Category Archives: XQuery

Here be (XML) dragons

Spoiler alert: if you like to learn things the hard way, don’t follow this link. It points to a clear description of all the problems, frustrations, disillusions and “ah ah!” moments that are ahead of you as you start to use XML and grow into an expert.

If, on the other hand, you like to be fully prepared and informed when you choose a technology and if you don’t mind sacrificing some adventure and excitement in the process, then you owe it to yourself to read Erik Wilde and Robert Glushko’s XML Fever article. Even if you already consider yourself an XML expert. Especially if you do.

I knew I would like it when I read this in the introduction:

Advanced strains of XML fever often take hold after exposure to the proliferation of more complex and esoteric XML-based technologies layered on top of it. These advanced diseases are harder to catch, but they are also harder to remedy because people who have caught these advanced strains tend to congregate with others with the same diseases and they are continually reinfecting each other.

Oh yes they do. And they speak with such authority that they infect others around them. People who don’t even understand these “more complex and esoteric XML-based technologies” end up being convinced of their magical properties and the need to use them.

I am not going to attempt to summarize the article because it is too tightly packed with great content to be summarized without being butchered. The “tree trauma” section alone could probably save the world billions of dollars in lost productivity if it was widely read.  I’ll just quote a few sections to motivate you to go read the whole thing.

Tree tremors. Whereas tree trauma (discussed earlier) is a basic strain of XML fever caused by the various flavors of trees in XML technologies, tree tremors are a more serious condition afflicting victims trying to manage data in XML that is not inherently tree-structured. The most common causes are data models requiring nontree graph structures and document models needing overlapping structures. In both cases, mapping these models to XML’s tree model results in XML structures that cannot conveniently represent the application-level model.


The choice of schema languages, however, is more often determined by available tool support and acquired habits than by a thorough analysis of what would be the most appropriate language.


Triple shock. While RDF itself is simple, large datasets easily contain millions of triples (for truly large datasets this can go up to billions), and managing and querying such a big dataset can become a considerable challenge. If the schema of these large datasets is simple, but ontology overkill has set in and it has been reformulated as an ontology, handling this dataset may become considerably harder, without any immediate benefit.

This is true not just for RDF (a graph model that can be serialized in XML) but for any non-tree model that can be serialized in XML (which is to say any model one can think of). Including every graph model.

Maybe it would help if the article stated more clearly that it’s ok to serialize such a model as XML (e.g. for transmission) as long as you don’t process it (at the application level) as XML. As long as it gets accessed using an API and concepts that are aligned with the semantics of the model.

Imagine that you are receiving an RDF dataset over the wire. You could (if your app runs on the network card rather than in CPU) process it as a bunch of electrical impulses, but that wouldn’t be very convenient. You could process it as a bunch of bits, but that’s still hard. You could process it as a character stream but that’s not that much better. You could process it as XML but that’s still no great. Or you could process it as RDF triplets and be home on time to have dinner with your family. It’s not the fact that it is represented as XML at some point that’s the problem, it’s the fact that your application processes it as XML. Said in another way, just because it makes sense to store it or to send it over the network in XML doesn’t mean that you have to process it as XML in your application.

There is at least one more problem (not covered by the article) that people will eventually run into. You’d think that XML technologies are a consistent and complementary set. Not true. The lack of consistency is illustrated by the “tree trauma” section of the article. But there is also a complementarity problem, in the sense that there are large gaps between the specifications, as anyone who has tried to serialize an XPath nodeset has found out.

As the article points out, all this doesn’t mean that XML is bad or useless. XML technologies can be very useful, but for not for all tasks.


Filed under Everything, Graph query, Modeling, Query, RDF, Specs, Standards, Tech, XPath, XQuery

Who needs XPath fragment-level PUT?

WS-Management and WS-ResourceTransfer (WS-RT) both provide a mechanism to modify the XML representation of the state of a resource in a fine-grained way. The mechanisms differ a bit: WS-Management defines a SOAP header and distinguishes PUT from DELETE at the WS-Transfer operation level, while WS-RT uses the SOAP body and tunnels “modes” (remove, modify, insert) on top of the PUT WS-Transfer operation. But in their complete form both use XPath to point to any arbitrary nodeset and update it.

WS-ResourceProperties (WS-RP) takes a simpler approach. While it too supports XPath-driven retrieval of the content, it doesn’t attempt to provide an XPath-like level of flexibility when it comes to updating the content. All it offers is SET, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations at the level of a property (a top-level child of the XML representation) and nothing more granular.

In this respect at least, WS-RP makes a better choice than its competitor and its aspiring successor.

First, XPath-driven updates sound easy but in fact are hard to specify. Not surprisingly, the current specifications do a pretty incomplete job at it. They often seem to assume that the XPath used to target the value to change returns only one node, but nothing guarantees this. If it picks up more than one node, do you replace all these nodes by the new values as a block (the new values get inserted once, presumably at the location of the first selected node) or do you replace each selected node by all the new values (in which case they get duplicated as needed)? Also, the specifications say nothing about what constitutes compatibility between the targeted nodes and the replacement nodes. One might assume that a “don’t be stupid” approach is all that’s needed. But there is no obvious line between “stupid” and “useful”. Does a request to replace a text node by an attribute node make sense? Not in a strongly-typed world, but a more forgiving implementation might just insert the text value of the attribute in the place of the text node to get to a valid result. What about replacing an element by a text node? Some may reject it for incompatible types but, unless the schema prevents mixed content, it may well result in a perfectly valid document. All in all, specifying a reliable way to edit XML is a pretty hairy task. Much harder than reading XML. It requires very careful considerations that have very little do with on-the-wire protocol considerations. Which is why doing this as part of a SOAP specification is a strange choice. The XQuery group is much more qualified for this. There must be a reason why that group decided to punt on this until they had taken care of the easier “read” case.

Second, it’s usually not all that useful anyway. Which is why the lack of precision in WS-Management’s specification of the fragment PUT haven’t really been a problem so far: people haven’t fully implemented that feature. A lot of the implementations are backed by a CIMOM, an MBean or some other OO store. In these stores, the exposed granularity is typically at the attribute level. The interactions used by programmers and consoles are also at that level. The XPath-driven update is then only used as a mechanism to update many properties at once (rather than going deep into individual properties) but that’s using a machine gun to kill a fly. The WS-RP approach supports these use cases without calling on XPath.

Third, XPath-driven PUT is really hard to implement unless your back-end store happens to be an XML database. You may end up having to write your own XPath parser and interpreter, an exercise during which you will face some impedance mismatches. Your back-end store may not have notions of property order for example, or attribute versus element. How do you handle these XPath instructions? And what kind of interoperability results from implementers having to make these decisions on their own? Implementing XPath selection on a GET is a lot simpler. All it assumes is that there is an XML serialization of the result, on which you can run the XPath expression before shipping it out. That XML serialization is a given in the SOAP world already. But doing an XPath-driven PUT injects XML considerations in your store itself, not just in the communication path.

Those are the practical reasons. In short, it makes the specifications at best complex and at worst non-interoperable, for a feature that is rarely needed. That should be enough already, but there are some architectural reasons to stay away too.

WS-Transfer is sometimes sold for REST over SOAP. And fragment-level WS-Transfer (what WS-Management and WS-RT do) is then REST on steroids. Sorry, not true. REST on crack if anything.

I am not a REST expert, but I know enough to understand that “everything has a URI” really means “anything meaningful has a URI”. It’s the difference between a crystal structure and a pile of mud. REST lets you interact directly with any node in the crystal, but there is a limited number of entities that are considered worthwhile of being a node. There is design involved (sorry, you can’t suddenly fire your architects, as attractive as that sounds). You can’t point to the space between two nodes in the crystal. XPath-on-top-of-WS-Transfer, on the other hand, lets you plunge your spoon anywhere in the pile of mud and scoop out whatever happens to be there.

Let’s take a look at WS-Federation (here is the latest draft), the only specification in a standard body that I know of that is currently using WS-RT. Whether it’s a wise choice or not for them, from a governance perspective, is a separate topic that I won’t cover here (answer: no. oops).

From a technical perspective, it is interesting to see how they went about using WS-RT PUT. They use it to update pseudonyms. But even though there is an XML representation for the pseudonyms, they don’t want to allow users to update any arbitrary part of that XML. So they create a specific dialect (the fed:FilterPseudonyms defined in section 6.1) that lets you, based on semantics that are meaningful in the specific domain covered by the specification, point to pseudonyms.

I believe most potential users of WS-RT PUT are in the same case as WS-Federation and are better served by a domain-specific way to identify entities of interest. At least the WS-Federation authors realized it rather than saying “great, WS-RT XPath fragment PUT gives us all this flexibility for free” and settling their implementers with the impossible task of producing interoperable implementations. Of course this begs the question of why WS-Federation uses WS-RT in the first place. A charitable interpretation is to pin this on overzealous re-use of all things WS-*. A more cynical interpretation sees this as a contrived precedent manufactured in an attempt “prove” that WS-RT provides features of general use rather than specific to the management domain.

Having described at length why XPath-driven updates aren’t as useful as they may seem, I can still think of two cases where a such a generic mechanism to modify an XML document could be useful. One is if the resource actually is a document (as opposed to having its state represented by a document). For example, a wiki page. But I haven’t exactly noticed wiki creators and users clamoring for wiki-over-SOAP, have you? The other situation is if you have a true model-driven system that is supported by a comprehensive system description and validation framework. The kind of thing that SML is trying to deliver. By using Schematron (rather than just XSD which is very limited in its expressivity beyond mere syntactical validation) to provide model validation. This would, in theory, allow the requester to validate the updated model before sending the change request. The change would still be validated on the receiver side (either explicitly or implicitly because a non-valid new model would simply fail when applied to the system), but the existence of the validation framework guarantees a high rate of successs (the sender would rarely send non-valid change requests). That’s very nice and exciting, but we don’t have this. SML is, as far as I can see, going nowhere fast in terms of adoption. Standardizing a model exchange protocol for that use case is, at this point in time, premature. Maybe one day.


Filed under Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Mgmt integration, Modeling, REST, SML, Specs, Standards, WS-Management, WS-ResourceTransfer, WS-Transfer, XPath, XQuery

WS-Transfer, its WSDL and its WS-I compliance: the art of engineered uselessness

Several years ago, Chris Ferris wrote a blog entry in which he explains that WS-Transfer is not WS-I Basic Profile (BP) compliant.

Chris’ main point is correct: the WSDL document in appendix II of the WS-Transfer specification is not compliant with the WS-I Basic Profile. But what does this mean and why should one care?

If you search for the word “wsdl” in WS-Transfer, you first find it in the table that declares namespace prefixes used in the specification. But the prefix is not used in the specification, so it could just as well be removed from that table.

We see it next mentioned in the “compliance” boilerplate where it is declared to be the least authoritative of all information in the specification.

The next occurrence is all the way down in section 8, as a reference to the WSDL 1.1 W3C note. The only place where that reference is used, is further below, in Appendix II.

In short, for all practical purposes there is no mention of WSDL in WS-Transfer except for this one appendix that contains a WSDL document. Since there is no MUST or REQUIRED statement that refers to it, it is at best a testing tool that one can use to validate WS-Transfer messages produced. There is no requirement at all that the implementation produces that WSDL (e.g. as a response to a WS-MeX request) or consumes it.

And if you look at the content of the WSDL, it is mostly XML gymnastics aimed at creating “empty” and “any” types to express almost nothing useful about the messages sent and received.

You don’t have to take my statement that the WS-Transfer WSDL is useless at face value. Here are two other proofs:

  • Chris doesn’t just point out the WS-I BP violation in the WS-Transfer WSDL, he also proposes a way to fix it. He writes: “I actually think that a more appropriate approach to handling WS-Transfer’s ‘Get’ would be to specify the output message as you would any doc-literal operation and merely annotate the operation with the appropriate wsa:Action attribute values” (he also provides an example). And he is perfectly right. If you really want a WSDL for your WS-Transfer operations, create one that is specific to the resource type (server, toaster…) that you are dealing with. By definition that WSDL can’t be baked into the model-agnostic WS-Transfer specification. While Chris doesn’t say it, the natural conclusion of his remark is that there is not point for a WSDL in WS-Transfer (because any resource-agnostic WSDL is useless).
  • The WS-Transfer XSD and WSDL have been modified, sometimes in backward-incompatible ways, without changing the target namespace. From the original version to the first W3C submission, some minor changes (message names, introduction of WS-Addressing). From the first W3C submission to the current submission, some potentially backward-incompatible changes (the GET input can now be non-empty, the CREATE response can now contain anything as a result of trying to support different versions of WS-Addressing). On top of that, all these XSD and WSDL documents embedded in various versions of the spec are “non-normative”. The normative versions are said to be the ones at (XSD, WSDL). Those have not changed, which means that both versions on the W3C web site contain an incorrect version of the XSD/WSDL in the spec. Shouldn’t that lack of XML hygiene be a big deal for a specification that is implemented (via WS-Management, which references the W3C submission) in resources with long product development cycles, such as servers from Dell, HP and others that have WS-Management support directly on the motherboard? It would, if the XSD and WSDL had any relevance for the implementers. The fact that there was no outcry is yet another proof that the WS-Transfer XSD and the WSDL are irrelevant.

So yes, Chris is right that the WS-Transfer WSDL (BTW all versions have the problem that Chris describes even though it could have been fixed in a backward-compatible way when the WSDL was altered) is not WS-I BP compliant. But since that WSDL is useless anyway, this shouldn’t keep anyone up at night. The WS-Transfer WSDL serves no purpose other than to annoy people who like things to be WS-I BP compliant.

But is it just the WS-Transfer WSDL that’s useless, or it is all of WS-Transfer?

I am not planning to go into WS-* vs. REST territory here. To those who are confused by the similarity between the names of WS-Transfer operations and HTTP methods and see WS-Transfer as a way to do “REST over SOAP” I’ll just point out that WS-Transfer is rarely used on its own but rather in conjunction with many other SOAP messages (like those defined by WS-Eventing and WS-Enumeration, plus countless custom operations). So much for uniform interfaces. WS-Transfer, at least as it is used today, is not about REST.

Rather, the reasons why I question the usefulness of WS-Transfer are more pragmatic than architectural. I can think of three potential justifications to carve out WS-Transfer as a separate specification, none of which is really convincing at this point in time.

The first reason is simply to avoid repeating the same text over and over again. If many specifications are going to describe the same SOAP message, just describe it once and refer to that description. Sounds good. But I know of three specifications that use WS-Transfer: WS-Management, WS-MeX and the Devices Profile for Web Services.

WS-MeX and the Devices Profile only use the GET operation. Which means that the only specification text that they can re-use from WS-Transfer is something like “send an empty get request and get something back”. WS-Transfer can’t say what that something is, only the domain-specific specifications can. As a result, you are spending as much time referencing WS-Transfer as would be spent defining a simple GET operation. For all practical purposes, you can implement WS-MeX and the Devices Profile without ever reading WS-Transfer.

The second potential reason is to provide a stand-alone piece of functionality that can be implemented once (e.g. as a library/module) and re-used for different purposes. Something that automatically kicks in when a WS-Transfer wsa:Action is detected. Think of a stand-alone encryption/decryption library for example, that looks for specific SOAP headers. Or WS-Eventing, for which a library can take over the task of managing the subscription lifecycle. Except WS-Transfer defines so little that it’s not clear what a stand-alone WS-Transfer implementation would do. Receive messages and do what with them? It is so tied to the back-end that there isn’t much you can do in a general fashion. Unless you are creating a library for a database product and you see WS-Transfer as a query interface for your database. But this only makes sense if you want to provide more fine-grained access to the XML content, which WS-Transfer does not do.

Which takes us to the third potential value of WS-Transfer, as a foundational specification on which to build extensions. Of the three this is the only one that I believed in at some point. WS-ResourceTransfer (WS-RT) was the main attempt at doing this. Any service that uses WS-Transfer could, via the magic of the SOAP processing model, offer a more precise/powerful access to the resources. But while this was possible in theory it hasn’t really panned out in practice for many reasons:

  • Some people (hints: Armonk; Blue) pushed hard to put WS-RT instructions in the body rather than in headers, seriously compromising its ability to seamlessly compose with existing SOAP messages.
  • WS-MeX and the Devices Profile typically deal with documents small enough that manipulating them as a whole is rarely a problem. This only leaves WS-Management which has its own “fragment transfer” mechanism so it doesn’t really need a stand-alone mechanism.
  • XQuery is now developing support for an update capability.

What then is left, in the Spring of 2008, to justify the need for WS-Transfer as a separate layer, rather than considering it an integral part of WS-Management? Not much. WS-MeX, in an earlier version, used to define its own GET operation and it wouldn’t be any worse off if it had stayed that way (or returned to it). Ditto for the Device Profile. At this point, it’s mostly a matter of pragmatically cleaning up the mess without creating another one.

In retrospect (color me partially guilty), maybe one shouldn’t use the same architectural rules when attempting to design an interoperable standard stack for an industry than when refactoring a software project. Maybe one should resist the urge to refactor the “code” (or rather the PowerPoint stack) every time one detects the smallest conceptual redundancy. There is a cost in constant changes. There is a cost in specification cross-dependencies. WSDM experienced it firth hand with the different versions of WS-Addressing (another dependency that didn’t need to be). WS-Management is seeing it from the perspective of standardization.

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Filed under Everything, Microsoft, SOAP, Specs, Standards, WS-Management, WS-ResourceTransfer, WS-Transfer, XQuery

Of graphs and trees: Kingsley Idehen to the rescue

I just read the transcript of Jon Udell’s podcast interview of Kingsley Idehen. It’s almost two years old but it contains something that I have tried (and mostly failed) to explain for a while now, so maybe borrowing someone else’s words (and credibility) would help.

Kingsley says:

“A graph model, ideally, will allow you to explore almost all the comprehensible dimensions of the nodes in that network. So you can traverse that network in a myriad of different ways and it will give you much more flexibility than if you’re confined to a tree, in effect, the difference between XQuery and SPARQL. I always see the difference between these two things as this. If you visualize nodes on a network, SPARQL is going to get you to the right node. Your journey to what you want is facilitated by SPARQL, and then XQuery can then take you deeper into this one node, which has specific data that the graph traversal is taking you to.”

Nicely said, especially considering that this is not a prepared statement but a transcript of a (presumably) unscripted interview.

He later provides an example:

“Let’s take a microformat as an example. HCard, or an hCalendar, is a well-formed format. In a sense, it’s XML. You can locate the hCard in question, so if you had a collection of individuals who had full files on the network in the repository, it could be a graph of a social network or a group of people. Now, through that graph you could ultimately locate common interests. And eventually you may want to set up calendars but if the format of the calendar itself is well formed, with XQuery you can search a location, with XPath it’s even more specific. Here you simply want to get to a node in the content and to get a value. Because the content is well formed you can traverse within the content, but XQuery doesn’t help you find that content as effectively because in effect XQuery is really all about a hierarchical model.”

Here is one way to translate this to the IT management domain. Replace hCard with an XML-formated configuration record. Replace the graph of social relationships with a graph of IT-relevant relationships (dependency, ownership, connections, containment…). Rather than attempt to XQuery across an entire CMDB (or, even worse, an entire CMDB federation), use a graph query (ideally SPARQL) to find the items of interest and then use XPath/XQuery to drill into the content of the resulting records. The graph query language in CMDBf is an attempt to do that, but it has to constantly battle attempts to impose a tree-based view of the world.

This also helps illustrate why SPARQL is superior to the CMDBf query language. It’s not just that it’s a better graph query language, one that has received much more review and validation by people more experienced in graph theory and queries, and one that is already widely implemented. It also does something that CMDBf doesn’t attempt to do: it lets you navigate the graph based on the semantics appropriate for the task at hand (dependency relationships, governance rules, distributed performance management…), something that CMDBf cannot do. There is more to classification than simply class inheritance. I think this is what Kingsley refers to when he says “in a myriad of different ways” in the quote above.

Here is a way to summarize the larger point (that tree and graph views are complementary):

Me Tarzan, you Jena

Where Tarzan (appropriately) represents the ability to navigate trees and Jane/Jena represents the ability to navigate graphs (Jena, from HP Labs, is the leading open source RDF/OWL/SPARQL framework). As in the movie, they complement each other (to the point of saving one another’s life and falling in love, but I don’t ask quite that much of SPARQL and XQuery).

On a related topic, I recently saw some interesting news from TopQuadrant. Based on explicit requests from the majority of their customers, they have added capabilities to their TopBraid Composer product to better make use of the RDF/OWL support in the Oracle database. TopQuadrant is at the forefront of many semantic web applications and the fact that they see Oracle being heavily used by their customers is an interesting external validation.

[UPDATED 2008/03/05: more related news! The W3C RDB2RDF incubator group has started is life at W3C, chaired by my colleague Ashok Malhotra, to work on mappings between RDF/OWL and relational data.]

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Filed under CMDB Federation, CMDBf, Everything, Graph query, Query, RDF, SPARQL, Standards, W3C, XPath, XQuery