Oracle semantic technologies resources

I have started to look at the semantic technologies available in Oracle’s portfolio and so far I like what I see. At HP, I had access to top experts on semantic technologies (mostly from HP Labs) but no special product (not counting Jena which is available to everyone). At Oracle, I find both top experts and very robust products. If you too are looking into Oracle’s offering related to semantic technologies, here are a few links to publicly-available resources that I have found useful. This is filtered based on my interests (yours may be different, for example I skip content related to life sciences applications).

The main page (and what should be your starting point on that topic) is the Semantic Technologies Center on OTN. Most of the other resources listed below are only a click or two away from there. The Semantic Technologies Forum is the right place for questions. The Semantic Web page on the Oracle Wiki doesn’t contain much right now but that may change.

For an overview of the semantic technology capabilities and their applicability, start with Semantic Data Integration for the Enterprise (white paper) and Why, When, and How to Use Oracle Database 11g Semantic Technologies (slides). Then look at Enterprise Semantic Web in Practice (slides) for many real-life examples.

When you are ready to take advantage of the Oracle semantic technologies capabilities, start with The Semantic Web for Application Developers (slides) followed by RDF Support in Oracle RDBMS (these are more detailed slides but they seem based on 10gR2 rather than 11g so not as complete, no OWL for example). Then grab a thermos of coffee and lock yourself in the basement for a while with the Oracle Database Semantic Technologies Developer’s Guide (also available as a hundred-page PDF).

At that point, you may chose to look into the design choices (with performance analysis) that where made in the Oracle implementation by reading A Scalable RDBMS-Based Inference Engine for RDFS/OWL. There is also a Wiki page on OWLPrime to describe the subset of OWL supported in 11g. Finally, you can turn to the Inference Best Practices with RDFS/OWL white paper for tuning tips on 11g.

To get the actual bits, you can download the Oracle 11g Database on OTN. The semantic technologies support is in the Spatial option for the database, which is included in the base download.

I will keep updating this page as interesting new resouces are created (or as I discover existing ones). For resources on semantic technologies in general (non Oracle specific) good sources are Dave Beckett’s page, the W3C (list of resources or standardization activities) or the Cover Pages.

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Filed under Everything, Oracle, OWL, RDF, Semantic tech