I have been keeping an eye on Don Ferguson’s blog with the hope of one day reading a bit about Microsoft’s Oslo project and maybe the application management aspects of it. Instead, what I saw tonight is that Don is leaving Microsoft, after a short stay, to join CA. Welcome to the fun world of IT management Don! It seems like a safe bet to assume that he will work on application management (sorry, I am supposed to say “service management”), which is what I focus on at Oracle. So forget Oslo, now I have another reason to keep an eye on Don. Microsoft has hired quite a few people out of CA (including Anders Vinberg, a while ago, and my WSDM co-conspirator Igor Sedukhin), so I guess it’s only fair to see some movement the other way.
Since this has turned into a “people magazine” edition of this blog, IT management observers who don’t know it yet might be interested to learn that DMTF president Winston Bumpus left Dell to join VMWare several months ago. Leaving aside the superiority of the SF Bay Area over Round Rock TX for boating purposes, this can also be seen as a clear signal of interest from VMWare for standards and especially DMTF. OVF migth only be the beginning.
If anyone who matters in IT management adopts a baby, checks into rehab or gets into a brawl, you’ll read about it first on this blog. Coming next week: exclusive photos from the beach-side retreat of the itSMF board. We’ll compare to photos from last year to find out whose six-pack shows the most impressive “continual service improvement”. And the following week, you’ll learn what really happened in that Vegas meeting room filled with IT management analysts. On the other hand, I do not cover fashion faux-pas because there are just too many of those in our industry.
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