Category Archives: SOA

Redeeming the service description document

A bicycle is a convenient way to go buy cigarettes. Until one day you realize that buying cigarettes is a bad idea. At which point you throw away your bicycle.

Sounds illogical? Well, that’s pretty much what the industry has done with service descriptions. It went this way: people used WSDL (and stub generation tools built around it) to build distributed applications that shared too much. Some people eventually realized that was a bad approach. So they threw out the whole idea of a service description. And now, in the age of APIs, we are no more advanced than we were 15 years ago in terms of documenting application contracts. It’s tragic.

The main fallacies involved in this stagnation are:

  • Assuming that service descriptions are meant to auto-generate all-encompassing program stubs,
  • Looking for the One True Description for a given service,
  • Automatically validating messages based on the service description.

I’ll leave the first one aside, it’s been widely covered. Let’s drill in a bit into the other two.

There is NOT One True Description for a given service

Many years ago, in the same galaxy where we live today (only a few miles from here, actually), was a development team which had to implement a web service for a specific WSDL. They fed the WSDL to their SOAP stack. This was back in the days when WSDL interoperability was a “promise” in the “political campaign” sense of the term so of course it didn’t work. As a result, they gave up on their SOAP stack and implemented the service as a servlet. Which, for a team new to XML, meant a long delay and countless bugs. I’ll always remember the look on the dev lead’s face when I showed him how 2 minutes and a text editor were all you needed to turn the offending WSDL in to a completely equivalent WSDL (from the point of view of on-the-wire messages) that their toolkit would accept.

(I forgot what the exact issue was, maybe having operations with different exchange patterns within the same PortType; or maybe it used an XSD construct not supported by the toolkit, and it was just a matter of removing this constraint and moving it from schema to code. In any case something that could easily be changed by editing the WSDL and the consumer of the service wouldn’t need to know anything about it.)

A service description is not the literal word of God. That’s true no matter where you get it from (unless it’s hand-delivered by an angel, I guess). Just because adding “?wsdl” to the URL of a Web service returns an XML document doesn’t mean it’s The One True Description for that service. It’s just the most convenient one to generate for the app server on which the service is deployed.

One of the things that most hurts XML as an on-the-wire format is XSD. But not in the sense that “XSD is bad”. Sure, it has plenty of warts, but what really hurts XML is not XSD per se as much as the all-too-common assumption that if you use XML you need to have an XSD for it (see fat-bottomed specs, the key message of which I believe is still true even though SML and SML-IF are now dead).

I’ve had several conversations like this one:

– The best part about using JSON and REST was that we didn’t have to deal with XSD.
– So what do you use as your service contract?
– Nothing. Just a human-readable wiki page.
– If you don’t need a service contract, why did you feel like you had to write an XSD when you were doing XML? Why not have a similar wiki page describing the XML format?
– …

It’s perfectly fine to have service descriptions that are optimized to meet a specific need rather than automatically focusing on syntax validation. Not all consumers of a service contract need to be using the same description. It’s ok to have different service descriptions for different users and/or purposes. Which takes us to the next fallacy. What are service descriptions for if not syntax validation?

A service description does NOT mean you have to validate messages

As helpful as “validation” may seem as a concept, it often boils down to rejecting messages that could otherwise be successfully processed. Which doesn’t sound quite as useful, does it?

There are many other ways in which service descriptions could be useful, but they have been largely neglected because of the focus on syntactic validation and stub generation. Leaving aside development use cases and looking at my area of focus (application management), here are a few use cases for service descriptions:

Creating test messages (aka “synthetic transactions”)

A common practice in application management is to send test messages at regular intervals (often from various locations, e.g. branch offices) to measure the availability and response time of an application from the consumer’s perspective. If a WSDL is available for the service, we use this to generate the skeleton of the test message, and let the admin fill in appropriate values. Rather than a WSDL we’d much rather have a “ready-to-use” (possibly after admin review) test message that would be provided as part of the service description. Especially as it would be defined by the application creator, who presumably knows a lot more about that makes a safe and yet relevant message to send to the application as a ping.

Attaching policies and SLAs

One of the things that WSDLs are often used for, beyond syntax validation and stub generation, is to attach policies and SLAs. For that purpose, you really don’t need the XSD message definition that makes up so much of the WSDL. You really just need a way to identify operations on which to attach policies and SLAs. We could use a much simpler description language than WSDL for this. But if you throw away the very notion of a description language, you’ve thrown away the baby (a classification of the requests processed by the service) along with the bathwater (a syntax validation mechanism).

Governance / versioning

One benefit of having a service description document is that you can see when it changes. Even if you reduce this to a simple binary value (did it change since I last checked, y/n) there’s value in this. Even better if you can introspect the description document to see which requests are affected by the change. And whether the change is backward-compatible. Offering the “before” XSD and the “after” XSD is almost useless for automatic processing. It’s unlikely that some automated XSD inspection can tell me whether I can keep using my previous messages or I need to update them. A simple machine-readable declaration of that fact would be a lot more useful.

I just listed three, but there are other application management use cases, like governance/auditing, that need a service description.

In the SOAP world, we usually make do with WSDL for these tasks, not because it’s the best tool (all we really need is a way to classify requests in “buckets” – call them “operations” if you want – based on the content of the message) but because WSDL is the only understanding that is shared between the caller and the application.

By now some of you may have already drafted in your head the comment you are going to post explaining why this is not a problem if people just use REST. And it’s true that with REST there is a default categorization of incoming messages. A simple matrix with the various verbs as columns (GET, POST…) and the various resource types as rows. Each message can be unambiguously placed in one cell of this matrix, so I don’t need a service description document to have a request classification on which I can attach SLAs and policies. Granted, but keep these three things in mind:

  • This default categorization by verb and resource type can be a quite granular. Typically you wouldn’t have that many different policies on your application. So someone who understands the application still needs to group the invocations into message categories at the right level of granularity.
  • This matrix is only meaningful for the subset of “RESTful” apps that are truly… RESTful. Not for all the apps that use REST where it’s an easy mental mapping but then define resource types called “operations” or “actions” that are just a REST veneer over RPC.
  • Even if using REST was a silver bullet that eliminated the need for service definitions, as an application management vendor I don’t get to pick the applications I manage. I have to have a solution for what customers actually do. If I restricted myself to only managing RESTful applications, I’d shrink my addressable market by a few orders of magnitude. I don’t have an MBA, but it sounds like a bad idea.

This is not a SOAP versus REST post. This is not a XML versus JSON post. This is not a WSDL versus WADL post. This is just a post lamenting the fact that the industry seems to have either boxed service definitions into a very limited use case, or given up on them altogether. It I wasn’t recovering from standards burnout, I’d look into a versatile mechanism for describing application services in a way that is geared towards message classification more than validation.

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Filed under API, Application Mgmt, Everything, Governance, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mashup, Mgmt integration, Middleware, Modeling, Protocols, REST, SML, SOA, Specs, Standards

REST in practice for IT and Cloud management (part 3: wrap-up)

[Preface: a few months ago I shared some thoughts about how REST was (or could) be applied to IT and Cloud management. Part 1 was a comparison of the RESTful aspects of four well-known IaaS Cloud APIs and part 2 was an analysis of how REST applies to configuration management. Both of these entries received well-informed reader comments BTW, so if you read the posts but didn’t come back for the comments you really owe it to yourself to do so now. At the time, I jotted down thoughts for subsequent entries in this series, but I never got around to posting them. Since the topic seems to be getting a lot of attention these days (especially in DMTF) I decided to go back to these notes and see if I could extract a few practical recommendations in the form of a wrap-up.]

The findings listed below should be relevant whether your protocol is trying to be truly RESTful, just HTTP-centric or even zen-SOAPy. Many of the issues that arise when creating a protocol that maps well to IT management use cases should transcend these variations and that’s what I try to cover.

Finding #1: Relationships (links) are first-class entities (a.k.a. “hypermedia”)

The clear conclusion of both part 1 and part 2 was that the most relevant part of REST for IT and Cloud management is the use of hypermedia. IT management enjoys a head start on this compared to other domains, because its models are already rich in explicit relationships (e.g. CIM associations), as opposed to other business domains in which relationships are more implicit (to the end user at least). But REST teaches us that just having relationships in your model is not enough. They need to be exposed in a way that maps directly to the protocol, so that following a relationship is an infrastructure-level task, not an application-level task: passing an ID as a parameter for some domain-specific function is not it.

This doesn’t violate the rule to not mix the protocol and the model because the alignment should take place in the metamodel. XML is famously weak in that respect, but that’s where Atom steps in, handling relationships in a generic way. Similarly, support for references is, in addition to its accolade to Schematron, one of the main benefits of SML (extra kudos for apparently dropping the “EPR” reference scheme between submission and standardization, in favor of just the “URI” scheme). Not to mention RDFa and friends. Or HTTP Link headers (explained) for link-challenged types.

Finding #2: Put IDs on steroids

There is little to argue about the value of clearly identifying things of interest and we didn’t wait for the Web to realize this. But it is also one of the most vexing and complex problems in many areas of computing (including IT management). Some of the long-standing questions include:

  • Use an opaque ID (some random-looking string a characters) or an ID grounded in “unique” properties of the resource (if you can find any)?
  • At what point does a thing stop being the same (typical example: if I replace each hardware component of a server one after the other, at which point is it not the same server anymore? Does it make sense for the IT guys to slap an “asset id” sticker on the plastic box around it?)
  • How do you deal with reconciling two resources (with their own IDs) when you realize they represent the same thing?

REST guidelines don’t help with these questions. There often is an assumption, which is true for many web apps, that the application “owns” the resource. My “inbox” only exists as a resource within the mail server application (e.g. Gmail or an Exchange server). Whatever URI GMail assigns for it is the URI for my inbox, period. Things are not as simple when the resources exist outside of any specific application: take a server, for example: the board management controller (or the hypervisor in the case of a VM), the OS management layer and the management agent installed on the machine all have claims to report on the machine (and therefore a need to identify it).

To some extent, Cloud computing simplifies many of these issues by providing controllers that “own” infrastructure resources and can authoritatively identify them. But it really is only pushing the problem to the next level of the stack.

Making the ID a URI doesn’t magically answer these questions. Though it helps in that it lets you leverage reconciliation mechanisms developed around URIs (such as <atom:link rel=”alternate”> or owl:sameAs). What REST does is add another constraint to this ID mechanism: Make the IDs dereferenceable URLs rather than just URIs.

I buy into this. A simple GET on a resource URI doesn’t solve everything but it has so many advantages that it should be attempted in all cases. And make this HTTP GET please (see finding #6).

In this adoption of GET, we just have to deal with small details such as:

  • What URL do I use for resources that have more than one agent/controller?
  • How close to the resource do I point this URL? If it’s too close to it then it may change as the resource evolves (e.g. network changes) or be affected by the resource performance (e.g. a crashed machine or application that does not respond to its management API). If it’s removed from the resource, then I introduce a scope (e.g. one controller) within which the resource has to remain, which may cause scalability concerns (how many VMs can/should one controller handle, what if I want to migrate a VM across the ocean…).

These are somewhat corner cases (and the more automation and virtualization you get, the fewer possible controllers you have per resource). While they need to be addressed, they don’t come close to negating the value of dereferenceable IDs. In addition, there are plenty of mechanisms to help with the issues above, from links in the representations (obviously) to RDDL-style lightweight directory to a last resort “give Saint Peter a call” mechanism (the original WSRF proposal had a sub-specification called WS-RenewableReferences that would let you ask for a new version of an expired EPR but it was never published — WS-Naming in then-GGF also touched on that with its reference resolvers — showing once again that the base challenges don’t change as fast as technology flavors).

Implicit in this is the fact that URIs are vastly superior to EPRs. The latter were only just a band-aid on a broken system (which may have started back when WSDL 1.1 decided to define “ports” as message aggregators that can have only one URL) and it’s been more debilitating to SOAP than any other interoperability issue. Web services containers internalized this assumption to the point of providing a stunted dispatch mechanism that made it very hard to assign distinct URLs to resources.

Finding #3: If REST told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?

Adherence to REST is not required to get the benefits I describe in this series. There is a lot to be inspired by in REST, but it shouldn’t be a religion. Sure, if you squint hard enough (and poke it here and there) you can call your interface RESTful, but why bother with the contortions if some parts are not so. As long as they don’t detract from the value of REST in the other parts. As in all conversions, the most fervent adepts of RPC will likely be tempted to become its most violent denunciators once they’re born again. This is a tired scenario that we don’t need to repeat. Don’t think of it as a conversion but as a new perspective.

Look at the “RESTful with many parameters?” comment thread on Stefan Tilkov’s excellent InfoQ introduction to REST. It starts with some shared distaste for parameter-laden URIs and a search for a more RESTful approach. This gets suggested:

You could do a post on some URI like ./query/product_dep which would create a query resource. Now you “add” products to the query either by sending a product uri list with the initial post or by calling post on ./query/product_dep/{id}. With every post to the query resource the get on the query resource would change.

Yeah, you could. But how about an RPC-like query operation rather than having yet another resource lifecycle to manage just for the sake of being REST-compliant? And BTW, how do you think any sane consumer of your API is going to handle this? You guessed it, by packaging the POST/POST/GET/DELETE in one convenient client-side library function called “query”. As much as I criticize RPC-centric toolkits (see finding #5 below), it would be justified in this case.

Either you understand why/how REST principles benefit you or you don’t. If you do, then use this understanding to interpret the REST principles to best fit your needs. If you don’t, then no amount of CONTENT-TYPE-pixie-dust-spreading, GET-PUT-POST-DELETE-golden-rule-following and HATEOAS-magical-incantation-reciting will help you. That’s the whole point, for me at least, of this tree-part investigation. Stefan says essential the same, but in a converse way, in his article: “there are often reasons why one would violate a REST constraint, simply because every constraint induces some trade-off that might not be acceptable in a particular situation. But often, REST constraints are violated due to a simple lack of understanding of their benefits.” He says “understand why you violate” and I say “understand why you obey”. It is essentially the same (if you’re into stereotypes you can attribute the difference to his Germanic heritage and my Gallic blood).

Even worse than bending your interface to appear RESTful, don’t cherry-pick your use cases to only keep those that you feel you can properly address via REST, leaving the others aside. Conversely, don’t add requirements just because REST makes them easy to support (interesting how quickly “why do you force me to manage the lifecycle of yet another resource just to run a query” turns into “isn’t this great, you can share queries among users and you can handle long-running queries, I am sure we need this”).

This is not to say that you should not create a fully RESTful system. Just that you don’t necessarily have to and you can still get many benefits as long as you open your eyes to the cost/benefits trade-off involved.

Finding #4: Learn humility from REST

Beyond the technology, there is a vibe behind REST design. You can copy the technology and still miss it. I described it in 2005 as Humble Architecture, and applied to SOA at the time. But it describes REST just as well:

More practically, this means that the key things to keep in mind when creating a service, is that you are not at the center of the universe, that you don’t know who is going to consume your service, that you don’t know what they are going to do with it, that you are not necessarily the one who can make the best use of the information you have access to and that you should be willing to share it with others openly…

The SOA Manifesto recently called this “intrinsic interoperability”.

In IT management terms, it means that you can RESTify your CMDB and your event console and your asset management software and your automation engine all you want, if you see your code as the ultimate consumer and the one that knows best, as the UI that users have to go through, the “ultimate source of truth” and the “manager of managers” then it doesn’t matter how well you use HTTP.

Finding #5: Beware of tools bearing gifts

To a large extent, the great thing about REST is how few tools there are to take it away from you. So you’re pretty much forced to understand what is going on in your contract as opposed to being kept ignorant by a wsdl2java type of toolkit. Sure, Java (and .NET) have improved in that regard, but really the cultural damage is done and the expectations have been set. Contrast this to “the ‘router’ is just a big case statement over URI-matching regexps”, from Tim Bray’s post on the Sun Cloud API, one of my main inspirations for this investigation.

REST is not inherently immune to the tool-controlling-the-hand syndrome. It’s just a matter of time until such tools try to make REST “accessible” to the “normal” developer (who can supposedly prevent thread deadlocks but not parse XML). Joe Gregorio warns about this in the context of WADL (to summarize: WADL brings XSD which leads to code generation). Keep this in mind next time someone states that REST is more “loosely coupled” than SOAP. It’s how you use it that matters.

Finding #6: Use screws, not glue, so we can peer inside and then close the lid again

The “view source” option is how I and many others learned HTML. It unfortunately created a generation of HTML monsters who never went past version 3.2 (the marbled background makes me feel young again). But it also fueled the explosion of the Web. On-the-wire inspection through soapUI is what allowed me to perform this investigation and report on it (WMI has allowed this for years, but WS-Management is what made it accessible and usable for anyone on any platform). This was, of course, in the context of SOAP which is also inspectable. Still, in that respect nothing beats plain HTTP which is why I recommend HTTP GET in finding #2 (make IDs dereferenceable) even though I don’t expect that the one-page-per-resource view is going to be the only way to access it in the finished product.

These (HTML source, on-the-wire XML and resource-description pages) rarely hit the human eye and yet their presence enables the development of the more commonly used views. Making it as easy as possible to see what is going on under the covers helps with learning, with debugging, with extending and with innovating. In the same way that 99% of web users don’t look at the HTML source (and 99.99% of them don’t see the HTTP requests) but the Web would not be what it is to them if this inspectability wasn’t been there to fuel its development.

Along the same line, make as few assumptions as possible about the consumers in your interfaces. Which, in practice, often means document what goes on the wire. WSDL/WADL can be used as a format, but they are at most one small component. Human-readable semantics are much more important.

Finding #7: Nothing is free

Part of what was so attractive about SOAP is everything you were going to get “for free” by using it. Message-level security (for all these use cases where your messages starts over HTTP, then hops onto a train, then get delivered by a carrier pigeon). Reliable messaging. Transactionality. Intermediaries (they were going to be a big deal in SOAP, as you can see in vestigial form today in the Nodes/Roles left in the spec – also, do you remember WS-Routing? I do.)

And it’s true that by now there is a body of specifications that support this as composable SOAP headers. But the lack of usage of these features contrasts with how often they were bandied in the early days of SOAP.

Well, I am detecting some of the same in the REST camp. How often have you heard about how REST enables caching? Or about how content types allows an ISP to compress images on the fly to speed up delivery over dial-up? Like in the SOAP case, these are real features and sometimes useful. It doesn’t mean that they are valuable to you. And if they are not, then don’t let them be used as justifications. Especially since they are not free. If caching doesn’t help me (because of low volume, because security considerations prevent a shared cache, etc) then its presence actually adds a cost to me, since I now have to worry whether something is cached or not and deal with ETags. Or I have to consistently remember to request the cache to be bypassed.

Finding #8: Starting by sweeping you front door.

Before you agonize about how RESTful your back-end management protocol is, how about you make sure that your management application (the user front-end) is a decent Web application? One with cool URIs , where the back button works, where bookmarks work, where the data is not hidden in some over-encompassing Flash/Silverlight thingy. Just saying.


Now for some questions still unanswered.

Question #1: Is this a flee market?

I am highly dubious of content negotiation and yet I can see many advantages to it. Mostly along the lines of finding #6: make it easy for people to look under the hood and get hold of the data. If you let them specify how they want to see the data, it’s obviously easier.

But there is no free lunch. Even if your infrastructure takes care of generating these different views for you (“no coding, just check the box”), you are expanding the surface of your contract. This means more documentation, more testing, more interoperability problems and more friction when time comes to modify the interface.

I don’t have enough experience with format negotiation to define the sweetspot of this practice. Is it one XML representation and one HTML, period (everything else get produced by the client by transforming the XML)? But is the XML Atom-wrapped or not? What about RDF? What about JSON? Not to forget that SOAP wrapper, how hard can it be to add. But soon enough we are in legacy hell.

Question #2: Mime-types?

The second part of Joe Gregorio’s WADL entry is all about Mime types and I have a harder time following him there. For one thing, I am a bit puzzled by the different directions in which Mime types go at the same time. For example, we have image formats (e.g. “image/png”), packaging/compression formats (e.g. “application/zip”) and application formats (e.g. “application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text” or “application/msword”). But what if I have a zip full of PNG images? And aren’t modern word processing formats basically a zip of XML files? If I don’t have the appropriate viewer, maybe I’d like them to be at least recognized as ZIP files. I don’t see support for such composition and taxonomy in these types.

And even within one type, things seem a bit messy in practice. Looking at the registered applications in the “options” menu of my Firefox browser, I see plenty of duplication:

  • application/zip vs. application/x-zip-compressed
  • application/ms-powerpoint vs. application/
  • application/sdp vs. application/x-sdp
  • audio/mpeg vs. audio/x-mpeg
  • video/x-ms-asf vs. video/x-ms-asf-plugin

I also wonder at what level of depth I want to take my Mime types. Sure I can use Atom as a package but if the items I am passing around happen to be CIM classes (serialized to XML), doesn’t it make sense to advertise this? And within these classes, can I let you know which domain (e.g. which namespace) my resources are in (virtual machines versus support tickets)?

These questions may simply be a reflection of my lack of maturity in the fine art of using Mime types as part of protocol design. My experience with them is more of the “find the type that works through trial and error and then leave it alone” kind.

[Side note: the first time I had to pay attention to Mime types was back in 1995/1996, playing with non-parsed headers and the multipart/x-mixed-replace type to bring some dynamism to web pages (that was before JavaScript or even animated GIFs). The site is still up, but the admins have messed up the Apache config so that the CGIs aren’t executed anymore but return the Python code. So, here are some early Python experiments from yours truly: this script was a “pushed” countdown and this one was a “pushed” image animation. Cool stuff at the time, though not in a “get a date” kind of way.]

On the other hand, I very much agree with Joe’s point that “less is more”, i.e. that by not dictating how the semantics of a Mime type are defined the system forces you to think about the proper way to define them (e.g. an English-language RFC). As opposed to WSDL/XSD which gives the impression that once your XML validator turns green you’re done describing your interface. These syntactic validations are a complement at best, and usually not a very useful one (see “fat-bottomed specs”).

In comments on previous posts, Stu Charlton also emphasizes the value that Mime types bring. “Hypermedia advocates exposing a variety of links for such state-transitions, along with potentially unique media types to describe interfaces to those transitions.” I get the hypermedia concept, the HATEOAS approach and its very practical benefits. But I am still dubious about the role of Mime types in achieving them and I am not the only one with such qualms. I have too much respect for Joe and Stu to dismiss it entirely, but until I get an example that makes it “click” in practice for me I won’t sweat about Mime types too much.

Question #3: Riding the Zeitgeist?

That’s a practical question rather than a technical one, but as a protocol creator/promoter you are going to have to decide whether you market it as “RESTful”. If I have learned one thing in my past involvement with standards it is that marketing/positioning/impressions matter for standards as much as for products. To a large extent, for Clouds, Linked Data is a more appropriate label. But that provides little marketing/credibility humph with CIOs compared to REST (and less buzzword-compliance for the tech press). So maybe you want to write your spec based on Linked Data and then market it with a REST ribbon (the two are very compatible anyway). Just keep in mind that REST is the obvious choice for protocols in 2009 in the same way that SOAP was a few years ago.

Of course this is not an issue if you specification is truly RESTful. But none of the current Cloud “RESTful” APIs is, and I don’t expect this to change. At least if you go by Roy Fielding’s definition (or Paul’s handy summary):

A REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies (an obvious coupling of client and server). Servers must have the freedom to control their own namespace. Instead, allow servers to instruct clients on how to construct appropriate URIs, such as is done in HTML forms and URI templates, by defining those instructions within media types and link relations. [Failure here implies that clients are assuming a resource structure due to out-of band information, such as a domain-specific standard, which is the data-oriented equivalent to RPC’s functional coupling].

And (in a comment) Mark Baker adds:

I’ve reviewed lots of “REST APIs”, many of them privately for clients, and a common theme I’ve noticed is that most folks coming from a CORBA/DCE/DCOM/WS-* background, despite all the REST knowledge I’ve implanted into their heads, still cannot get away from the need to “specify the interface”. Sometimes this manifests itself through predefined relationships between resources, specifying URI structure, or listing the possible response codes received from different resources in response to the standard 4 methods (usually a combination of all those). I expect it’s just habit. But a second round of harping on the uniform interface – that every service has the same interface and so any service-specific interface specification only serves to increase coupling – sets them straight.

So the question of whether you want to market yourself as RESTful (rather than just as “inspired by the proper use of HTTP illustrated by REST”) is relevant, if only because you may find the father of REST throwing (POSTing?) tomatoes at you. There is always a risk in wearing clothes that look good but don’t quite fit you. The worst time for your pants to fall off is when you suddenly have to start running.

For more on this, refer to Ted Neward’s excellent Roy decoder ring where he not only explains what Roy means but more importantly clarifies that “if you’re not doing REST, it doesn’t mean that your API sucks” (to which I’d add that it is actually more likely to suck if you try to ape REST than if you allow yourself to be loosely inspired by it).


Wrapping up the wrap-up

There is one key topic that I had originally included in this wrap-up but decided to remove: extensibility. Mark Hapner brings it up in a comment on a previous post:

It is interesting to note that HTML does not provide namespaces but this hasn’t limited its capabilities. The reason is that links are a very effective mechanism for composing resources. Rather than composition via complicated ‘embedding’ mechanisms such as namespaces, the web composes resources via links. If HTML hadn’t provided open-ended, embeddable links there would be no web.

I am the kind of guy who would have namespace-qualified his children when naming them (had my wife not stepped in) so I don’t necessarily see “extension via links” as a negation of the need for namespaces (best example: RDF). The whole topic of embedding versus linking is a great one but this post doesn’t need another thousand words and the “REST in practice” umbrella is not necessarily the best one for this discussion. So I hereby conclude my “REST in practice for IT and Cloud management” series, with the intent to eventually start a “Linked Data in practice for IT and Cloud management” series in which extensibility will be properly handled. And we can also talk about querying (conspicuously absent from Cloud APIs, unless CMDBf is now a Cloud API) and versioning. As a teaser for the application of Linked Data to IT/Cloud, I will leave you with what Vint Cerf has to say.

[UPDATED 2010/1/27: I still haven’t written the promised “Linked Data in practice for IT and Cloud management” post, but this explanation of the usage of Linked Data for pretty much says it all. I may still write a post describing how what Jeni says about government data applies to Cloud management APIs, but it’s almost too obvious to bother. Actually, there may be reasons why Cloud management benefits even more from Linked Data than UK government data, so it may still be worth a post. At some point. When I convince myself that it may influence things rather than be background noise.]


Filed under API, Application Mgmt, Automation, Cloud Computing, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Modeling, Protocols, REST, Semantic tech, SOA, SOAP, Specs, Utility computing

REST in practice for IT and Cloud management (part 1: Cloud APIs)

In this entry I compare four public Cloud APIs (AWS EC2, GoGrid, Rackspace and Sun Cloud) to see what practical benefits REST provides for resource management protocols.

As someone who was involved with the creation of the WS-* stack (especially the parts related to resource management) and who genuinely likes the SOAP processing model I have a tendency to be a little defensive about REST, which is often defined in opposition to WS-*. On the other hand, as someone who started writing web apps when the state of the art was a CGI Perl script, who loves on-the-wire protocols (e.g. this recent exploration of the Windows management stack from an on-the-wire perspective), who is happy to deal with raw XML (as long as I get to do it with a good library), who appreciates the semantic web, and who values models over protocols the REST principles are very natural to me.

I have read the introduction and the bible but beyond this I haven’t seen a lot of practical and profound information about using REST (by “profound” I mean something that is not obvious to anyone who has written web applications). I had high hopes when Pete Lacey promised to deliver this through a realistic example, but it seems to have stalled after two posts. Still, his conversation with Stefan Tilkov (video + transcript) remains the most informed comparison of WS-* and REST.

The domain I care the most about is IT resource management (which includes “Cloud” in my view). I am familiar with most of the remote API mechanisms in this area (SNMP to WBEM to WMI to JMX/RMI to OGSI, to WSDM/WS-Management to a flurry of proprietary interfaces). I can think of ways in which some REST principles would help in this area, but they are mainly along the lines of “any consistent set of principles would help” rather than anything specific to REST. For a while now I have been wondering if I am missing something important about REST and its applicability to IT management or if it’s mostly a matter of “just pick one protocol and focus on the model” (as well as simply avoiding the various drawbacks of the alternative methods, which is a valid reason but not an intrinsic benefit of REST).

I have been trying to learn from others, by looking at how they apply REST to IT/Cloud management scenarios. The Cloud area has been especially fecund in such specifications so I will focus on this for part 1. Here is what I think we can learn from this body of work.

Amazon EC2

When it came out a few years ago, the Amazon EC2 API, with its equivalent SOAP and plain-HTTP alternatives, did nothing to move me from the view that it’s just a matter of picking a protocol and being consistent. They give you the choice of plain HTTP versus SOAP, but it’s just a matter of tweaking how the messages are serialized (URL parameters versus a SOAP message in the input; whether or not there is a SOAP wrapper in the output). The operations are the same whether you use SOAP or not. The responses don’t even contain URLs. For example, “RunInstances” returns the IDs of the instances, not a URL for each of them. You then call “TerminateInstances” and pass these instance IDs as parameters rather than doing a “delete” on an instance URL. This API seems to have served Amazon (and their ecosystem) well. It’s easy to understand, easy to use and it provides a convenient way to handle many instances at once. Since no SOAP header is supported, the SOAP wrapper adds no value (I remember reading that the adoption rate for the EC2 SOAP API reflect this though I don’t have a link handy).

Overall, seeing the EC2 API did not weaken my suspicion that there was no fundamental difference between REST and SOAP in the IT/Cloud management field. But I was very aware that Amazon didn’t really “do” REST in the EC2 API, so the possibility remained that someone would, in a way that would open my eyes to the benefits of true REST for IT/Cloud management.

Fast forward to 2009 and many people have now created and published RESTful APIs for Cloud computing. APIs that are backed by real implementations and that explicitly claim RESTfulness (unlike Amazon). Plus, their authors have great credentials in datacenter automation and/or REST design. First came GoGrid, then the Sun Cloud API and recently Rackspace. So now we have concrete specifications to analyze to understand what REST means for resource management.

I am not going to do a detailed comparative review of these three APIs, though I may get to that in a future post. Overall, they are pretty similar in many dimensions. They let you do similar things (create server instances based on images, destroy them, assign IPs to them…). Some features differ: GoGrid supports more load balancing features, Rackspace gives you control of backup schedules, Sun gives you clusters (a way to achieve the kind of manage-as-group features inherent in the EC2 API), etc. Leaving aside the feature-per-feature comparison, here is what I learned about what REST means in practice for resource management from each of the three specifications.


Though it calls itself “REST-like”, the GoGrid API is actually more along the lines of EC2. The first version of their API claimed that “the API is a REST-like API meaning all API calls are submitted as HTTP GET or POST requests” which is the kind of “HTTP ergo REST” declaration that makes me cringe. It’s been somewhat rephrased in later versions (thank you) though they still use the undefined term “REST-like”. Maybe it refers to their use of “call patterns”. The main difference with EC2 is that they put the operation name in the URI path rather than the arguments. For example, EC2 uses…(auth-parameters)…

while GoGrid uses…(auth-parameters)…

So they have action-specific endpoints rather than a do-everything endpoint. It’s unclear to me that this change anything in practice. They don’t pass resource-specific URLs around (especially since, like EC2, they include the authentication parameters in the URL), they simply pass IDs, again like EC2 (but unlike EC2 they only let you delete one server at a time). So whatever “REST-like” means in their mind, it doesn’t seem to be “RESTful”. Again, the EC2 API gets the job done and I have no reason to think that GoGrid doesn’t also. My comments are not necessarily a criticism of the API. It’s just that it doesn’t move the needle for my appreciation of REST in the context of IT management. But then again, “instruct William Vambenepe” was probably not a goal in their functional spec


In this “interview” to announce the release of the Rackspace “Cloud Servers” API, lead architects Erik Carlin and Jason Seats make a big deal of their goal to apply REST principles: “We wanted to adhere as strictly as possible to RESTful practice. We iterated several times on the design to make it more and more RESTful. We actually did an update this week where we made some final changes because we just didn’t feel like it was RESTful enough”. So presumably this API should finally show me the benefits of true REST in the IT resource management domain. And to be sure it does a better job than EC2 and GoGrid at applying REST principles. The authentication uses HTTP headers, keeping URLs clean. They use the different HTTP verbs the way they are intended. Well mostly, as some of the logic escapes me: doing a GET on /servers/id (where id is the server ID) returns the details of the server configuration, doing a DELETE on it terminates the server, but doing a PUT on the same URL changes the admin username/password of the server. Weird. I understand that the output of a GET can’t always have the same content as the input of a PUT on the same resource, but here they are not even similar. For non-CRUD actions, the API introduces a special URL (/servers/id/action) to which you can POST. The type of the payload describes the action to execute (reboot, resize, rebuild…). This is very similar to Sun’s “controller URLs” (see below).

I came out thinking that this is a nice on-the-wire interface that should be easy to use. But it’s not clear to me what REST-specific benefit it exhibits. For example, how would this API be less useful if “delete” was another action POSTed to /servers/id/action rather than being a DELETE on /servers/id? The authors carefully define the HTTP behavior (content compression, caching…) but I fail to see how the volume of data involved in using this API necessitates this (we are talking about commands here, not passing disk images around). Maybe I am a lazy pig, but I would systematically bypass the cache because I suspect that the performance benefit would be nothing in comparison to the cost of having to handle in my code the possibility of caching taking place (“is it ok here that the content might be stale? what about here? and here?”).


Like Rackspace, the Sun Cloud API is explicitly RESTful. And, by virtue of Tim Bray being on board, we benefit from not just seeing the API but also reading in well-explained details the issues, alternatives and choices that went into it. It is pretty similar to the Rackspace API (e.g. the “controller URL” approach mentioned above) but I like it a bit better and not just because the underlying model is richer (and getting richer every day as I just realized by re-reading it tonight). It handles many-as-one management through clusters in a way that is consistent with the direct resource access paradigm. And what you PUT on a resource is closely related to what you GET from it.

I have commented before on the Sun Cloud API (though the increasing richness of their model is starting to make my comments less understandable, maybe I should look into changing the links to a point-in-time version of Kenai). It shows that at the end it’s the model, not the protocol that matters. And Tim is right to see REST in this case as more of a set of hygiene guidelines for on-the-wire protocols then as the enabler for some unneeded scalability (which takes me back to wondering why the Rackspace guys care so much about caching).

Anything learned?

So, what do these APIs teach us about the practical value of REST for IT/Cloud management?

I haven’t written code against all of them, but I get the feeling that the Sun and Rackspace APIs are those I would most enjoy using (Sun because it’s the most polished, Rackspace because it doesn’t force me to use JSON). The JSON part has two component. One is simply my lack of familiarity with using it compared to XML, but I assume I’ll quickly get over this when I start using it. The second is my concern that it will be cumbersome when the models handled get more complex, heterogeneous and versioned, chiefly from the lack of namespace support. But this is a topic for another day.

I can’t tell if it’s a coincidence that the most attractive APIs to me happen to be the most explicitly RESTful. On the one hand, I don’t think they would be any less useful if all the interactions where replaced by XML RPC calls. Where the payloads of the requests and responses correspond to the parameters the APIs define for the different operations. The Sun API could still return resource URLs to me (e.g. a VM URL as a result of creating a VM) and I would send reboot/destroy commands to this VM via XML RPC messages to this URL. How would it matter that everything goes over HTTP POST instead of skillfully choosing the right HTTP verb for each operation? BTW, whether the XML RPC is SOAP-wrapped or not is only a secondary concern.

On the other hand, maybe the process of following REST alone forces you to come up with a clear resource model that makes for a clean API, independently of many of the other REST principles. In this view, REST is to IT management protocol design what classical music training is to a rock musician.

So, at least for the short-term expected usage of these APIs (automating deployments, auto-scaling, cloudburst, load testing, etc) I don’t think there is anything inherently beneficial in REST for IT/Cloud management protocols. What matter is the amount of thought you put into it and that it has a clear on-the-wire definition.

What about longer term scenarios? Wouldn’t it be nice to just use a Web browser to navigate HTML pages representing the different Cloud resources? Could I use these resource representations to create mashups tying together current configuration, metrics history and events from wherever they reside? In other words, could I throw away my IT management console because all the pages it laboriously generates today would exist already in the ether, served by the controllers of the resources. Or rather as a mashup of what is served by these controllers. Such that my IT management console is really “in the cloud”, meaning not just running in somebody else’s datacenter but rather assembled on the fly from scattered pieces of information that live close to the resources managed. And wouldn’t this be especially convenient if/when I use a “federated” cloud, one that spans my own datacenter and/or multiple Cloud providers? The scalability of REST could then become more relevant, but more importantly its mashup-friendliness and location transparency would be essential.

This, to me, is the intriguing aspect of using REST for IT/Cloud management. This is where the Sun Cloud API would beat the EC2 API. Tim says that in the Sun Cloud “the router is just a big case statement over URI-matching regexps”. Tomorrow this router could turn into five different routers deployed in different locations and it wouldn’t change anything for the API user. Because they’d still just follow URLs. Unlike all the others APIs listed above, for which you know the instance ID but you need to somehow know which controller to talk to about this instance. Today it doesn’t matter because there is one controller per Cloud and you use one Cloud at a time. Tomorrow? As Tim says, “the API doesn’t constrain the design of the URI space at all” and this, to me, is the most compelling long-term reason to use REST. But it only applies if you use it properly, rather than just calling your whatever-over-HTTP interface RESTful. And it won’t differentiate you in the short term.

The second part in the “REST in practice for IT and Cloud management” series will be about the use of REST for configuration management and especially federation. Where you can expect to read more about the benefits of links (I mean “hypermedia”).

[UPDATE: Part 2 is now available. Also make sure to read the comments below.]


Filed under Amazon, API, Cloud Computing, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, REST, SOA, SOAP, SOAP header, Specs, Utility computing, Virtualization

The law of conservation of hype

To the various conservation laws from physics (e.g. of energy and of momentum), one can add the law of conservation of hype. In the IT industry, as in others, there is only so much bandwidth for over-hyped concepts. Old ones have to move out of the limelight to make room for new ones, independently of their usefulness.

Here is this law, I think, illustrated in action. After running a Google Trends report on “web services”, “SOA”, “virtualization” and “cloud computing”, I downloaded the underlying data and added one line: the total search volume across all four terms. Here is the result:

SOA/WS/Cloud/Virtualization search volume trend

The black line, “total”, is remarkably flat (if you ignore the annual Christmas-time drop). There is a surge in late 2007 for both WS and SOA that I can’t really link to anything (Microsoft first announced Oslo around that time, but I doubt this explains it). Other than this, there is a nice continuity that seems to graphicaly support the following narrative:

Web services were the hot thing in the beginning of the decade among people who sell and buy corporate IT systems. Then the cool kids decided that Web services were just an implementation technology but what matters is the underlying pattern. So “SOA” became the word to go after. Just ask Sys-con: exit “Web Services Journal”, hello “SOA World magazine”. Meanwhile “virtualization” has been slowly growing and suddenly came Cloud computing. These two are largely an orthogonal concern from the SOA/WS pair but it doesn’t matter. Since they interest the same people, the law of conservation of hype demands that room be made. So down goes SOA.

The bottom line (and the reason why I ran these queries on Google Trends to start with) is that I feel that application integration and architecture concerns have been pushed out of the limelight by Cloud computing, but that important work is still going on there (some definition work and a lot of implementation work). Work that in fact will become critical when Cloud computing grows out of its VM-centric adolescent phase. I plan to write more entries about this connection (between Cloud computing and application architecture) in the future.

[Side note: I also put this post in the crazyStats category because I understand that by carefully picking the terms you include you can show any trend you want for the “total”. My real point is not about proving “the law of conservaton of hype” (though I believe in it). Rather, it is captured in the previous paragraph.]


Filed under Cloud Computing, CrazyStats, Everything, SOA, Virtualization