Over the last couple days, a few articles came up that help explain HP’s vision for Management of the Adaptive Enterprise, so here are the links.
Yesterday, Mark Potts published an article describing the value of SOA for enterprises and more specifically the management aspects of SOA (security, life cycle and configuration, management of infrastructure services and business services, governance, etc). BTW, the SOA practice from HP Consulting and Integration that Mark refers to at the end of his article is what I mentioned in my previous post.
Another interesting article is Alan Weissberger’s entusiastic report from GGF 14. Alan follows GGF and related OASIS activities very closely, doesn’t fall for fluff and is not easily impressed so this a testimony to the great work that Heather, Bryan, Bill and Barry did there, presenting a WSDM deep dive, the HP/IBM WSDM demos (which they also showed at IEEE ICAC in Seattle) and talking about the recently released HP/IBM/CA roadmap for management using Web services. These four should call themselves “Heather and the Bs” or “HB3” for short if they keep touring the world showing their cool demos. Can’t wait to see them at the Shoreline Amphitheatre. Of course, Alan’s positive comments also and mainly come out of all the hard technical work that lead to this successful GGF14, including the OGSA WSRF Basic Profile.
Two more articles to finish, both about the HP/IBM/CA roadmap. I talked to the journalists for both of these articles, one form ComputerWorld and one from the Computer Business Review.
Four good articles in two days, it is very encouraging to see how the understanding of how we are unleashing the power of SOAs through adaptive management is growing. This is what the roadmap is all about, explaining the objectives to people and inviting them on board.