Amazon proves that REST doesn’t matter for Cloud APIs

Every time a new Cloud API is announced, its “RESTfulness” is heralded as if it was a MUST HAVE feature. And yet, the most successful of all Cloud APIs, the AWS API set, is not RESTful.

We are far enough down the road by now to conclude that this isn’t a fluke. It proves that REST doesn’t matter, at least for Cloud management APIs (there are web-scale applications of an entirely different class for which it does). By “doesn’t matter”, I don’t mean that it’s a bad choice. Just that it is not significantly different from reasonable alternatives, like RPC.

AWS mostly uses RPC over HTTP. You send HTTP GET requests, with instructions like ?Action=CreateKeyPair added in the URL. Or DeleteKeyPair. Same for any other resource (volume, snapshot, security group…). Amazon doesn’t pretend it’s RESTful, they just call it “Query API” (except for the DevPay API, where they call it “REST-Query” for unclear reasons).

Has this lack of REStfulness stopped anyone from using it? Has it limited the scale of systems deployed on AWS? Does it limit the flexibility of the Cloud offering and somehow force people to consume more resources than they need? Has it made the Amazon Cloud less secure? Has it restricted the scope of platforms and languages from which the API can be invoked? Does it require more experienced engineers than competing solutions?

I don’t see any sign that the answer is “yes” to any of these questions. Considering the scale of the service, it would be a multi-million dollars blunder if indeed one of them had a positive answer.

Here’s a rule of thumb. If most invocations of your API come via libraries for object-oriented languages that more or less map each HTTP request to a method call, it probably doesn’t matter very much how RESTful your API is.

The Rackspace people are technically right when they point out the benefits of their API compared to Amazon’s. But it’s a rounding error compared to the innovation, pragmatism and frequency of iteration that distinguishes the services provided by Amazon. It’s the content that matters.

If you think it’s rich, for someone who wrote a series of post examining “REST in practice for IT and Cloud management” (part 1, part 2 and part 3), to now declare that REST doesn’t matter, well go back to these posts. I explicitly set them up as an effort to investigate whether (and in what way) it mattered and made it clear that my intuition was that actual RESTfulness didn’t matter as much as simplicity. The AWS API being an example of the latter without the former. As I wrote in my review of the Sun Cloud API, “it’s not REST that matters, it’s the rest”. One and a half years later, I think the case is closed.


Filed under Amazon, Application Mgmt, Cloud Computing, Everything, Implementation, Mgmt integration, REST, Specs, Utility computing