I am going to spend some time, starting tomorrow, at the 2008 Semantic Technology Conference in San Jose. I have a few ideas (on ways to use semantic technologies for IT management) that I am trying to validate, improve or kill, as appropriate. I will of course be interested in any discussion/presentation related to applying semantic technologies to IT management. But I am going there in a pretty open frame of mind. Peripheral vision is important when considering technology that is so generic in nature and that has been used in many different fields. In general, I am more interested in concrete projects, lessons learned, best practices etc than new raw technology. There is already a lot more raw semantic web technology available than we can hope to make use of in IT management anytime soon. The question is more around the best ways to practically and opportunistically deliver value in a field that has plenty of existing relational schemas, XML descriptors, semi-standard class models, semi-structured events and in-Joe’s-head-only domain knowledge nuggets floating around.
If you are going to go there and have any interest in the application of semantic technologies to IT management, I’d be happy to hook up.