, or Ruby) library away from being able to invoke PowerShell commands from any language, anywhere.

I have criticized over-reliance on libraries to shield developers from XML for task that really would be much better handled by simply learning to use XML. But in this case we really need a library because there is quite a bit of work involved in this protocol, most of which has nothing to do with XML. We have to fragment/defragment packets, compress/decompress messages, not to mention the security aspects. At this point you may question what the value of doing all this on top of WS-Management is, for which I respectfully redirect you to your local Microsoft technology evangelist, MVP or, in last resort, sales representative.

Even if PowerShell is not your scripting language of choice, you can at least use it to create a bootstrap mechanism that will install whatever execution engine you want (e.g. Ruby) and download scripts from your management server. At which point you can sign out of PowerShell. For some reason, I get the feeling that we just got one step closer to Puppet managing Windows machines.

A few closing comments

First, while the MS-WSMV part that lets you run a basic command shell seems already available (Vista SP1, Win2K3R2, Win2K8, etc), the PowerShell part is a lot greener. The MS-PSRP specification is marked “preliminary” and the supported platform list only contains Windows 7 and Win2K8R2. Nevertheless, the word from Microsoft is that they have the intention to make this available on XP and above shortly after Windows 7 comes out. Let’s hope this is the case, otherwise this technology will remain largely irrelevant for years to come.

The other caveat comes from the standard angle. In this post, I only concern myself with the technical aspects. If you want to implement these specifications you have to also take into account that they are proprietary specifications with no IP grant (“Microsoft has patents that may cover your implementations of the technologies described in the Open Specifications. Neither this notice nor Microsoft’s delivery of the documentation grants any licenses under those or any other Microsoft patents”) and fully controlled by Microsoft (who could radically change or kill them tomorrow). As to whether Microsoft plans to eventually standardize them, I would again refer you to your friendly local Microsoft representative. I can just predict, based on the content of the specification, that it would make for some interesting debates in the DMTF (or wherever they may go).

This is a big step towards the citizenship of Windows machines in an automated datacenter (and, incidentally, an endorsement for the “these scripts have to grow up” approach to automation). As Windows comes to parity with Unix in remote scripting abilities, the only question remaining (well, in addition to the pesky license) will be “why another mechanism”. Which could be solved either via standardization of MS-PSRP, de-facto adoption (PowerShell on Suse Linux is only one Microsoft-to-Novell check away) or simply using PowerShell as just a bootstrapping mechanism for Puppet or others, as mentioned above.

[UPDATE: On a related topic, these two posts describe ways to transfer files over WS-Management.]


Filed under Automation, DMTF, Everything, Implementation, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Portability, Specs, Standards, WS-Management

With M (Oslo), is Microsoft on the path to reinventing RDF?

I have given up, at least for now, on understanding what Microsoft wants Oslo (and more specifically the “M” part) to be. I used to pull my hair reading inconsistent articles and interviews about what M tries to be (graphical programming! DSL! IT models! generic parser! application components! workflow! SOA framework! generic data layer! SQL/T-SQL for dummies! JSON replacement! all of the above!). Douglas Purdy makes a valiant 4-part effort (1, 2, 3, 4) but it’s still not crisp enough for my small brain. Even David Chapell, explainer extraordinaire, seems to throw up his hands (“a modeling platform that can be applied in lots of different ways”, which BTW is the most exact, if vague, description I’ve heard). Rather than articles, I now mainly look at the base specifications and technical documents that show what it actually is. That’s what I did  when the Oslo SDK first came out last year. A new technical document came out recently, an update to the MGraph Object Model so I took another a look.

And it turns out that MGraph is… RDF. Or rather, “RDF minus entailment”. And with turtle as the base representation rather than an add-on.

Look at section 3 (“RDF concepts”) in this table of content from W3C. It describes the core RDF concepts. Keep the first five concepts (sections 3.1 to 3.5) and drop the last one (“3.6: Entailment”). You have MGraph, a graph-oriented object model.

On top of this, the RDF community adds reasoning capabilities with RDF entailment, RDFS, OWL, SWRL, SPIN, etc and a variety of engines that implement these different levels of reasoning.

Microsoft, on the other hand, seems to ignore that direction. Instead, it focuses on creating a good mapping from this graph object model to programming languages. In two directions:

  • from programming languages to the graph model: they make it easy for you to create a domain-specific language (DSL) that can easily be turned into M instances.
  • from the graph model to programming languages: they make it easy for you to work on these M instances (including storing them) using the .NET technology stack.

So, if Microsoft is indeed reinventing RDF as the title of this entry provocatively suggests, then they are taking an interesting detour on the way. Rather than going straight to “model-based inferencing”, they are first focusing on mapping the core MGraph concepts to programming (by regular developers) and user interactions (with regular users). Something that for a long time had not gotten much attention in the RDF world beyond pointing developers to Jena (though it seemed to have improved over the last few years with companies like TopQuadrant; ironically, the Oslo model browser/editor is code-named “Quadrant”).

Whether the Oslo team sees the inferencing fun as a later addition or something that’s not needed is another question, on which I don’t see any hint at this point.

I hope they eventually get to it. But I like the fact that they cleanly separate the ability to represent and manipulate the graph model from the question of whether instances can be inferred. We could use such a reusable graph representation mechanism. Did CMDBf, for example, really have to create a new graph-oriented metamodel and query language? I failed to convince the group to adopt RDF/SPARQL, but I may have been more successful if there had been a cleanly-separated “static” version of RDF/SPARQL, a way to represent and query a graph independently of whether the edges and nodes in the graph (and their types) are declared or inferred. Instead, the RDF stack has entailment deeply embedded and that’s very scary to many.

But as much as I like this separation, I can’t help squirming when I see the first example in the MGraph document:

// Populate a small village with some people
Villagers => {
  Jenn => Person { Name => 'Jennifer', Age => 28, Spouse => Rich },
  Rich => Person { Name => 'Richard', Age => 26, Spouse => Jenn },
  Charly => Person { Name => 'Charlotte', Age => 12 }
HaveSpouses => { Villagers.Rich, Villagers.Jenn }

That last line is an eyesore to anyone who has been anywhere near RDF. I have just declared that Rich and Jenn are one another’s spouse, why do I have to add a line that says that they have spouses? What I want is to say that participation in a “Spouse” relationship entails membership in the “hasSpouse” class. And BTW, I also want to mark the “Spouse” relationship as symmetric so I only have to declare it one way and the inverse can be inferred.

So maybe I don’t really know what I want on this. I want the graph model to be separated from the inference logic and yet I want the syntactic simplicity that derives from base entailments like the example above. Is June too early to start a Christmas wish list?

While I am at it, can we please stop putting people’s ages in the model rather than their dates of birth? I know it’s just an example, but I see it over and over in so many modeling examples. And it’s so wrong in 99% of cases. It just hurts.

There are other things about MGraph edges that look strange if you are used to RDF. For example, edges can be labeled or not, as illustrated on this first example of the graph model:

In this example, “Age” is a labeled edge that points to the atomic node “42”, while the credit score is modeled as a non-atomic node linked from the person via an unlabeled edge. Presumably the “credit score” node is also linked to an atomic node (not shown) that contains the actual score value (e.g. “800”). I can see why one would want to call out the credit score as a node rather than having an edge (labeled “credit score”) that goes to an atomic node containing the actual credit score value (similar to how “age” is handled). For one thing, you may want to attach additional data to that “credit score” node (when was it calculated, which reporting agency provided it, etc) so it helps to have it be a node. But making this edge unlabeled worries me. Originally you may only think of one possible relationship type between a person and a credit score (the person has a credit score). But other may pop up further down the road, e.g. the person could be a loan agent who orders the credit score but the score is about a customer. So now you create a new edge label (“orders”) to link the loan agent person to the credit score. But what happens to all the code that was written previously and navigates the relationship from the person to the score with the expectation that the score is about the person. Do you think that code was careful to only navigate “unlabeled” edges? Unlikely. Most likely it just grabbed whatever credit score was linked to the person. If that code is applied to a person who happens to also be a loan agent, it might well grab a credit score about other people which happened to be ordered by the loan agent. These unlabeled edges remind me of the practice of not bothering with a “version” field in the first version of your work because, hey, there is only one version so far.

The restriction that a node can have at most one edge with a given label coming out of it is another one that puzzles me. Though it may explain why an unlabeled edge is used for the credit score (since you can get several credit scores for the same person, if you ask different rating agencies). But if unlabeled edges are just a way to free yourself from this restriction then it would be better to remove the restriction rather than work around it. Let’s take the “Spouse” label as an example. For one thing in some countries/cultures having more than one such edge might be possible. And having several ex-spouses is possible in many places. Why would the “ex-spouse” relationship have to be defined differently from “spouse”? What about children? How is this modeled? Would we be forced to have a chain of edges from parent to 1st child to next sibling to next sibling, etc? Good luck dealing with half-siblings. And my model may not care so much about capturing the order (especially if the date of birth is already captured anyway). This reminds me of how most XML document formats force element order in places where it is not semantically meaningful, just because of XSD’s bias towards “sequence”.

Having started this entry by declaring that I don’t understand what M tries to be, I really shouldn’t be criticizing its design choices. The “weird” aspects I point out are only weird in the context of a certain usage but they may make perfect sense in the usage that the Oslo team has in mind. So I’ll stop here. The bottom line is that there are traces, in M, of a nice, reusable, graph-oriented data model with strong bridges (in both directions) to programming languages and user interfaces. That is appealing to me. There are also some strange restrictions that puzzle me. We’ll see where this goes (hopefully this article, “Designing Domains and Models Using M” will soon contain more than “to be submitted” and I can better understand the M approach). In any case, kuddos to the team for being so open about their work and the evolution of their design.


Filed under Application Mgmt, Articles, Everything, Graph query, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Modeling, RDF, Semantic tech

Interesting links

A few interesting links I noticed tonight.

HP Delivers Industry-first Management Capabilities for Microsoft System Center

That’s not going to improve the relationship between the Insight Control group (part of the server hardware group, of Compaq heritage) and the BTO group (part of HP Software, of HP heritage plus many acquisitions) in HP.  The Microsoft relationship was already a point of tension when they were still called SIM and OpenView, respectively.

CA Acquires Cassatt

Constructive destruction at work.

Setting up a load-balanced Oracle Weblogic cluster in Amazon EC2

It’s got to become easier, whether Oracle or somebody else does it. In the meantime, this is a good reference.

[UPDATED 2009/07/12: If you liked the “WebLogic on EC2” article, check out the follow-up: “Full Weblogic Load-Balancing in EC2 with Amazon ELB”.]

Full Weblogic Load-Balancing in EC2 with Amazon ELB

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Filed under Amazon, Application Mgmt, Automation, CA, Cloud Computing, Everything, HP, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Middleware, Oracle, Utility computing, Virtualization

Manifesto hyperventilation

The Cloud Manifesto debacle of the last few days is another sign of the landgrab atmosphere in the Cloud interoperability/standardization space. It’s like the crowd at 6:00AM in front of an electronics store on the day of the Big Sale. This is not the first spark and it won’t be the last one.

Two aspects of this crisis (soon to be anecdote) are especially ironic.

First, as many have picked up, the irony of a Microsoft manager complaining about a document having to be signed “as is” is something to savor slowly. I know Microsoft is a large company and I can believe that Steven Martin may never personally have engaged in such practices. But our credulity gets stretched when in the same post he lauds the WS-* process as an example of “organic” industry collaboration. Pick any WS-* spec and try contacting the listed co-authors other than Microsoft and (usually but not always) IBM. Ask them how much input they had and how much they were able to change. The answer won’t always be zero, but there will be plenty of them.

And these WS-* documents were standard candidates: technical specifications that these “take it or leave it” authors would presumably eventually have to implement in their products. Which takes me to the second point of irony, one I haven’t noticed mentioned:

This is a manifesto folks! I am not familiar with all of these other manifestos (plus this one) but at least for those I know one of their defining characteristics is that they stand in opposition to other views. Some may seem non-controversial now, but at the time of their publication they were very much so. Otherwise they wouldn’t have been called “manifestos”. The very idea of a manifesto being criticized for not being inclusive enough makes my head spin.

If anything (based on this draft), what the “manifesto” can be criticized for is being too meek and consensual  to be worthy of that name. How many important manifestos give their readers a “whenever appropriate” escape clause in their guiding principles?

[Note: If you are in an investigative mood, start with this whois search and if the name of the registrant sounds familiar it may be because you’ve read this blog post before.]

[UPDATED 2009/3/30: It’s live.]

[UPDATED 2009/3/31: Mike DiPetrillo also thinks this is a bit too motherhood-and-applepie for being called a “manifesto”. Thomas Bittman’s translation of the manifesto is also good.]

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Filed under Cloud Computing, Everything, Microsoft, People, Portability, Standards, Utility computing

WS-Discovery and WS-DeviceProfile public review

We are in the middle of the public review period for the three specifications coming out of the “Web Services Discovery and Web Services Devices Profile (WS-DD)” OASIS technical committee. The specifications are:

This trio has been swirling around for many years. Mostly in the USB/PnP/UPnP community (devices physically attached to Windows boxes) but they have popped up on the enterprise WS-* radar screen from time to time, for two reasons:

  • WS-DD as another specification (in addition to WS-Management and the later incarnations of WS-MeX) who uses WS-Transfer, and therefore as a (poor, in my view) justification for making it a stand-along specification
  • WS-Discovery as potentially useful for datacenter management (for resource discovery, obviously)

Looking at the members list for the technical committee seems to confirm the suspicion that many members would be more interested in the potential datacenter-related applications (of WS-Discovery, presumably) than the USB gadgets use cases: CA, IBM, Novell, Progress, RedHat, Software AG, WSO2. Well, I guess Novell and RedHat could be in the game from the perspective of plugging devices into desktops running their version of Linux rather than from a datacenter perspective. CA and IBM could be in it from an Asset Management (for devices) perspective too. So who knows (if you had no tolerance for idle speculations you wouldn’t be reading blogs, would you?).

In any case, no Apple, Palm, RIM, Google (Android) or Sun (JavaFX). I guess handheld devices aren’t the devices targeted here. Rather it’s more printers and cameras. In which case you have to wonder why HP isn’t there but that’s another question (I’ll pretend not to know).

No point dwelling on this, especially since the member list is a very imperfect representation of the actual participation. As an alternative we can scan the mailing list archive to see who is active. Judging from the last two months (feb 2009, march 2009) it’s Microsoft, Microsoft and that company in Redmond. Microsoft, as we know, created these specifications from the start and they seem to still be the engine.

In the end it remains to be seen if WS-Discovery has any role to play in datacenter infrastructure discovery. That environment is clearly becoming more dynamic, but the most frequent changes will take place at the level of the guest VM (creation of new instances) and above (applications, services…) and all these creations will presumably be orchestrated by some controller so there is little need for a “hello world” resource-initiated discovery mechanism for them.

Which leaves the physical equipment. Do we need WS-Discovery to get from the point of a server being plugged to the point where it has been provisioned? There are alternatives in this somewhat homogenous environment. And UDP multicast only takes you so far in a datacenter (at least without extensions). So my guess is no. But who knows. The drafts are here for you to review if you think it may be relevant.

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Filed under Automation, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Microsoft, Specs, Standards

Here comes WSTF

A new Web services-related industry body has been announced today: WSTF (Web Services Test Forum). More details about it from Infoworld. My employer (Oracle) seems to be one of the drivers (along with IBM) but I am not personally involved.

A lot of hand-wringing, of course, about its relationship with WS-I. Which is understandable if you consider what WS-I was originally supposed to deliver (profiles, sample applications and testing tools). But not if you consider what it has actually delivered that is relevant (a couple of profiles, some time ago). WSTF could also be compared with the SOAPBuilders Yahoo group, but since that group has seen only two emails messages so far in 2008 (last one dated April 2nd), it seems safe to consider it dead. It would be interesting to know why that is though (it used to be pretty active in the early days) and what lesson WSTF may learn from it. Another effort you may want to compare this to is the Microsoft Web Services Protocol Workshops Process. It’s too early to tell, but they may turn out to be more closely related than meets the eye.

I noticed this innocuous-sounding sentence in the press release (warning, PDF): “As an open community, WSTF has made it easy to introduce new interoperability scenarios and approve work through simple majority governance”. You may wonder why this is important enough to figure in the press release.

I interpret it as a dog whistle call (heard only by those to whom it is intended) for the WS-I board. Microsoft’s Paul Cotton responds to it in his quote for Infoworld: “WS-I provides a proven and open organization and process that best suits our customers’ needs”. He also talks about “the incredible industry-wide momentum and leadership of WS-I”, which is indeed not very credible (especially the momentum part). The WS-I process, associated board politics and resulting inaction is what I was talking about in this entry (“veto rules being commonly invoked, stopping most of the activities that the resort was originally planning to offer”).

Speaking of this “Standardstown” blog entry, I should probably soon update it to include WSTF. What should it be? Maybe a trailer park in which customers bring their own lodging, put them side by side and see how they line up?

The current test scenarios seem to focus on fixing the interoperability mess that is WS-Addressing. I assume more will soon be added to test the different WS-* specifications out there. It will be interesting to see what direction WSTF takes after that. Will the payloads of the test messages be obvious dummy payloads (so that the focus is on testing the implementation of the WS-* protocols)? Or will they start to include real payloads (e.g. real purchase orders from real enterprise applications)? How about this: “dear vendor, I will only buy your wonderfully open, standard and interoperable Web services-based application when it is available as a WSTF endpoint and there are three other real-life products (including one from your main competitor) that successfully interoperate with the exact same SOAP messages I will be using”. This could become an interesting tussle between vendors as well as between vendors and buyers.

Alternatively, of course, WSTF could turn into a test of how much difference there is between a “standard” and a publicly specified and interop-tested interaction scenario…

A quick (and unsuccesful) Technorati search for some blog comments returns the “WSTF Dark Retribution Dinorobots Limited Giftset” which “includes all five Dinorobots in their sinister evil incarnation”. Can’t say you were not warned…

[UPDATED 2008/12/10: Gilbert Pilz, who was involved with WSTF from the start (and also left a comment on this entry, see below), wrote a detailed description of the problem WSTF tries to address and how Gilbert and others have structured WSTF to solve it.]

[UPDATED 2008/12/15: Via InfoQ, another long description of the goals and processes of WSTF, this time from Doug Davis.]

[UPDATES 2009/1/5: Chris Ferris also weighs in, including his view on the relationship with WS-I. Having participated in several of the early WS-I plenary meetings, I have to wonder if Chris had any double-entente in mind when he wrote that WS-I helps “the community understand where the bar is”.]

[UPDATED 2009/2/17: A response from Redmond.]

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Filed under Everything, IBM, Implementation, Microsoft, Oracle, SOAP, Specs, Standards, Testing

WS Resource Access working group starting at W3C

Things went quiet for a while, but the W3C Web Services Resource Access Working Group has finally taken life, as was announced last week. It’s a well-know PR trick to announce bad news on a Friday such that it goes undetected, is it a coincidence that W3C picked a Friday for this announcement?

As you can tell by this last remark, I have no trouble containing my enthusiasm about this new group. Which should not come as a surprise to regular readers of this blog (see this, this, this and this, chronologically).

The most obvious potential pushback against this effort is the questionable architectural need to redo over SOAP what can be done over simple HTTP. Along the lines of Erik Wilde’s “HTTP over SOAP over HTTP” post. But I don’t expect too much noise about this aspect, because even on the blogosphere people eventually get tired of repeating the same arguments. If some really wanted to put up a fight against this, it would have been done when the group was first announced, not now. That resource modeling party is over.

While I understand the “WS-Transfer is just HTTP over SOAP over HTTP” argument, this is not my problem with this group. For one thing, this group is not really about WS-Transfer, it’s about WS-ResourceTransfer (WS-RT) which adds fine-grained resource access on top of WS-Transfer. Which is not something that HTTP gives you out of the box. You may argue that this is not needed (just model your addressable resources in a fine-grained way and use “hypermedia” to navigate between them) but I don’t really buy this. At least not in the context of IT management models, which is where the whole thing started. You may be able to architect an IT management system in such RESTful way, but even if you can it’s too far away from current IT modeling practices to be practical in many scenarios (unfortunately, as it would be a great complement to an RDF-based IT model). On the other hand, I am not convinced that this fine-grained access needs to go beyond “read” (i.e. no need for “fine-grained write”).

The next concern along that “HTTP over SOAP over HTTP” line of thought might then be why build this on top of SOAP rather than on top of HTTP. I don’t really buy this one either. SOAP, through the SOAP processing model (mainly the use of headers, something that WS-RT unfortunately butchers) is better suited than HTTP for such extensions. And enough of them have already been defined that you may want to piggyback on. The main problem with SOAP is the WS-Addressing tumor that grew on it (first I thoughts it was just a wart, but then it metastatized). WS-RT is affected by it, but it’s not intrinsic to WS-RT.

Finally, it would be a little hard for me to reject SOAP-based resources access altogether, having been associated with many such systems: WSMF, WSDM/WSRF, WS-Management and even WS-RT in its pre-submission days (and my pre-Oracle days). Not that I have signed away my rights to change my mind.

So my problem with WS-RAWG is not a fundamental architectural problem. It’s not even a problem with the defects in the current version of WS-RT. They are fixable and the alternative specifications aren’t beauty queens either.

Rather, my concerns are focused on the impact on the interoperability landscape.

When WS-RT started (when I was involved in it), it was as part of a convergence effort between HP, IBM, Intel and Microsoft. With the plan to use this to unify the competing WS-Management and WSDM/WSRF stacks. Sure it was also an opportunity to improve things a bit, but 90% of the value came from the convergence/unification aspect, not technical improvements.

With three of the four companies having given up on this, it isn’t much of a convergence anymore. Rather then paring-down the number of conflicting options that developers have to chose from (a choice that usually results in “I won’t pick either sine there is no consensus, I’ll just do it my own way”), this effort is going to increase it. One more candidate. WS-Management is not going to go away, and it’s pretty likely that in W3C WS-RT will move further away from it.

Not to mention the fact that CMDBf (and its SOAP-based graph-oriented query protocol) has since emerged and is progressing towards standardization. At this point, my (notoriously buggy) crystal ball shows a mix of WS-management and CMDBf taking the prize overall. With WS-Management used to access individual resources and CMDBf used to access any kind of overall system view. Which, as a side note, means that DMTF has really taken this game over (at least in the IT management domain) from W3C and OASIS. Not that W3C really wanted to be part of the game in the first place…


Filed under CMDBf, DMTF, Everything, HP, IBM, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Microsoft, Query, REST, SOAP, SOAP header, Specs, Standards, W3C, WS-Management, WS-ResourceTransfer, WS-Transfer