My CMDBF colleague from BMC Van Wiles has a short update on the state of the CMDBF work. This is an occasion for me to point to his blog. I know that several of my readers are very interested in the CMDBF work, and they should probably monitor Van’s posts in addition to mine.
Like Van, I see the pace accelerating, which is good. More importantly, the quality of the discussion has really improved, not just the quantity. We’ve spent way too much time in UML-land (come on people, this is a protocol, get the key concepts and move on, no need to go in UML to the same level of detail that the XML contains), but the breakthrough was the move to pseudo-schema, and from there to example XML instance docs and finally to java code for the interop. I am having a lot of fun writing this code. I used this opportunity to take XOM on a road test and it’s been a very friendly companion.
Now that we’re getting close to the CMDBF interop, I feel a lot better about the effort than I did at the beginning of the year. It’s still going to be challenging to make the interop. Even if we succeed, the interop only covers a portion of what the spec needs to deliver. But it will be a very good milestone.
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