Mapping CIM associations to CMDBf relationships

This post started as a comment on the blog of Van Wiles. When it became too long (and turned into a therapeutic rant at the end) I turned it into a blog post of its own. Please, read Van’s post first. Here is my response to him:

Hi Van. Sounds like what you are after is not a mapping of the CIM_Dependency association to a CMDBf record type (anyone can make up such a mapping as you point out), but a generic algorithm to map any CIM association to a corresponding CMDBf relationship record type. Correct? That algorithm needs to handle the fact that the CIM metamodel has the concept of relationship roles while the CMDBf metamodel doesn’t.

Here is a possible such mapping:

  1. Take a CIM association (called “myAssociation”) that has two roles (called “thisOne” and “theOtherOne”).
  2. Take the item that has role name that comes first alphabetically and make it the source (in this example, it is “theOtherOne”)
  3. Take the item that has role name that comes second alphabetically and make it the target (in this example, it is “thisOne”)
  4. Generate a CMDBf record type called “{associationName} _from_ {firstRoleNameAlphabetically} _to_ {secondRoleNameAlphabetically}”

You’re done. The new CMDBf record type is “myAssociation_from_theOtherOne_to_thisOne”, the source is the item with the role “theOtherOne” and the target is the item with the role “thisOne”. Everyone who follows this algorithm (of course it needs to be formally defined and evangelized, there is no guarantee here unless we bake CIM-specific concepts in the core CMDBf specification, which would be a mistake) will produce the same CMDBf relationship record type for a given CIM association.

Applied to the CIM_Dependency example, this would generate a “CIM_Dependency_from_Antecedent_to_Dependent” CMDBf record type, in which the source is the CIM Antecedent and the target is the CIM Dependent.

Alternatively, you can have the algorithm generate two CMDBf relationship record types (one going in each direction) for each CIM association. So you don’t have to arbitrarily pick the first one (alphabetically) as the source. But then you need to have model metadata to capture the fact that these relationships are the inverse of one another (and imply one another). As you well know,I have been advocating for the use of RDF/RDFS/OWL in CMDBf for a while. :-)

In the end, there are three potential approaches:

1) Someone (the CMDBf group or someone else) creates an authoritative mapping for all CIM associations (or at least all the useful ones) and we expect anyone who uses the CIM model with CMDBf to use that mapping.

2) Someone (again, the CMDBf group or someone else) defines a normative CIM to CMDBf mapping, e.g. the one above, and we expect anyone who generates a CMDBf relationship record type from a CIM association to use this mapping algorithm. From a pure logical perspective, it is the same as defining a CMDBf record type for each CIM association (approach 1), but it is less work and it doesn’t have to be updated every time a CIM association is created/versioned. At the cost of uglier (more arbitrary) CMDBf record types being defined.

3) We let people define the relationships in whatever way they choose and we provide a model metadata framework (aka ontology language) to allow mappings between these approaches. For example, you define, in your namespace, a van:CIM-inspired-dependency CMDBf record type that goes from antecedent to dependent. Separately, I defined, in my namespace, a william:CIM-like-dependency CMDBf record type that carries the same semantics (defined, not so precisely BTW but that’s a different topic, by CIM) except that its source is the dependent and its target is the antecedent. The inverse of yours. A suitable ontology language would allow someone (you, me, or a third party who has to assemble a system that uses both relationship types) to assert that mine is the inverse of yours. Once this assertion is captured, a request for any [A]—(van:CIM-inspired-dependency)—>[B] would also return the instances of [B]—(william:CIM-like-dependency)—>[A] because they are known to be the same. And you know how I am going to conclude, of course: OWL (specifically owl:inverseOf) provides just this.

BTW, approach 3 is not incompatible with 1 or 2. Whether or not we define mappings for CIM relationships and whether or not that mapping gets adopted, there will be plenty of cases in a federated scenario in which you need to reconcile models (CIM-based or not). Model metadata (aka an ontology language) is useful anyway.

Readers who only care about the technical aspects and have little time for rants can stop reading here. But, since I haven’t addressed any constructive criticism to the DMTF in a while, I can’t resist the opportunity to point out that if the mailing list archives for the DMTF working groups were publicly available, we wouldn’t have to have these discussions on our personal blogs. I am very glad that Van posted this on his blog because it is a question that many people will have. Whatever the CMDBf specification ends up doing, developers and architects who make use of it will benefit from having access to the deliberations and considerations that resulted in the specification being what it is. There are many emails in the CMDBf mailing list private archive that I am sure would be useful to future CMDBf implementers, but if they don’t show up on Google they don’t exist for any practical purpose. When grappling with the finer points of some specification or programming language I have often Googled my way into email archives (or old specification drafts) of the working groups that designed them. Sometimes I come out thinking “oh, ok, now I understand why they chose that approach” and other times it’s “ok, that’s what I suspected, these guys were high”. Either way, it’s useful to me as a user of the specification. W3C is the best example (of making working group records available, not of being high): not only is the mailing list available but the phone meetings often have a supporting IRC channel in which key points of the discussion get captured and archived. Here is an example. Making life easier for implementers is probably the single most important thing to make a specification successful. And ultimately, that’s the DMTF’s success too.

And it’s not just for developers and architects. It also impacts industry observers and pundits. Like the IT Skeptic who looked into CMDBf and reported “nothing on the DMTF website but press releases. try to find anything by navigating from the homepage”. And you wonder why his article is titled “the CMDB Federation proceeeds (sic) at its usual glacial pace”. There is good work going on, but there is no way for him to see it. This too is bad for the adoption and credibility of DMTF specifications.

Isn’t it ironic that the DMTF expends resources to sponsor a “hospitality suite” at the Burton Group Catalyst conference (presumably to spread the word about the good work taking place in the organization) but fails to make it easy for the industry to see that same good work taking place? It’s like a main street retail shop that advertises in the newspaper but covers its store window with cardboard, preventing passersby from seeing what’s on offer. I notice that all the other “hospitality suites” seem to be staffed by for-profit vendors (Oracle, IBM, Cisco, Microsoft etc are all there). Somehow W3C and OASIS (whose work is very relevant to some of the conference themes, like identity management and SOA) don’t feel the need to give away pens and key chains at the conference.

Dear DMTF, open source is not just good for code.


Filed under CA, CMDB Federation, CMDBf, Conference, DMTF, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Mgmt integration, Modeling, RDF, Semantic tech, Specs, Standards, Trade show, W3C