Yoga framework for REST-like partial resource access

A tweet by Stefan Tilkov brought Yoga to my attention, “a framework for supporting REST-like URI requests with field selectors”.

As the name suggests, “Yoga” lets you practice some contortions that would strain a run-of-the-mill REST programmer. Basically, you can use a request like

GET /teams/4234.json?selector=:(members:(id,name,birthday)

to retrieve the id, name and birthday of all members of a softball team, rather than having to retrieve the team roaster and then do a GET on each and every team member to retrieve their name and birthday (and lots of other information you don’t care about).

Where have I seen this before? That use case came up over and over again when we were using SOAP Web services for resource management. I have personally crafted support for it a few times. Using this blog to support my memory, here is the list of SOAP-related management efforts listed in the “post-mortem on the previous IT management revolution”:

WSMF, WS-Manageability, WSDM, OGSI, WSRF, WS-Management, WS-ResourceTransfer, WSRA, WS-ResourceCatalog, CMDBf

Each one of them supports this “partial access” use case: WS-Management has :

WSMF, WS-Manageability, WSDM, OGSI, WSRF, WS-Management, WS-ResourceTransfer, WSRA, WS-ResourceCatalog, CMDBf

Each one of them supports this “partial access” use case: WS-Management has SelectorSet, WSRF has ResourceProperties, CMDBf has ContentSelector, WSRA has Fragments, etc.

Years ago, I also created the XMLFrag SOAP header to attack a more general version of this problem. There may be something to salvage in all this for people willing to break REST orthodoxy (with the full knowledge of what they gain and what they loose).

I’m not being sarcastic when I ask “where have I seen this before”. The problem hasn’t gone away just because we failed to solve it in a pragmatic way with SOAP. If the industry is moving towards HTTP+JSON then we’ll need to solve it again on that ground and it’s no surprise if the solution looks similar.

I have a sense of what’s coming next. XPath-for-JSON-over-the-wire. See, getting individual properties is nice, but sometimes you want more. You want to select only the members of the team who are above 14 years old. Or you just want to count these members rather than retrieve specific information about them individually. Or you just want a list of all the cities they live in. Etc.

But even though we want this, I am not convinced (anymore) that we need it.

What I know we need is better support for graph queries. Kingsley Idehen once provided a good explanation of why that is and how SPARQL and XML query languages (or now JSON query languages) complement one another (wouldn’t that be a nice trifecta: RDF/OWL’s precise modeling, JSON’s friendly syntax and SPARQL’s graph support – but I digress).

Going back to partial resource access, the last feature is the biggie: a fine-grained mechanism to update resource properties. That one is extra-hard.


Filed under API, CMDBf, Everything, Graph query, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Modeling, Protocols, Query, REST, SOAP, SOAP header, Specs, Standards, Web services, WS-Management, WS-ResourceCatalog, WS-ResourceTransfer, WS-Transfer, XMLFrag, XPath

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