Category Archives: Podcast

Podcast with Oracle Cloud experts

A couple of weeks ago, Bob Rhubart (who runs the OTN architect community) assembled four of us who are involved in Oracle’s Cloud efforts, public and private. The conversation turned into a four-part podcast, of which the first part is now available. The participants were James Baty (VP of Global Enterprise Architecture Program), Mark Nelson (lead architect for Oracle’s public Cloud among other responsibilities), Ajay Srivastava (VP of OnDemand platform), and me.

I think the conversation will give a good idea of the many ways in which we think about Cloud at Oracle. Our customers both provide and consume Cloud services. Oracle itself provides both private Cloud systems and a global public Cloud. All these are connected, both in terms of usage patterns (hybrid) and architecture/implementation (via technology sharing between our products and our Cloud services, such as Enterprise Manager’s central role in running the Oracle Cloud).

That makes for many topics and a lively conversation when the four of us get together.

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Filed under Cloud Computing, Everything, Oracle, Oracle Cloud, People, Podcast, Portability, Standards, Utility computing

Guest on the Redmonk IT management podcast

Coté and John Willis invited me as a guest on their weekly Redmonk IT management podcast, the 6th since they started. I believe I am the first to be invited on it, so if they stop having guests I’ll know what this means about my performance. Here is the MP3 (58MB, approximately 1 hour).

If you are going to listen to it do me a favor and skip the first 5 minutes. By minute 6, the morning coffee has kicked in and I start to make a bit more sense. All in all, I’d rather you don’t listen to it and read Coté’s excellent overview instead. It’s not that I am embarrassed that I have a French accent, it’s that I sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger trying to fake a French accent. Please tell me it’s because of Skype’s compression algorithm.

Insecurities aside, I had a very good time with Coté and John. These guys’ knowledge of the IT management industry is both encyclopedic and very practical. Hopefully I was able to contribute some insights on the need for better integration in IT management and some of the current efforts to achieve it.

Thanks Coté and John for inviting me. And, at the risk of sounding like Arnold again, I hope that “I’ll be back” on your podcast.


Filed under Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Podcast