Category Archives: JBoss

The REST bubble

Just yesterday I was writing about how Cloud APIs are like military parades. To some extent, their REST rigor is a way to enforce implementation discipline. But a large part of it is mostly bling aimed at showing how strong (for an army) or smart (for an API) the people in charge are.

Case in point, APIs that have very simple requirements and yet make a big deal of the fact that they are perfectly RESTful.

Just today, I learned (via the ever-informative InfoQ) about the JBoss SteamCannon project (a PaaS wrapper for Java and Ruby apps that can deploy on different host infrastructures like EC2 and VirtualBox). The project looks very interesting, but the API doc made me shake my head.

The very first thing you read is three paragraphs telling you that the API is fully HATEOS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) compliant (our URLs are opaque, you hear me, opaque!) and an invitation to go read Roy’s famous take-down of these other APIs that unduly call themselves RESTful even though they don’t give HATEOS any love.

So here I am, a developer trying to deploy my WAR file on SteamCannon and that’s the API document I find.

Instead of the REST finger-wagging, can I have a short overview of what functions your API offers? Or maybe an example of a request call and its response?

I don’t mean to pick on SteamCannon specifically, it just happens to be a new Cloud API that I discovered today (all the Cloud API out there also spend too much time telling you how RESTful they are and not enough time showing you how simple they are). But when an API document starts with a REST lesson and when PowerPoint-waving sales reps pitch “RESTful APIs” to executives you know this REST thing has gone way beyond anything related to “the fundamentals”.

We have a REST bubble on our hands.

Again, I am not criticizing REST itself. I am criticizing its religious and ostentatious application rather than its practical use based on actual requirements (this was my take on its practical aspects in the context of Cloud APIs).


Filed under API, Application Mgmt, Cloud Computing, Everything, JBoss, Mgmt integration, Protocols, REST, Utility computing

REST-*: good specs, bad branding?

In an earlier post, I argued for standardization of some basic REST-inspired mechanisms for the narrow goal of supporting control interfaces for different forms of Cloud Computing. As I was doing so, I noticed the first report of something called REST-*, introduced by RedHat’s Mark Little and I ended my post by wondering whether we were talking about the same thing or not.

Now that more information has emerged it seems pretty clear that we are not.

Mark Little understands transactions very well. No argument. He is not happy with some aspects of how they are supported over SOAP. Fine. He thinks it can be done better (at least for 80% of the cases and with lower barriers to entry) directly on top of HTTP (no envelope). Fine. He would like this to be standardized so that middleware stacks can interoperate. Fine. Same applies for pub/sub and p2p messaging, the other initial project out of the REST-* effort. All good.

Where it all goes wrong is the attempt to get on the REST bandwagon. REST is not the only proper way to write distributed applications. It’s a good way to do it for a specific (through arguably very large) set of distributed applications. One that may not include financial trading or RFID-enabled inventory tracking. More specifically, REST might not be the appropriate approach for all parts of all distributed applications. Working on smoothly connecting the REST and non-REST parts is interesting. Working on forcing the non-REST parts under the REST mantle less so.

By REST here I mean REST-the-architectural-style (narrowly defined), not REST-the-brand (much more broadly defined). Even if your work does not fall under the umbrella of REST-the-architectural-style, you may choose to position it under REST-the-brand as a pragmatic calculation (like a police department might pragmatically include a plasma TV in the “terrorism preparation” accounting category). In the “pros” category, positioning it as REST gives you instantaneous press coverage. In the “cons” category, it gives you instantaneous twitter coverage (of the kind that Steve Jones reports). All in all, it seems like a bad bargain to me if you want to get things done. But Bill Burke (who works with Mark on this) has chosen to accept it: “I really don’t care in the end if any of the architectural principles of Roy’s thesis are broken as long these requirements are met”. As a side note, the REST-* announcement puts this comment by Bill on Roy’s blog in context…

In any case, the way the proposed umbrella organization is shaping up is also giving me concerns. Less about some nefarious intent than about a certain tone-deafness regarding how it comes across. I am not talking about details such as the REST-* moniker, the fact that is just a facade that redirects to or the fact that their blog feed uses RSS rather than Atom (way to get the REST crowd on your side). Rather I am thinking of statements like “Red Hat, as the founder of REST-*, gets a permanent seat on the board. All other board members must be elected by the overall membership once a year”. Which suggests (probably incorrectly) more arrogance than even Microsoft and IBM combined were able to muster when setting up WS-I (modulo the Sun snub). Speaking of Sun, if the JCP (and Sun’s position in it) is the model that RedHat has in mind it might be helpful to point out to them that Sun invented the language after all…

All in all, the specifications Mark and team have in mind may make perfect sense, but they way they are going about it leaves me highly skeptical.

[UPDATE 2009/9/17: More REST-* skepticism. But it looks like Mark and Bill are taking it in stride, acknowledging a less-than-optimal execution and trying to fix things. I doubt this specific initiative can be salvaged, but I think a lot of the goals are good and need to be realized.  Though my intuition is that it is more likely to get done in a piecemeal fashion, distributed between specialized communities (e.g. the Cloud people, the messaging/AMQP people…) who take on, in a very practical way, the portions most relevant to their needs. Whether all the pieces then get pulled together in one place with a nice bow is not important right now.]

[UPDATED 2009/9/18: Changes!]

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Filed under Everything, JBoss, Middleware, Protocols, REST, Specs, Standards

BPM origami

Tom Baeyens (leader of JBoss jBPM) recently wrote a DZone article titled “Seven Forms of Business Process Management With JBoss jBPM”. It’s an interesting article. It does a good job of illustrating the difference between using BPM tools to capture/communicate business intent versus using them to implement asynchronous interactions, especially with Web services.

While it is very much worth reading, the article is not a good reference document for defining/explaining BPM, because it is much to tied to the jBPM product. This happens in two ways, one harmless and one more consequential.

The harmless tie-in is that each flavor of BPM comes with a description of the corresponding jBPM features. Not something you want to see in a generic reference document but Tom is very upfront about the fact that the article is going to cover the jBPM product (it’s even in the title) and about his affiliation with jBPM. No problem there.

What bothers me more is a distinct feeling that the choice of these seven use cases is mainly driven by the availability of these supporting jBPM features. It’s not just that the use cases are illustrated through jBPM features. What we are seeing is the meaning of BPM being redefined to match exactly what jBPM offers.

The most egregious example is use case 6, “thread control language”. Yes, threads are hard. It sounds like Tom and team are planning to make this easier by adding some Erlang-like features in jBPM (at this point the tense changes to future “we’ll develop a thread control language…” so there isn’t much specifics). Great. Sounds interesting, I am looking forward to seeing it. But if this is BPM then are threads a BPM features of the various programming languages? Are OS processes a BPM feature? Are multicore CPUs part of BPM while we’re at it?

Use cases 5 (“visual programming”) and 7 (“easy creation of DSLs”) are treading in the same waters. I have the feeling that if jBPM was able to synchronize the podcasts on my MP3 player, we would have had an 8th use case for BPM.

Tom is right to write that “the term BPM is highly overloaded and used for many different things resulting in a lot of confusion”. By adding a few more use cases that nobody, as far as I know, had previously attached to the BPM bandwagon, he is creating more, not less, confusion.

This is especially glaring if you notice that one of the most important BPM use cases, monitoring, is not even mentioned. Maybe it’s just me and my “operations time” bias versus Tom’s “development time” bias. But it seems that he is pulling the BPM blanket a bit far towards his side of the bed (don’t read too much in the analogy, I have never met Tom).

Rather than saying that “these use cases give concrete descriptions for the different interpretations of the term BPM”, it would be more accurate to say “these use case give concrete descriptions for some of the different interpretations of the term BPM, ignore others and add a few new ones”.

I didn’t learn a lot about BPM, but the article did make me interested in learning more about jBPM, which is probably its primary objective. There seem to be some interesting design goals towards providing a flexible set of orchestration-related tools to application developers. Some of it reminds me of the workflow efforts at Microsoft (some already shipping and some to be revealed at PDC).

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Filed under Articles, BPEL, BPM, Business Process, Everything, JBoss, Middleware, Open source