Category Archives: Utility computing

DMTF calls the ball on Cloud standards

To no surprise to industry watchers (and especially the small subset of them who read this blog), the DMTF has announced today (warning, PDF) that they are creating their very first “incubator” group and it is chartered with standardizing deployment, management and portability of Cloud systems. You’ve probably skipped it at the time (you’re forgiven), but you may now be motivated to go back and read this short analysis of the DMTF incubator process. And now you know why I bothered to look into this never-used two-year old process. Since it was DMTF-internal information, I couldn’t at the time explain that my motivation was the preparations under way for this Cloud computing incubator.

Since the press release talks about Cloud compatibility and since I am obviously in very self-referencing mood today, I have to point to this “reality check on Cloud portability” for a historical perspective.

Three things to notice in the charter (warning, PDF) of the incubator:

First and foremost, it explicitly takes a very IaaS-centric view of Cloud computing. And within that, a very VM-driven view. VMWare could have written it…

“Virtualization technology and the evolution from software packages that can be created and deployed as a collection of virtual images is becoming the primary focus for delivering and managing software solutions into enterprise customers today”. I guess the “is becoming” formulation provides enough wiggle room (interesting rhetorical twist that lets you make a prognostic and yet use the present tense) that one can’t really call them on it and ask how many enterprise software systems are actually delivered and managed as virtual machines today (see my colleague Adam’s view of what it will take).

Let’s next look at the description of the deliverables:

Cloud taxonomy:
– Terms and definitions
Cloud Interoperability whitepaper
Informational specifications:
– Proposed OVF changes for cloud usage
– Proposed Profiles  for management of resources exposed by a cloud
– Proposed changes to other DMTF standards
Requirements for trust for cloud resource management.
Work register(s) with appropriate alliance partners (See below)

We find the requisite “cloud taxonomy” (all the blog chatter about this a few months ago died without producing much alignment beyond the good old “IaaS, PaaS and SaaS”, or did I miss something). The interesting aspect to notice is the lack of new specification in the list. Just adjustments to the current ones (including OVF) and some profiling on top. I guess we are much closer to Cloud interoperability and portability than I thought! And the lessons form the past have been learned.

The third thing to notice is the name of the “interim co-chairs”. Who happen to be from VMWare and IBM. Who also happen to be the DMTF President and DMTF Chairman. In case you had any doubt, this is very high profile in DMTF. Especially for something that’s theoretically only an “incubator”. It may just be an egg, but there is a baby T-Rex in it.

Who’s missing in the party? Two groups of people. First, DMTF members who chose not to join (Oracle, CA, BMC…). And more importantly, the non-DMTF members who may nevertheless have a few ideas about Clouds: Google, Amazon, Salesforce and all the small Cloud pure-plays. You know, the kind of people who publish their docs in HTML rather than just PDF.

[Note: this is a quick first take written over lunch. More thoughts about the choice of the “incubator process” and the prospects for collaboration with other standards groups to follow, maybe as soon as tonight. — UPDATE: done]


Filed under Cloud Computing, DMTF, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, OVF, Portability, Standards, Utility computing, Virtualization, VMware

A post-mortem on the previous IT management revolution

Before rushing to standardize “Cloud APIs”, let’s take a look back at the previous attempt to tackle the same problem, which is one of IT management integration and automation. I am referring to the definition of specifications that attempted to use the then-emerging SOAP-based Web services framework to easily integrate IT management systems and their targets.

Leaving aside the “Cloud” spin of today and the “Web services” frenzy of yesterday, the underlying problem remains to provide IT services (mostly applications) in a way that offers the best balance of performance, availability, security and economy. Concretely, it is about being able to deploy whatever IT infrastructure and application bits need to be deployed, configure them and take any required ongoing action (patch, update, scale up/down, optimize…) to keep them humming so customers don’t notice anything bothersome and you don’t break any regulation. Or rather so that any disruption a customer sees and any mandate you violate cost you less than it would have cost to avoid them.

The realization that IT systems are moving more and more towards distributed/connected applications was the primary reason that pushed us towards the definition of Web services protocols geared towards management interactions. By providing a uniform and network-friendly interface, we hoped to make it convenient to integrate management tasks vertically (between layers of the IT stack) and horizontally (across distributed applications). The latter is why we focused so much on managing new entities such as Web services, their execution environments and their conversations. I’ll refer you to the WSMF submission that my HP colleagues and I made to OASIS in 2003 for the first consistent definition of such a management framework. The overview white paper even has a use case called “management as a service” if you’re still not convinced of the alignment with today’s Cloud-talk.

Of course there are some differences between Web service management protocols and Cloud APIs. Virtualization capabilities are more advanced than when the WS effort started. The prospect of using hosted resources is more realistic (though still unproven as a mainstream business practice). Open source component are expected to play a larger role. But none of these considerations fundamentally changes the task at hand.

Let’s start with a quick round-up and update on the most relevant efforts and their status.


WSMF (Web Services Management Framework): an HP-created set of specifications, submitted to the OASIS WSDM working group (see below). Was subsumed into WSDM. Not only a protocol BTW, it includes a basic model for Web services-related artifacts.

WS-Manageability: An IBM-led alternative to parts of WSDM, also submitted to OASIS WSDM.

WSDM (Web Services Distributed Management): An OASIS technical committee. Produced two standards (a protocol, “Management Using Web Services” and a model of Web services, “Management Of Web Services”). Makes use of WSRF (see below). Saw a few implementations but never achieved real adoption.

OGSI (Open Grid Services Infrastructure): A GGF (the organization now known as OGF) standard to provide a service-oriented resource manipulation infrastructure for Grid computing. Replaced with WSRF.

WSRF: An OASIS technical committee which produced several standards (the main one is WS-ResourceProperties). Started as an attempt to align the GGF/OGSI approach to resource access with the IT management approach (represented by WSDM). Saw some adoption and is currently quietly in use under the cover in the GGF/OGF space. Basically replaced OGSI but didn’t make it in the IT management world because its vehicle there, WSDM, didn’t.

WS-Management: A DMTF standard, based on a Microsoft-led submission. Similar to WSDM in many ways. Won the adoption battle with it. Based on WS-Transfer and WS-Enumeration.

WS-ResourceTransfer (aka WS-RT): An attempt to reconcile the underlying foundations of WSDM and WS-Management. Stalled as a private effort (IBM, Microsoft, HP, Intel). Was later submitted to the W3C WS-RA working group (see below).

WSRA (Web Services Resource Access): A W3C working group created to standardize the specifications that WS-Management is built on (WS-Transfer etc) and to add features to them in the form of WS-RT (which was also submitted there, in order to be finalized). This is (presumably) the last attempt at standardizing a SOAP-based access framework for distributed resources. Whether the window of opportunity to do so is still open is unclear. Work is ongoing.

WS-ResourceCatalog : A discovery helper companion specification to WS-Management. Started as a Microsoft document, went through the “WSDM/WS-Management reconciliation” effort, emerged as a new specification that was submitted to DMTF in May 2007. Not heard of since.

CMDBf (Configuration Management Database Federation): A DMTF working group (and soon to be standard) that mainly defines a SOAP-based protocol to query repositories of configuration information. Not linked with (or dependent on) any of the specifications listed above (it is debatable whether it belongs in this list or is part of a new breed).


DCML (Data Center Markup Language): The first comprehensive effort to model key elements of a data center, their relationships and their policies. Led by EDS and Opsware. Never managed to attract the major management vendors. Transitioned to an OASIS member section and died of being ignored.

SDM (System Definition Model): A Microsoft specification to model an IT system in a way that includes constraints and validation, with the goal of improving automation and better linking the different phases of the application lifecycle. Was the starting point for SML.

SML (Service Modeling Language): Currently a W3C “proposed recommendation” (soon to be a recommendation, I assume) with the same goals as SDM. It was created, starting from SDM, by a consortium of companies that eventually submitted it to W3C. No known adoption other than the Eclipse COSMOS project (Microsoft was supposed to use it, but there hasn’t been any news on that front for a while). Technically, it is a combination of XSD and Schematron. It appears dead, unless it turns out that Microsoft is indeed using it (I don’t know whether System Center is still using SDM, whether they are adopting SML, whether they are moving towards M or whether they have given up on the model-centric vision).

CML (Common Model Library): An effort by the SML authors to create a set of model elements using the SML metamodel. Appears to be dead (no news in a long time and the domain name that was used seems abandoned).

SDD (Solution Deployment Descriptor): An OASIS standard to define a packaging mechanism meant to simplify the deployment and configuration of software units. It is to an application archive what OVF is to a virtual disk. Little adoption that I know of, but maybe I have a blind spot on this.

OVF (Open Virtualization Format): A recently released DMTF standard. Defines a packaging and descriptor format to distribute virtual machines. It does not defined a common virtual machine format, but a wrapper around it. Seems to have some momentum. Like CMDBf, it may be best thought of as part of a new breed than directly associated with WS-Management and friends.

This is not an exhaustive list. I have left aside the eventing aspects (WS-Notification, WS-Eventing, WS-EventNotification) because while relevant it is larger discussion and this entry to too long already (see here and here for some updates from late last year on the eventing front). It also does not cover the Grid work (other than OGSI/WSRF to the extent that they intersect with the IT management world), even though a lot of the work that took place there is just as relevant to Cloud computing as the IT management work listed above. Especially CDDLM/CDL an abandoned effort to port SmartFrog to the then-hot XML standards, from which there are plenty of relevant lessons to extract.

The lessons

What does this inventory tell us that’s relevant to future Cloud API standardization work? The first lesson is that protocols are easy and models are hard. WS-Management and WSDM technically get the job done. CMDBf will be a good query language. But none of the model-related efforts listed above seem to have hit the mark of “doing the job”. With the possible exception of OVF which is promising (though the current expectations on it are often beyond what it really delivers). In general, the more focused and narrow a modeling effort is, the more successful it seems to be (with OVF as the most focused of the list and CML as the other extreme). That’s lesson learned number two: models that encompass a wide range of systems are attractive, but impossible to deliver. Models that focus on a small sub-area are the way to go. The question is whether these specialized models can at least share a common metamodel or other base building blocks (a type system, a serialization, a relationship model, a constraint mechanism, etc), which would make life easier for orchestrators. SML tries (tried?) to be all that, with no luck. RDF could be all that, but hasn’t managed to get noticed in this context. The OVF and SDD examples seems to point out that the best we’ll get is XML as a shared foundation (a type system and a serialization). At this point, I am ready to throw the towel on achieving more modeling uniformity than XML provides, and ready to do the needed transformations in code instead. At least until the next window of opportunity arrives.

I wish that rather than being 80% protocols and 20% models, the effort in the WS-based wave of IT management standards had been the other way around. So we’d have a bit more to show for our work, for example a clear, complete and useful way to capture the operational configuration of application delivery services (VPN, cache, SSL, compression, DoS protection…). Even if the actual specification turns out to not make it, its content should be able to inform its successor (in the same way that even if you don’t use CIM to model your server it is interesting to see what attributes CIM has for a server).

It’s less true with protocols. Either you use them (and they’re very valuable) or you don’t (and they’re largely irrelevant). They don’t capture domain knowledge that’s intrinsically valuable. What value does WSDM provide, for example, now that’s it’s collecting dust? How much will the experience inform its successor (other than trying to avoid the WS-Addressing disaster)? The trend today seems to be that a more direct use of HTTP (“REST”) will replace these protocols. Sure. Fine. But anyone who expects this break from the past to be a vaccination against past problems is in for a nasty surprise. Because, and I am repeating myself, it’s the model, stupid. Not the protocol. Something I (hopefully) explained in my comments on the Sun Cloud API (before I knew that caring about this API might actually become part of my day job) and something on which I’ll come back in a future post.

Another lesson is the need for clear use cases. Yes, it feels silly to utter such an obvious statement. But trust me, standards groups still haven’t gotten this. It’s not until years spent on WSDM and then WS-Management that I realized that most people were not going after management integration, as I was, but rather manageability. Where “manageability” is concerned with discovering and monitoring individual resources, while “management integration” is concerned with providing a systematic view of the environment, with automation as the goal. In other words, manageability standards can allow you to get a traditional IT management console without the need for agents. Management integration standards can allow you to coordinate your management systems and automate their orchestration. WS-Management is for manageability. CMDBf is in the management integration category. Many of the (very respectful and civilized) head-butting sessions I engaged in during the WSDM effort can be traced back to the difference between these two sets of use cases. And there is plenty of room for such disconnect in the so-loosely-defined “Cloud” world.

We have also learned (or re-learned) that arbitrary non-backward compatible versioning, e.g. for political or procedural reasons as with WS-Addressing, is a crime. XML namespaces (of the XSD and WSDL types, as well as URIs used in similar ways in specifications, e.g. to identify a dialect or profile) are tricky, because they don’t have backward compatibility metadata and because of the practice to use organizations domain names in the URI (as opposed to specification-specific names that can be easily transferred, e.g. versus In the WS-based management world, we inherited these problems at the protocol level from the generic WS stack. Our hands are more or less clean, but only because we didn’t have enough success/longevity to generate our own versioning problems, at the model level. But those would have been there had these models been able to see the light of day (CML) or see adoption (DCML).

There are also practical lessons that can be learned about the tactics and strategies of the main players. Because it looks like they may not change very much, as corporations or even as individuals. Karla Norsworthy speaks for IBM on Cloud interoperability standards in this article. Andrew Layman represented Microsoft in the post-Manifestogate Cloud patch-up meeting in New York. Winston Bumpus is driving the standards strategy at VMWare. These are all veterans of the WS-Management, WSDM and related wars collaborations (and more generally the whole WS-* effort for the first two). For the details of what there is to learn from the past in that area, you’ll have to corner me in a hotel bar and buy me a few drinks though. I am pretty sure you’d get your money’s worth (I am not a heavy drinker)…

In summary, here are my recommendations for standardizing Cloud API, based on lessons from the Web services management effort. The theme is “focus on domain models”. The line items:

  • Have clear goals for each effort. E.g. is your use case to deploy and run an existing application in a Cloud-like automated environment, or is it to create new applications that efficiently take advantage of the added flexibility. Very different problems.
  • If you want to use OVF, then beef it up to better apply to Cloud situations, but keep it focused on VM packaging: don’t try to grow it into the complete model for the entire data center (e.g. a new DCML).
  • Complement OVF with similar specifications for other domains, like the application delivery systems listed above. Informally try to keep these different specifications consistent, but don’t over-engineer it by repeating the SML attempt. It is more important to have each specification map well to its domain of application than it is to have perfect consistency between them. Discrepancies can be bridged in code, or in a later incarnation.
  • As you segment by domain, as suggested in the previous two bullets, don’t segment the models any further within each domain. Handle configuration, installation and monitoring issues as a whole.
  • Don’t sweat the protocols. HTTP, plain old SOAP (don’t call it POS) or WS-* will meet your need. Pick one. You don’t have a scalability challenge as much as you have a model challenge so don’t get distracted here. If you use REST, do it in the mindset that Tim Bray describes: “If you’re going to do bits-on-the-wire, Why not use HTTP? And if you’re going to use HTTP, use it right. That’s all.” Not as something that needs to scale to Web scale or as a rebuff of WS-*.
  • Beware of versioning. Version for operational changes only, not organizational reasons. Provide metadata to assert and encourage backward compatibility.

This is not a recipe for the ideal result but it is what I see as practically achievable. And fault-tolerant, in the sense that the failure of one piece would not negate the value of the others. As much as I have constrained expectations for Cloud portability, I still want it to improve to the extent possible. If we can’t get a consistent RDF-based (or RDF-like in many ways) modeling framework, let’s at least apply ourselves to properly understanding and modeling the important areas.

In addition to these general lessons, there remains the question of what specific specifications will/should transition to the Cloud universe. Clearly not all of them, since not all of them even made it in the “regular” IT management world for which they were designed. How many then? Not surprisingly (since IBM had a big role in most of them), Karla Norsworthy, in the interview mentioned above, asserts that “infrastructure as a service, or virtualization as a paradigm for deployment, is a situation where a lot of existing interoperability work that the industry has done will surely work to allow integration of services”. And just as unsurprisingly Amazon’s Adam Selipsky, who’s company has nothing to with the previous wave but finds itself in leadership position WRT to Cloud Computing is a lot more circumspect: “whether existing standards can be transferred to this case [of cloud computing] or if it’s a new topic is [too] early to say”. OVF is an obvious candidate. WS-Management is by far the most widely implemented of the bunch, so that gives it an edge too (it is apparently already in use for Cloud monitoring, according to this press release by an “innovation leader in automated network and systems monitoring software” that I had never heard of). Then there is the question of what IBM has in mind for WS-RT (and other specifications that the WS-RA working group is toiling on). If it’s not used as part of a Cloud API then I really don’t know what it will be used for. But selling it as such is going to be an uphill battle. CMDBf is a candidate too, as a model-neutral way to manage the configuration of a distributed system. But here I am, violating two of my own recommendations (“focus on models” and “don’t isolate config from other modeling aspects”). I guess it will take another pass to really learn…

[UPDATED 2009/5/7: Senior moment! When writing this entry I forgot that I wrote an earlier entry (in late 2007) specifically to describe the difference between “manageability” and “management integration”. So here it is, if you care for more details on this topic.]


Filed under Automation, Cloud Computing, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Mgmt integration, Modeling, People, Portability, REST, SML, SOAP, Specs, Standards, Utility computing, Virtualization, WS-Management, WS-ResourceCatalog, WS-ResourceTransfer

Reality check on Cloud portability

SD Times recently published an interesting article about “cloud interoperability”. It has some well-informed opinions. But, like all Cloud-related discussions, it also suffers from mixing a bunch of things. The word “interoperability” is alternatively applied to the Cloud infrastructure services (in which case this “interoperability” is a way to provide application “portability”) and to the Cloud-hosted applications themselves.

Application-level interoperability (“look, my GAE-hosted app successfully sent an HTTP request to an Azure-hosted app, open the champagne”) is not very new or exciting anymore and is often used as an interoperability smokescreen (hello Many of these interop concerns are long solved and the others (like authentication and data migration) need to be solved in ways that don’t care whether the application is hosted in your Silicon Valley garage or near the Columbia river.

Cloud infrastructure compatibility (in other words application portability) is the more interesting discussion. I keep reading that it is needed (“no vendor lock-in, not ever again”) for enterprises to move to the Cloud. Being a natural-born cynic, I always ask myself whether those asking for it are naive (sometimes) or have ulterior motives (e.g. trying to catch-up with Amazon by entangling them in the standards net – some of my fellow cynics see the Open Cloud Manifesto as just this).

Because the reality is that, Manifesto or no Manifesto, you are not going to get application portability across IaaS-type Cloud providers. At least for production applications. Sorry. As a consolation prize, you may get some runtime portability such that we’ll be shown nice demos of prototype apps moving from one provider to another (either as applications or as virtual machines). Clap clap until you realize that they left behind their monitoring capabilities, or that their configuration rules don’t validate anything anymore. And that your printer ran out of red ink when printing the latest compliance report. Oops.

Maybe I am biased because they are both my friends and ex-colleagues, but the HP guys make the most sense in the SD Times article. Tim Hall has it right when he suggests “that the industry should focus on specific problems that it is going to solve around deployment and standardized monitoring”. And the other HP Tim, Mr. van Ash, rightly points out that we should “stop promising miracles”, which Forrester’s Jeffrey Hammond echoes, saying that there is a difference between a standard and “plug-and-play in reality”.

Tim Hall uses SQL as an example of a realistic common baseline. J2EE would be another one. They provide a good reality check. Standards are always supposed to prevent vendor lock-in. And there is a need for some of that, of course. But look at the track records. How many applications do you know that are certified and supported on any SQL database, any Unix operating system and any J2EE app server? And yet, standardizing queries on relational data and standardizing an enterprise-class runtime environment for one programming language are pretty constrained scopes in the grand scheme of things. At least compared to all the aspects that you need to standardize to provide real Cloud portability (security, monitoring, provisioning, configuration, language runtime and/or OS, data storage/retrieval, network configuration, integration with local apps, metering/billing, etc). And we’re supposed to put together a nice bundle of standards that will guarantee drag-and-drop portability across all these concerns? In how many lifetimes? By then, Cloud computing will have been replaced by the next big thing ( is still available BTW).

Not to mention that this standardization comes hand in hand with constraints on what you can do. That’s why I read Amazon’s Adam Selipsky’s comment that allowing customers to do “whatever they want” is vital as a way to say “get real” to requests for application portability, while allowing him to sound helpful rather than obstructionist.

This doesn’t mean that these standards are not useful. They make application portability possible if not free. They make for much improved productivity through generic tools and reusable developer knowledge. We still need all this.

Here is the best that can realistically happen in the “application portability across IaaS providers” area for at least 10 years:

  • a set of partial standards for small parts of the Cloud computing domain (see list above), many of which already exist.
  • a set of RightScale-like tools that do a lot of the grunt work of mapping/hiding/transforming between providers, with various degrees of success.
  • the need for application providers to certify their applications on Cloud providers one by one anyway and to provide cloning/migration as a feature of the application rather than an infrastructure-level task.

That’s assuming that IaaS providers become a major business, that there remains a difference between service providers and software providers. The other option is that the whole Cloud excitment goes back to SaaS only, that application creators are also hosting providers, that the only resource you get in a “utility” fashion is the application itself. At which point application portability is not a concern anymore and we go back to “only” worrying about data portability and application interoperability, an easier problem and one on which we have come a long way already. If this is what comes to pass then the challenge of Cloud portability may well be one of the main reasons. Along with the lack of revenue/margin potential for many of the actors in an IaaS world, as my CEO is fond of pointing out.

[UPDATED 2009/4/22: F5’s Lori MacVittie provides a very nice illustration of the same point, in her explanation of why OVF is not a cloud portability silver bullet.]

[UPDATED 2009/6/1: Soon after posting this entry I was contacted by people at SD Times about turning it into a “guest view” article in the June issue. It has just been published. It’s also in the paper version.]


Filed under Amazon, Application Mgmt, Articles, Cloud Computing, Everything, Google App Engine, HP, IT Systems Mgmt, Mgmt integration, People, Portability, Specs, Standards, Utility computing

Open Cloud Manifesto, circa 2004

The mini-scandal of last week was the manifesto-gate. The mini-scandal of this week is shaping out to be the Ulitzer-gate (if you want to make sure not to miss next week’s IT scandal, subscribe to the Register feed, ferreting these out and adding a bass-heavy soundtrack is their specialty).

Turns out I am one of these Ulitzer “unaware authors” through two articles I wrote a while ago for the Web services Journal, a paper publication by Sys-con (based on a request from HP PR) and a blog post I allowed Sys-con to republish. Looks like Ulitzer and Sys-con are one and the same. Three articles, spaced two years apart. That’s enough to earn me a dedicated home page at Ulitzer and a rank of 1,000 among their more than 6,000 authors. Makes you wonder how much the 5,000 “authors” behind me have (unknowingly) produced… Whatever. At least it’s all content that I authorized Sys-con to use, not something that was lifted from my blog as apparently happened to others.

Turns out the oldest of these articles (“From Web Services Management to Utility Computing” , from 2004) is not that different from the recently-published (and amply maligned) Open Cloud Manifesto. I described my article at the time as “an attempt to explain how the different efforts going on in the industry around Web services, grid, SOA management, virtualization, utility computing, <insert your favorite buzzword>, fit together to provide organizations with the flexibility and efficiency they need from their IT in order to thrive.”

It ends with “while it would be easier to develop an end-to-end model specific to one company’s offering, standardization allows the integration of the management capabilities of all the components that compose enterprise services. We must keep the pressure on vendors to deliver modular and composable specifications (for format, function, and protocol) that expose management capabilities of infrastructure services, applications, and business processes in such a way that these capabilities can be composed by the next generation of management applications.”

Sure it has a lot more emphasis on WS-* specs than is compatible with the current zeitgeist, and it uses the now-obsolete term of “utility computing” rather than the nebulous alternative currently en vogue, but isn’t the main message there?

Just to be clear, I am not laying pretentious claims of prescience and vision (at least not in this entry). There are plenty of documents (e.g. from the Grid community) that make the same points in more eloquent terms and starting many years prior. It’s just fun to see this link from today’s scandal to the one from last week.

for old time sake, here is the content of the 2004 article:

From Web Services Management to Utility Computing
by William Vambenepe

Enterprise services are created by combining infrastructure services, applications, and business processes. To be able to adapt quickly to business changes, enterprise IT must evolve from management of individual resources to management of interrelated services. This will be achieved through the development of composable and modular standards that expose the management capabilities of the building blocks of enterprise services. The Web services platform is an enabler of this transformation: a Web services-based management infrastructure provides a channel that is appropriate for dynamic resource provisioning, allocation, and configuration – often called utility computing.

We can consider this management infrastructure as a four-layered architecture. Starting at the foundation layer, the work on the base Web services infrastructure is far from over. First, until WSDL 2.0 is widely deployed, designers have to compose around the deficiencies of WSDL 1.1, such as the lack of portType inheritance. Second, there is still no standard for referencing Web services. Finally, key specifications such as WSRF (Web Services Resource Framework) and WSN (Web Services Notification), without which people were left to reinvent Web services interfaces to access stateful resources, have only recently reached the standards community. These issues are being resolved and a set of building blocks for accessing resources through an SOA (service-oriented architecture) is shaping up. It is critical that these building blocks be modular and composable to allow incremental adoption and separation of concerns.

Moving from the foundation to the management protocol layer, the OASIS WSDM (Web Services Distributed Management) technical committee, through its MUWS (Management Using Web Services) specification, is the key articulation point between the base Web services architecture and utility computing. Both the IT management community and the Grid community rely on MUWS. It defines how to express and exercise manageability capabilities through Web services, putting in place a management channel that is more interoperable and accessible than ever before.

Next is the modeling layer. Information models need to be composed so that a service can be represented based on the services that it is assembled from, be they peer or infrastructure services. Since these will be described by different models, the management channel (MUWS) needs to be model-agnostic in order to support a model-centric architecture. For example, CIM (Common Information Model) is a model that focuses on concrete resources. The DMTF WS-CIM subgroup must now open CIM to the Web services platform by developing a standard way to expose CIM-modeled resources through MUWS. Other models provide representations for service security, service-level agreements (SLA), etc. Only by composing these models will, for example, an auction service SLA be adequately managed as it depends on a combination of the performance of the servers on which the service runs, the application server that hosts it, the other services (authentication, billing, etc.) that it makes use of, and the business process engine that controls the bidding. Once this model-centric architecture is in place, management actions can be policy-driven through explicit constraints.

Finally, at the top layer, the architecture includes a set of common services for utility computing. They are being defined collaboratively by DMTF (Utility Computing working group) and GGF (OGSA working group).

All the pieces are falling into place but much remains to be done to allow comprehensive management of enterprise services in a model-centric way through Web services standards. While it would be easier to develop an end-to-end model specific to one company’s offering, standardization allows the integration of the management capabilities of all the components that compose enterprise services. We must keep the pressure on vendors to deliver modular and composable specifications (for format, function, and protocol) that expose management capabilities of infrastructure services, applications, and business processes in such a way that these capabilities can be composed by the next generation of management applications. These applications will use this to synchronize business and IT and to capitalize on change.

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Filed under Application Mgmt, Articles, Automation, Business Process, Cloud Computing, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Mgmt integration, Modeling, Specs, Standards, Utility computing, Virtualization

Manifesto hyperventilation

The Cloud Manifesto debacle of the last few days is another sign of the landgrab atmosphere in the Cloud interoperability/standardization space. It’s like the crowd at 6:00AM in front of an electronics store on the day of the Big Sale. This is not the first spark and it won’t be the last one.

Two aspects of this crisis (soon to be anecdote) are especially ironic.

First, as many have picked up, the irony of a Microsoft manager complaining about a document having to be signed “as is” is something to savor slowly. I know Microsoft is a large company and I can believe that Steven Martin may never personally have engaged in such practices. But our credulity gets stretched when in the same post he lauds the WS-* process as an example of “organic” industry collaboration. Pick any WS-* spec and try contacting the listed co-authors other than Microsoft and (usually but not always) IBM. Ask them how much input they had and how much they were able to change. The answer won’t always be zero, but there will be plenty of them.

And these WS-* documents were standard candidates: technical specifications that these “take it or leave it” authors would presumably eventually have to implement in their products. Which takes me to the second point of irony, one I haven’t noticed mentioned:

This is a manifesto folks! I am not familiar with all of these other manifestos (plus this one) but at least for those I know one of their defining characteristics is that they stand in opposition to other views. Some may seem non-controversial now, but at the time of their publication they were very much so. Otherwise they wouldn’t have been called “manifestos”. The very idea of a manifesto being criticized for not being inclusive enough makes my head spin.

If anything (based on this draft), what the “manifesto” can be criticized for is being too meek and consensual  to be worthy of that name. How many important manifestos give their readers a “whenever appropriate” escape clause in their guiding principles?

[Note: If you are in an investigative mood, start with this whois search and if the name of the registrant sounds familiar it may be because you’ve read this blog post before.]

[UPDATED 2009/3/30: It’s live.]

[UPDATED 2009/3/31: Mike DiPetrillo also thinks this is a bit too motherhood-and-applepie for being called a “manifesto”. Thomas Bittman’s translation of the manifesto is also good.]

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Filed under Cloud Computing, Everything, Microsoft, People, Portability, Standards, Utility computing

OVF 1.0 and beyond

OVF 1.0 just got released as a DMTF standard. Here is the specification and its companion white paper. After a quick scan I didn’t see any major change from the submitted version, which is consistent with the content of the “preliminary standard” from last year.

The interesting question is what comes next, especially with regards to VMWare’s vCloud. The VMWare press release stated that “as one of the original authors of the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) standard now released from the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), VMware will build upon that work by submitting a draft of its VMware vCloud API to enable consistent mobility, provisioning, management, and service assurance of applications running in internal and external clouds” and Drue Reeves at the Burton group commented on this (Drue, we’re still waiting for part II). I see no reason to believe that VMWare is going to stop playing by the Microsoft playbook in DMTF as it appears to be quite successful so far (I’ll pat myself in the back for predicting over a year ago that “OVF might only be the beginning” for VMWare at DMTF).

This results in what looks like a landgrab from DMTF in Cloud standards. Meanwhile, in Washington DC yesterday, the Strategies and Technologies for Cloud Computing Interoperability (SATCCI) workshop took place. At this point all I know about it is the report from Reuven Cohen that I just read (hopefully Stu, Krishna and other bloggers who participated will provide additional perspectives). From Reuven’s report, Winston Bumpus (Director of Standards Architecture at VMware and President of the DMTF) described OVF as “an ideal cloud migration and deployment package”. Which may be true but is a pretty recent repurposing (the spec and the white paper don’t even mention this application). And while the DMTF is going full speed ahead on this, Reuven reports that “Craig Lee, President of the Open Grid Forum suggested that we need to take more time to examine the overlap between various standards groups, mapping the opportunities for collaboration”. Sure thing. The old timers might remember that when the DMTF decides to run with Microsoft’s WS-Management it wasn’t just OASIS (where WSDM was created) that eventually got hosed but also OGF (then called GGF) which relied on the WSRF/WSDM stack. At the time too there were discussions to identify and reconcile the overlap, for all the good they did (disclosure: I have some history there).

We’ve seen this in the WS-* game before. At the end it’s not so much a matter of what the standards bodies do (and even less of what they say), it’s a matter of what the big players do and where they choose to take their marbles. To the extent that you can separate the two, which becomes tricky in the case of vendor-run bodies like WS-I and DMTF. As I have written before, “at the end, it comes down to what [you think] a standard should be”.

[UPDATED 2009/3/26: Stu has now written a report on the SATCCI meeting.]


Filed under Cloud Computing, Conference, DMTF, Everything, Grid, IT Systems Mgmt, OVF, Portability, Specs, Standards, Utility computing, Virtualization, VMware, WS-Management

Cloud computing: would you like flexibility with your simplicity?

The recent announcement of the Sun Cloud, and more specifically its API is a good occasion to think about how much simplicity we really want in our datacenter automation mechanisms. The Sun API is very simple and its authors are proud of that fact. Indeed they should be proud of avoiding unneeded complexity. They have probably also kept out (at least so far), some needed complexity.

First, let’s focus on the important part:

It’s not REST that matters, it’s the rest

Most of the comments on the API focus on the fact that it’s RESTful. The authoritative source on this is Tim Bray’s description of the API, which he helped shape. But Tim is very down-to-earth about the reasons to use REST:

Why REST? · It’s a sensible question. The chief virtue of RESTful interfaces is massive scaling. But gimme a break, these are data-center management operations; a typical transaction frequency would be a single-digit number per week, with the single digit often being “0”, and it wouldn’t be surprising if a big multi-cluster staged-boot operation had a latency of minutes. The data-center controls are unlikely to be a bottleneck.

Why, then? Simply because we wanted a bits-on-the-wire interface. APIs, in the general case, suck; and are really hard to make portable. Bits-on-the-wire are ultimately flexible and interoperable. If you’re going to do bits-on-the-wire, Why not use HTTP? And if you’re going to use HTTP, use it right. That’s all.

The use of REST is not a fundamental characteristic of the API. In other words, if this API turns out to be useful I can rewrite it as a SOAP API and it would still be useful. Unless the SOAP API is made purposely complicated, it would only be marginally harder to use, not fundamentally less useful.

In fact, we may find out. If the rumor is confirmed and IBM decides to Tivolify (rather than kill) the Sun Cloud, the whole thing can be refactored as WS-RT/XML/XQuery (and maybe WS-ResourceCatalog) in five days, four of which would be spent capturing, sedating and restraining Tim Bray (and his “spec machete”) with the last one used for coding.

In the case of the Sun Cloud API, REST makes the API simpler in the same way that a keyless system makes a car easier to operate. You don’t have to fumble for they key, but you still need to know to parallel park, change a tire and operate the stereo.

By using REST, the Sun team has kept away some arbitrary complexity (e.g. fine-grained PUT; instead Sun decides what are the two valid sets of input parameters to create a cluster). But that’s only a small percentage of the potential complexity of the system. Not to mention that most developer will use libraries rather than on-the-wire protocols so they won’t see any difference. Instead, the real deal is:

The model

By “the model” I mean both the resource model and the capabilities of the resources. For capabilities, I don’t care whether a virtual machine can be started via an HTTP GET request on a URL that ends with ?control=start, or via a SOAP message with the wsa:Action header set to or via an RPC call to a Start(…) method. I just care that the model includes the capability to start a VM. And the list of states a VM can be in.

Look at a datacenter today. Make an inventory of all the networking equipment, storage, servers, hypervisors, operating systems and infrastructure services that it contains. Consider all the configuration settings of all these resources (as they would be represented in a complete, authoritative and consistent CMDB, that most elusive creature). Add to it all the controls and APIs they expose. That’s a lot of data, even if you don’t consider the applications layer. That’s a few orders of magnitude larger than what the model in the Sun Cloud API can describe. That gap (between our CMDB model and the Sun Cloud model) is what we should look at and analyze. Why are they so far apart? How big is the ideal datacenter automation and virtualization model?

Among other things, these hundreds of configuration settings in your current datacenter are used to optimize deployments. No-one would miss the pain of dealing with the optimizations if they went away, but we would miss the performance benefits they bring. So what replaces them if the model is too simple to support any tweak? Is the infrastructure behind the API auto-optimized, based on actual application patterns? Now that would be real progress towards simplicity and may allow us to rely on an API as simple as the Sun API. But the industry has been trying to do this with little success for a long time. I expect incremental, not radical, progress on this. Alternatively, does Cloud Computing change the economics to the point where performance optimizations through configurations are no longer cost-efficient, where scaling out is the answer? Hard to make this a general statement, considering how difficult it remains for many applications to scale out. And this sounds very SUV-like in these footprint-aware times (we see how well the “stretch the hood and add two cylinders to the engine” approach worked for Detroit).

Sun might very well have this covered under the hood. But I don’t know that I want to assume that they have an auto-optimizing system just because they produced an API that would benefit from having it underneath.

Not to mention that not all configuration tweaks have to do with performance optimization. Some of them are driven by licensing, organizational, risk and compliance considerations. If auto-detecting an application performance profile is hard, try auto-detecting its regulatory requirements.

Complexity with a purpose

The right place to be, between the “omniscient CMDB model” and the “Sun Cloud model” is somewhere in the middle, with a couple of incrementally complex layers. Of course they are so far apart that saying “somewhere in the middle” is a cope-out.  The current level of complexity is very hard to manage by humans (assisted by processes and tools, e.g. ITIL) and impossible to really automate. A lot of the complexity and variability is arbitrary rather than flexibility-inducing. We need to reduce this (all-out standardization is one way, stack integration is another). But the simplicity of the model in the Sun Cloud API is too extreme. Look at Amazon EC2. Everyone lauds the simplicity of the APIs and everyone, in the same breath, asks for more options (different instance types, availability zones, reserved instances…). Amazon (and Sun too, I assume) is taking the eminently rational approach of starting from simple and adding complexity (sorry, flexibility) as needed. That’s great. Just don’t get too enamored with the initial simplicity.

[UPDATED 2009/3/20: James Governor lauds the simplicity of Amazon’s cloud offering.  If I understand him correctly, he sees simplicity as coming not just from “few options” but also from backward compatibility with current app infrastructure. That second part is what William Louth criticizes in his comment below. At the very least I like to keep the two separated: “how intrinsicly simple is it” and “how backward compatible is it” even though both can be seen as providing the benefit of simplicity.]


Filed under Automation, Cloud Computing, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Modeling, REST, Specs, Tech, Utility computing, Virtualization

Exploring “IT management in a changing IT world”

The tagline for this blog is “IT management in a changing IT world”. Of course nobody but their authors care about blog taglines. Still, in the unlikely event that I am asked to expand on the “changing IT world” part I would do it as follows.

The changes currently at work in the IT world can be organized along three axis:

  • IT infrastructure and management
  • Application development and delivery
  • Business and regulation

Each of these categories is ridiculously large. It’s only through the prism of the relationships between them that they provide any value. Think about three balls linked by coil springs.

If you give one of these balls a shake, you will start a hard-to-predict dance between them. This is similar to how the three domains above relate to one another. Changes in one (say a new focus on regulatory compliance in the “business” area, the emergence of virtualization technology in the “infrastructure” area or the appearance of Web 2.0 applications in the “application” area) start a complex movement involving all three. It takes a while to achieve a new equilibrium (and in practice it is never achieved since changes occur too often, adding stimulus to an already excited system). For a visual illustration, see this little YouTube video (but imagine that the three balls are arranged in a triangle rather than linearly and that every so often one of them gets pulled in a random direction).

This is not new of course. There have been changes in these three areas for as long as IT has existed (starting before it was called IT) and they have always driven changes in how IT is managed. To some extent they also have always influenced one another. The “new” part is that the connections are a lot tighter now, that the springs have a much higher force constant (the “k” in “F=-kx”). So here is my attempt at mapping today’s hot buzzwords on a map organized along these areas.

Before you ask: yes of course I have a very rigorous methodology, based on very precise quantitative data, to establish with certainty the exact x, y and z coordinates of each label. Buzzword topology is a precise science.

You may notice that the buzziest buzzword (at least currently), “Cloud”, does not appear on the map. It’s because it buzzes so much that it would be all over it, engulfing what currently appears as “virtualization”, “datacenter automation”, “Iaas”, “PaaS”, “SaaS” and “opex/capex”. There are two main parts in the “Cloud” buzzword: the “Technical Cloud” and the “Business Cloud”. The “Technical Cloud” is where we take virtualization and standardization (of machines, networks and application infrastructure) and turn that mind-boggling complexity into a manageable system that can be programmed to deliver applications (Cisco recently called it “Unified Computing”; HP, IBM and others have been trying to describe and brand it for a long time). Building on these technical capabilities comes the second part of “Cloud”, the “Business Cloud”. It is the ability to use infrastructure owned by a third party (presumably one able to leverage economies of scale) and all the possibilities this opens in the business realm. That’s what “Cloud” started as, back when it was known as “Utility Computing” and before it was applied to everything under the sun. A recent illustration of the relationship between the “Technical Cloud” and the “Business Cloud” is the introduction of vCloud by VMWare (their vision includes using VMotion technology, a piece of the “Technical Cloud”, not just to move machines between neighboring hypervisors but between organizations, enabling the “Business Cloud”). Anyway, that’s why “Cloud” it’s not on the map. It is actually all over it.

The system displayed on the map is vibrating very intensely right now, and I don’t see this changing anytime soon. Just for fun, here are candidates for future boxes on the map:

  • In the “IT infrastructure and management” category, maybe one day we’ll get to real metadata-driven management integration across the stack (as opposed to the more limited “application modeling” area listed above), whether through RDF or not.
  • In the “application development and delivery” category, maybe Doug Purdy’s vision “to make everyone a programmer (even if they don’t know it)” will be realized, whether through Oslo or not.
  • In the “business and regulation” category, maybe one day corporations will actually start caring about the customer data they are entrusted to (but only if mishandling it finally costs them more than “sorry about that, here is a one year credit monitoring subscription now go away”).

In summary, the evolution of IT management is driven not only by changes in IT technology but also by changes in two other fields (“application development and delivery” and “business and regulation”) with which it is tightly connected. Both of these fields are also in a very dynamic state. And they also influence one another, resulting in a complex three-way dance. You can’t understand the trajectory and moves of one dancer without seeing the others.

That’s what I mean by “IT management in a changing IT world”. Thanks for asking.

[UPDATED 2009/6/25: For more on the “technical cloud” versus “business cloud”, go read Neil Ward-Dutton’s nice explanation. He actually breaks down the “business cloud” in two (separating the economic aspect from the strategic aspect).]

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Filed under Application Mgmt, Automation, Big picture, BPM, BSM, Business, Cloud Computing, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, ITIL, Mgmt integration, Open source, Utility computing, Virtualization

Cloudman to the rescue?

GMail had a hiccup last night. Last month it had a more serious outage and so did AWS.

In the movie:
Easy, miss. I’ve got you.
Lois Lane:
You’ve got me? Who’s got you?

In the IT world:
Cloud provider: Easy, CIO. I’ve got you.
CIO: You’ve got me? Who’s got you?

With apologies to Werner Vogels.

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Filed under Amazon, Application Mgmt, Cloud Computing, Everything, Google, IT Systems Mgmt, Utility computing

Towards making Cloud services more consumable by enterprises

If you are a hard core network/system management person who has been very suspicious of all the ITIL/ITSM bullshit from the boss, and even more suspicious of the “Cloud” nonsense that occupies the interns while they should be monitoring the event console, then I have bad news for you: they are mating. Not the interns (as far as I know), I am talking about ITSM and the Cloud.

If, on the other hand, you are an ITSM and Cloud enthusiast who sees himself/herself leveraging all these nifty ITSM/BSM tools and shinny Cloud services to become the ultimate CIO, delivering unprecedented business value, compliance and IT efficiency from your iPhone at the beach, then you’ll see this marriage as good news, a sign that your move to Hawaii is approaching.

I am referring to the announcement by Rodrigo Flores that his company, newScale, has released a new product, newScale FrontOffice for Virtual Data Centers, to incorporate Cloud-based services in their IT Service Catalog.

This is not sexy but it’s the kind of support that some classes of enterprises will need in order to really make use of Cloud services. Eventually, Cloud providers are going to have to move their focus away from cool technology and developer evangelism towards making their services easily consumable by corporations. Otherwise they’ll be like an office supply store that doesn’t take American Express.

While the direction is very interesting I can’t comment on how much value this new product actually provides because the company seems to engage in anti-marketing activities. If you want to dig a bit deeper than the press release, you get redirected to this page which requires your info in order to download the “complimentary information brief”. The confirmation page promises an email “containing the information you requested within the next 30 minutes”. I thought that the info I requested was the brief. What I got instead was an email asking me to call them. I don’t know if it’s my unpronouncable last name of the in my email address that scares them (I’d guess the latter) but that seems like a lot of precautions for a “complimentary information brief”. Unless this is an attempt to grab the “Cloud” buzzword with little meat to back it up (not that anyone would do this, of course). Hopefully they’ll make more information publicly available when they get around to it.

[UPDATED 2009/2/25: Via Coté, I just saw what I consider supporting envidence, from Gartner that, once we’re out of the early adopter phase, Cloud firms will need to focus less on pleasing developers and more on pleasing IT people: “But my observation from client interactions is that cloud adoption in established, larger organizations (my typical client is $100m+ in revenue) is, and will be, driven by Operations, and not by Development.”]

[UPDATED 2009/3/3: I got the PDF brief, thanks newScale (Ken and Mark). Many of the benefits it describes assumes that there is a pretty robust automation/provisioning infrastructure to back it up, in addition to the Catalog itself. E.g. the Catalog alone will not allow you to “shorten the provisioning cycle time to minutes instead of months”. The brief lists adapter kits to VMWare/EC2 and more internal-minded tools (HP and BMC, presumable through their Opsware and BladeLogic acquisitions respectively). So on the “public cloud” side it’s EC2 for now, not surprisingly. Integration with many of the Cloud tools (like RightScale) could be tricky since these tools bundle a catalog with the automation engine. If we ever do get a useful ontology of Cloud services this catalog would be a natural user for it, when it expands to other services beyond EC2 and tries to help you compare them. I guess newSCale wouldn’t appreciate if I provided a direct link to the PDF, so go request it to see for yourself.]

[UPDATED 2009/3/23: Speaking of managing your IT systems from your cell phone at the beach: VMWare vCenter Mobile Access.]


Filed under Cloud Computing, Everything, Governance, IT Systems Mgmt, ITIL, Mgmt integration, Utility computing

The datacenter as a programmable entity

This is an exciting time for those who want to shrink the computer. They are having a field day playing with devices powered by Android, the iPhone’s Cocoa, Palm’s new WebOS, Windows Mobile, JavaFX (maybe one day) and, to a lesser extent, the Blackberry.

But times are good too for those who want to go the other way and program larger things rather than smaller ones. If you are interested in thinking about datacenters as a programmable entity, you are in luck: for these long plane trips when you run out of battery, bring a printout of the proceedings of the research meeting organized last year in Cambridge by Microsoft and HP Labs, titled “The Rise and Rise of the Declarative Datacentre”. When you’re back on-line go check the presentations on the site.

And if you liked Paul Anderson’s “Programming the Data Centre” presentation at the Cambridge meeting, you can also read his “Programming the Virtual Infrastructure” slides from LISA 08. More LISA 08 presentations here.

I got the link to Paul Anderson’s second presentation (and maybe also the first one, some time ago) from Steve Loughran, who also adds a few comments, starting with the debate between the declarative and procedural approaches. This question has plenty of down-the-road implications. There is a lot to like about the declarative approach in terms of composition, manageability and more generally as a framework to manage complexity via encapsulation.

A simple analogy for this debate is to think about driving directions. The declarative approach is for me to give you a map with a circle on it showing where my house is and let you find your way. It’s more work for you but it’s also more resilient. The procedural approach is for me to give you a set of turn-by-turn directions, based on where you are coming from. If you miss one turn or if one road happens to be blocked at the time, then you’re in trouble.

That being said, there are enough powerful and useful PowerShell or Puppet scripts out there to give you a pause before discarding procedural approaches. While the declarative (aka “desired state”, “policy-driven” and sometimes “model-based”) approach looks a lot more elegant, at this point in time the real work usually gets done via scripts, deployment procedures or the likes.

In additin to academia, the competition between these approaches is playing out right now between all the companies and products that want to help you automate and manage your cloud deployments (public and/or private): for example, Rightscale scripts (custom scripts and Righscripts, see here and here) versus the more declarative ECML/EDML documents from Elastra. Or the very declarative approach taken by SmartFrog.


Filed under Automation, Cloud Computing, Conference, Desired State, Everything, Grid, Implementation, Research, Tech, Utility computing

Long-running processes on Google App Engine: it finally works

I am probably taking things a bit too personally, but I feel like I just successfully guilt-tripped the Google App Engine (GAE) team. Just last night I was complaining that they were teasing me (supporting urllib2, but an older version, without timeout support). And tonight I noticed a new post on their blog, announcing the end of these “High CPU Requests” that have been the bane of my GAE experience.

The reason why I was looking for timeout support in the first place is to avoid generating these dreaded “High CPU Requests” that quickly result in your application being disabled. It’s all explained here and  here.

But now that they are gone, I don’t need timeouts anymore. Around 11:00PM Pacific (on Thursday 2/12) I restarted my application. All it does is create 5 new simple entities in the datastore, one every second (it sleeps for one second between each entry). Then it spawns its successor, which will do the same thing, ad vitam aeternam. The application’s name, “rere”, is short for “request relay”, the pattern used to emulate a long running process. The default page for the app (available here) just returns a list of the 30 last entities created. The point is to illustrate that a single original request spawned an ever-lasting computing task on GAE.

Here is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2009 William Vambenepe

import wsgiref.handlers
import os
import logging
import time

from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch

numberOfHeartbeatsViewed = 30
secondsDurationOfTaskWait = 1
numberOfTasksPerRequest = 5

class HeartBeat(db.Model):
  requestId = db.IntegerProperty()
  date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

# The mere existence of an instance of this class in the DB means that the relay has to stop.
class StopExec(db.Model):
  date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
    hbs = HeartBeat.all().order("-date").fetch(numberOfHeartbeatsViewed)
    template_values = {"hbs": hbs}
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "index.html")
    self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))

class StartHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
    if (StopExec.all().count() == 0):
        id = int(self.request.get("id"))
      except (TypeError, ValueError):
        id = 0
        logging.debug("Request " + str(id) + " launching background task.")
        loopCount = 0
        while(loopCount < numberOfTasksPerRequest):
          hb = HeartBeat()
          hb.requestId = id
          logging.debug("Request " + str(id) + " saved heartbeat #" + str(loopCount))
          loopCount = loopCount+1
        logging.debug("Launching successor request with id=" + str(id+1))

# This silly back and forth between the two URLs is because of
# "App cannot fetch the same URL as the one used for the request" error.
        if (self.request.url.find("start2") == -1):
          urlfetch.fetch("http://localhost/start2?id=" + str(id+1))
          urlfetch.fetch("http://localhost/start?id=" + str(id+1))
        logging.debug("Request " + str(id) + " completed")

def main():
  application = webapp.WSGIApplication([("/", MainHandler), ("/start", StartHandler), ("/start2", StartHandler)], debug=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

One thing I had to change from the earlier version (written using version 1.1.0 of the GAE SDK) is that urlfetch now returns an error if your app tries to invoke itself at the same URL (“App cannot fetch the same URL as the one used for the request”). So I have to alternate between http://localhost/start and http://localhost/start2, both of which are mapped to the same handler. This was added sometimes between SDK 1.1.0 and SDK 1.1.9. If it is aimed at preventing the kind of batton-passing that I am doing, it is pretty unefficient considering how easy it is to circumvent.

It is now 1:02AM Pacific the next day (Friday 2/13) and the process is still progressing, based on the single HTTP request I sent to it at 11:00PM the previous evening. The result page currently returns:

  • From request # 1056, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:15 +0000
  • From request # 1056, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:14 +0000
  • From request # 1056, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:13 +0000
  • From request # 1056, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:12 +0000
  • From request # 1056, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:11 +0000
  • From request # 1055, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:10 +0000
  • From request # 1055, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:09 +0000
  • From request # 1055, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:08 +0000
  • From request # 1055, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:07 +0000
  • From request # 1055, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:06 +0000
  • From request # 1054, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:05 +0000
  • From request # 1054, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:04 +0000
  • From request # 1054, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:03 +0000
  • From request # 1054, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:02 +0000
  • From request # 1054, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:02:01 +0000
  • From request # 1053, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:01:59 +0000
  • From request # 1053, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 09:01:58 +0000

Which shows that 1056 successive requests have participated in the relay (the last one just happened, at 09:02:15 UTC which is 1:02AM Pacific).

Hopefully it will still be running when I wake up tomorrow.

[UPDATED 2009/2/13, 9:08AM Pacific: It’s alive!

  • From request # 6411, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:08:45 +0000
  • From request # 6410, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:08:44 +0000
  • From request # 6410, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:08:43 +0000
  • From request # 6410, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:08:42 +0000
  • From request # 6410, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:08:41 +0000
  • From request # 6410, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:08:40 +0000
  • From request # 6409, with date Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:08:39 +0000

BTW, the code provided uses localhost to run on my local machine. The version uploaded to Google of course replaces this with]

[UPDATED 2009/5/1: For some reason this entry is attracting a lot of comment spam, so I am disabling comments. Contact me if you’d like to comment.]


Filed under Cloud Computing, Everything, Google App Engine, Implementation, Tech, Utility computing

Google App Engine is teasing me

Version 1.1.9 of the Google App Engine (GAE) SDK was released earlier this week. The first item in the announcement covers the big news, that developers can “use the Python standard libraries urllib, urllib2 or httplib to make HTTP requests”. My first thought reading this was that I was finally going to be able to use timeouts on outgoing HTTP requests. I care about this because my earlier attempt to emulate a long-running process in GAE was stymied by the GAE quota system, something I think I can work around if I can timeout a request once it has spawned its successor (more precisely, once it has spawned the successor of the incoming request that created the new outgoing request).

I got the new SDK last evening and moved the code from using urlfetch to using urllib2 (with timeout). On my local machine it seems to work, but the quota system (that I am trying to finesse) doesn’t run in the SDK. So the only real test happens once you deploy the app in the Google environment. Which is when I realized that GAE uses Python 2.5.2 and that the timeout parameter in urllib2 (and httplib) came with 2.6. Slap.

I was especially disappointed because the links for urllib2 and httplib in the GAE 1.1.9 SDK announcement take us to the Python 2.6.1 documentation. The timeout parameter is right there at the top of these pages, staring at me. It would be more accurate for this announcement to point to the 2.5.2 documentation (here it is for urllib2 and httplib).

It doesn’t really matter of course because this is just a toy project. And a real scheduler seems to be in the works (see this pre-announcement and this work in progress). I just do this as a fun way to get a glimpse of what it takes to turn existing infrastructure into a *aaS product, something that is going on in different ways in many places these days. Linux wasn’t created to run on something else than hardware. Xen wasn’t created to support EC2. Python wasn’t created to support GAE.

And GAE wasn’t created to support long-running processes. But I haven’t given up.

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Filed under Cloud Computing, Everything, Google App Engine, Implementation, Tech, Utility computing

UCI: setting RDF for failure?

I don’t get it. I just read Reuven Cohen’s description of the Unified Cloud Interface project that he recently started. It’s nothing less than using RDF to create “a Semantic Cloud Infrastructure capable of adapting to a variety of methodologies / architectures and completely agnostic to any specific API or platform being described.”

What made me fall off my chair is the methodology/architecture part of this statement. It’s hard enough (but doable) to use RDF to map philosophically similar APIs. It’s a non-starter to use it to bridge architectural and methodological differences. I have spent a fair amount of time looking at Semantic Web technologies in the context of modeling IT systems (see the “semantic tech” category of this blog). While I think they would be a great foundation I don’t see them ever coming anywhere near what Reuven describes.

But to be fair, I am not sure what he really is describing. There are a few overly ambitious proclamations like the one above and this paragraph:

The key drivers of a unified cloud interface (UCI) is “One abstraction to Rule them All” – an API for other API’s. A singular abstraction that can encompass the entire infrastructure stack as well as emerging cloud centric technologies through a unified interface. What a semantic model enables for UCI is a capability to bridge both cloud based API’s such as Amazon Web Services with existing protocols and standards, regardless of the level of adoption of the underlying API’s or technology. The goal is simple, develop your application once, deploy anywhere at anytime for any reason.

But in his piece you’ll also find CIM being cited as an example. There are good things to be said about CIM, but it certainly is not “a dynamic computing model that can, under certain conditions, be ‘trained’ to appropriately ‘learn’ the meaning of related cloud & infrastructure resources” (or, in the case of CIM, computer system resources). Good luck “training” CIM to “learn” anything. It’s CIM that’s going to train you to do it its way, period.

The CIM example (and other standards he lists) paints the picture of defining a standard API for Cloud Computing and forcing all providers to use it. That’s the conventional approach to universality. If that’s what UCI is after then it is technically achievable. And RDF might be a very good technical foundation for it. Whether anyone can pull this off politically and commercially at this stage is a different question of course. In any case, such an effort would have nothing to do with magically wrapping whatever API each provider has defined and whatever architecture/methodology they chose.

And further down we see a sketch of another, much more modest, vision, when Reuven talks about how “these web resources could just as easily be ‘cloud resources’ or API’s” which seems to represent a whole API as an RDF resource. Sure, then you can use RDF/OWL to capture versioning information between them, backward compatibility etc. Probably very useful, but that’s a very different scope.

So which is it? Reuven is a thought leader in Cloud Computing, so I want to think I am missing his point.

So far, I haven’t seen any Cloud taxonomy that is reasonably complete and has received broad support. Shouldn’t we first try to come up with a human-readable taxonomy before we try to turn it into a machine-readable ontology? In my previous post I explicitly stayed away from being pedantic about the difference between the terms, but the confusion between a taxonomy and an ontology seems to be part of what’s going on here.

The sad thing is that they (you know, them) will point to this as a proof that Semantic Web technologies don’t work.

Or maybe I’ve just set myself up for a generous portion of humble pie on April 2nd (when Reuven says an “initial functional draft UCI implementation, taxonomy and ontology” will be unveiled). I’d love to be surprised. And my ego has taken worse hits before.

[UPDATED 2009/2/10: You should read Steve Oberlin’s take on this overall taxonomy/ontology discussion. He knows the topic, carefully reads the posts that he comments on, packs a healthy dose of skepticism and takes the time to explain what taxonomies and ontologies are, which was overdue. Plus, I just love sites that don’t feel the need to use decorative pictures. His doesn’t have a single image file which means that even if he didn’t have superb credentials (which he does) he’d get my respect by default. A blog to watch.]

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Filed under Automation, Cloud Computing, Everything, Modeling, Portability, RDF, Semantic tech, Standards, Tech, Utility computing

Cloud ontology: to boldly go where ITIL, Grid and SOA have gone before

I wasn’t at the recent Cloud interop meeting in Mountain View, but based on blog reports from those who were (Stu, James and Bob) a key takeaway is that we need a “Cloud taxonomy”.

As John points out, there are plenty of existing proposals. The SPI taxonomy (SaaS/PaaS/IaaS), the SADIST-PIMP taxonomy (Storage, App, DB, Info, Security, Test, Platform, Integration, Management, Process – which I took the liberty to re-order) and the UCSB/IBM “Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing” paper.

Is it a matter of picking one of these? And if we do, how are we better of?

Let’s look at some related domains that are a bit more mature to see how they handled this and what benefits they got out of it. The three most relevant comparison I can come up with are ITSM, Grid Computing and SOA.

ITSM has ITIL, a key part of which is its glossary which provides value in and of itself, even if you don’t explicitly use the rest of the framework. Is this what the Cloud taxonomy should aim for? I contend that the Cloud field is not nearly mature enough to aim for this.

Grid Computing has OGSA, which started as a white paper containing a service model (section 6.1). It was later expanded (within GGF, a standards organization specific to Grid Computing) into this document and was used as a basis for many standard technical specification. Is the goal of the Cloud Ontology to follow a similar path? OGSA was more than a glossary though, it included a vision, goals and architectural recommendations. Sure you can start with the glossary, but I am willing to bet that a stand-alone glossary would change significantly if/when a Cloud Computing architecture is defined based on it. And there isn’t today, for Cloud Computing, the singularity of vision that the Globus gang brought to Grid Computing and that is necessary for an architecture.

SOA was never as structured. There was an early attempt, called the Web Services Architecture at W3C. Like OGSA, this is a high level architecture, not just a taxonomy. In any case, the WSA work didn’t really end up having much of an influence in SOA (or even Web services) practice. Then came the SOA Reference Model, an OASIS standard. Of the three (ITIL, OGSA, SOA-RM) this is what I think is closest to what a Cloud taxonomy should aim for at this point. An ITIL-like glossary would be too brittle (if it has any depth) and it’s too early for an OGSA-like architecture.

Again, I was not at the meeting and only know what was blogged about. This is not a criticism of the proposal, just some thoughts about how it might compare to similar efforts.

Side note #1: I prevented myself from going off about the difference between a controlled vocabulary, a glossary, a taxonomy and an ontology. These differences are not germane to the present discussion. And I am not wearing my pedantic hat today (for once). If some want to call a wedding cake an ontology, who am I to stop them?

Side note #2: Speaking of trying to be less pedantic in 2009, this entry represents my capitulation: I finally created a “Cloud Computing” category in this blog, rather than my prefered designation, “Utility Computing”, which I have been using so far. A small step for me, a microscopic step for humanity.

[UPDATED 2009/1/28: We’re getting there (fast!). Via John, this updated taxonomy graph from Chris Hoff is going in the right direction, I think. Next step: more text describing the relationships between the boxes to have more of a model.]

[UPDATED 2009/1/30: If you think that any single-vendor taxonomy will be suspicious, that a multi-vendor taxonomy won’t happen and that customers are too busy to do it, then you may be asking “aren’t analysts supposed to do this?”. Help may be on the way.]


Filed under Cloud Computing, Everything, Grid, ITIL, Modeling, Standards, Utility computing

Now I know why GAE has been killing me

I haven’t written about Google App Engine lately because I haven’t spent too much time using it. And the time I did spend was mostly consumed fighting JavaScript for some client-side aspects that have nothing to do with the fact that the server side is on GAE. I have only touched JavaScript occasionally in the 12 years since writing this game, and I am pretty rusted. Funny how Python came back to me almost instantly but JavaScript just doesn’t.

I am writing a quick post on GAE today because the Google team just published a blog entry that explains why my attempts to create a long-running process in GAE resulted in my application being disabled for having too many “high CPU requests”, a concept that was never documented in the quota system.

Google is now offering a “quota detailed dashboard” and, as this screen capture shows, it tells us that you only get 60 “high CPU requests” and that they replenish at a rate of 2 per minutes. So at least now I know.

What is still not clear is why a request that is doing nothing but waiting for a URLfetch to come back is considered by Google to use too much CPU…


Filed under Everything, Google App Engine, Implementation, Tech, Utility computing

IT management and Cloud: now some products

Many of us have been thinking (a bit) and talking (a lot) about the relationship between Clouds and good old IT management.  John understands both sides and produced a few good posts (like this one).

Maybe it’s just a coincidence that both Hyperic and CA recently made such announcements. In any case, it gives the impression that time has come for some actual product capabilities in the area of managing Cloud-based systems.

I haven’t investigated either, so keep your slideware shields up, but this is what I read:

From Javier Soltero’s “Announcing HQ 4.0”: “It also provides the first cloud-friendly management agent which allows users to manage cloud based virtual machines securely and reliably from either inside the cloud, or from HQ 4.0 installations inside your datacenter”. John approves.

And at CA World, according to InformationWeek, CA will announce a partnership with Amazon to provide management capabilities around Amazon’s EC2 utility computing platform, potentially including discovery of software running on EC2 instances, performance monitoring, configuration management, software deployment capabilities and provisioning”.

When someone looks into these two products (and others, soon to follow or alrady out and that I have missed), it will be interesting to see how these Cloud-friendly capabilities relate to the good old capabilities of management products: “software discovery”, “perf monitoring”, “config management”, “software deployment”, “provisioning”. That all sounds pretty familiar. Is it just a matter of pointing the old tools to an EC2 IP address? Is it all new capabilities, done in a new way? Or, more realistically, where does it land between these extrems? Where do you want them to land? It’s not so obvious.

Utility computing comes with an expectation of additional flexibility (now that is obvious). When tweaking IT management tools to address the domain, does one leave “in datacenter” capabilities the same and branch off to do cool things in the new land? Or do you raise the level of flexibility accross the board?

In other words, rather than snickering at them, maybe we should praise IT management vendors for whom the “look, I do Clouds” marketing spiel is just a repackaging of normal IT management features. Because it may mean that they’ve raised the bar on “in datacenter” automation capabilities. These Opsware and BladeLogic acquisitions have to come in somewhere, don’t they?

BTW, both of the announcements above also perpetuate the confusion between providing utility services (CA’s extended SaaS offering, Hyperic’s release of a pre-packaged Hyperic AMI) and the ability to manage Cloud-based systems. It’s all crammed in the same announcement/article because, hey, it’s all Cloud stuff.

Speaking of CA World, if I was there I would go to this session. At least for old time sake, and maybe to get some interesting ideas. Hopefully Don will blog about it after he is done presenting later today.


Filed under Amazon, Application Mgmt, Articles, CA, Conference, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Open source, Standards, Utility computing

Dear Microsoft, here is my $0.25 Windows license fee for the month

Pricing is now available for Windows instances on Amazon EC2. More than the technical availability of Windows AMIs, the fact that you get pay your Windows license fee based on usage is a major change. This is where Microsoft’s announcement goes beyond Oracle’s EC2 announcement at Oracle Open World.

But why stop at EC2 instances? If I can do it there, why can’t I do it at home? Considering how rarely my home desktop is booted to Windows, I would love to pay my Windows license in a metered way. It would basically be limited to time spent editing video and participating in family Skype videconference (at least until I manage to get Skype full screen video to work on Ubuntu).

After all, why only Amazon and not other Cloud providers. And when this happens, I think I may become a cloud provider myself. It would be a small-scale operation. One physical CPU (my desktop). And one user (me). I would meter my usage and dutifully pay Microsoft every month based on the number of hours during which I was running Windows.

How much would that be? Well, a Linux Small Standard Image EC2 instance (the closest thing to my aging desktop) costs $0.10 per hour. The Windows version costs $0.125 per hour, so the Windows license on this machine costs 2.5 cents per hour. On a given month, I don’t use it for more than 10 hours (edit/render one DVD plus a few hours on Skype). That’s 25 cents. Does Microsoft take Paypal? Is the Microsoft tax about to get more progressive?

It will be interesting to see how Microsoft manages to be flexible on server OS licensing (where it has plenty of competition) and while keeping its highly profitable (and unfairly front-loaded and restrictive) desktop OS licensing intact.

[UPDATED 2009/1/19: What do you know, here is a Microsoft patent for a “Metered Pay-As-You-Go Computing Experience”, found through this article.]

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Filed under Amazon, Business, Everything, Microsoft, Utility computing

Reviewing DMTF OVF as a “preliminary standard”

OVF 1.0.0d is out as a “preliminary standard” so I gave it a quick read over the weekend. Things have not changed much since the “work in progress” document published this summer, which itself wasn’t a big change from the original specification. As I wrote in the review of the “work in progress”, the DMTF tightened the language of the  specification more than it added features.

Since there aren’t too many technical changes (see the end of this post if you’re interested in a few), the interesting discussion is about the marketing of this specification. And boy does it have wings on that front. The level of visibility the specification has received is pretty amazing, especially considering that it doesn’t really do that much technically. But you wouldn’t know it by reading all the announcements about OVF:

  • VMWare supports OVF packaging (which version?) with its new VMWare Studio.
  • Citrix uses OVF in Kensho to create a platform-agnostic VM management.
  • An Open Source “implementation” of OVF has been created. I put “implementation” between quotes because since OVF per se doesn’t do much its implementation is mostly a specialized command line editor for its XML descriptor. It requires a a vendor-specific runtime for deployment/activation. This is not a criticism of the open source project BTW, just a statement of fact about the spec.
  • Enomaly lists “OVF format support” on its roadmap for Q1 2009.
  • Microsoft support for OVF in products is supposedly “on the board” which doesn’t mean very much but their overall marketing/PR response to OVF has been surprisingly positive for a standard that they don’t control.

I have criticized the DMTF marketing efforts in the past (“give away pens and key chains”) but I must admit that, to the extent that DMTF had a significant role in promoting OVF adoption (in addition to marketing efforts directly from the vendors), it is a very nice marketing success. Well done, and so much for my cynicism. OVF may also have benefited from all the interest in the general topic of virtualization/cloud standards (the “cloud” association is silly, of course, but as we’ve just seen I am not a marketing genius) and the fact that there isn’t much else to talk about on these topics. So by default OVF becomes the name to put on your “standards” banner. Right place at the right time for the vendors behind it.

Speaking of the vendors, I have no insight into the functioning of the OVF working group, but judging by the specification’s foreword VMware is throwing plenty of resources at DMTF: it employs the working group chair and both co-editors, which is pretty atypical in my experience in standards efforts. People are usually sensitive to appearances of one company having disproportionate influence and try to distribute responsibilities around, at least on paper. Add to this VMWare’s recent ramp-up at the DMTF board level. They seem to know what they want. And indeed I can see how the industry leader would want some basic level of standardization, but not too much, which is currently just what OVF offers. We’ll see what’s next in store, if anything.

The specification itself is not marketing-free. According to line 122, “it supports the full range of virtual hard disk formats used for hypervisors today, and it is extensible, which will allow it to accommodate formats that may arise in the future”. Sure, in the same way that my car fully supports passengers of all nationalities (and is extensible enough to transport citizens of yet-to-be created countries – and maybe even other planets, as long as they come with buttocks to sit on). Since OVF doesn’t really do anything with the virtual hard disk formats, it can “support” pretty much any such format.

Speaking of extensibility, OVF clearly tries to have a good story there. Section 7.3 tries to move away from the usual “hey, it’s XML, you can add elements/attributes anywhere” approach towards the definition of new “sections”. This seems a bit drastic. Time will tell if this is visionary or short-sighted. OVF also plans to move towards “an extension model based on the design of the open content model in XML Schema 1.1”. I am not following XSD 1.1 too closely, but it is wise for OVF to not build too much dependency on it at least for now. And it seems to me that an extension model is not something that you plan to “plan […] to add” but rather something you need to define from the start (sounds like the good old “the next version will add versioning support”, or “no keyboard detected, press F8 to continue”).

But after all this comes what looks to me, from an extensibility perspective, like a big no-no: using (section 8.1) simple strings (e.g. “vmx-4”, “xen-3”) to represent types of virtual systems. You’d think that in 2008 people would have heard about URIs as a way to allow extensibility and prevent name clashes. On further reading, this doesn’t seem to be the fault of OVF as they get this property (vssd:VirtualSystemType) straight out of the politely named DMTF SVP (System Virtualization Profile) specification, itself a preliminary standard. But that’s not much of an excuse because I suspect large overlap of participation between the two groups and in any case you don’t have to take dependencies on something that’s not right (speaking as someone who authored several specs that took a dependency on WS-Addressing, I shouldn’t give lessons). In any case, I am not on top of all virtualization-related work in DMTF but it seems to me that if they are not going to use URIs then someone should step up and maintain a registry of these identifying “virtual system type” strings.

BTW, when left to its own device OVF does a better job. For example, it properly uses URIs to identify the virtual disk format (section 5.2).

One of the few new features is the addition of the ovf:bound attribute on virtual hardware element items (section 8.3) to specify whether the item description represents the normal, minimal or maximal allocation. My heads spins a bit when trying to apply this metadata to the rasd:Limit property (with ovf:bound=”min” the value of the rasd:Limit element would represent the minimal value of the maximum quantity or resources that will be granted, which takes some parsing effort), but I think it more or less squares out.

The final standard should not differ greatly from this version, so at this point we pretty much know what OVF will be technically. The real question is how it will be used and what, if anything, is going to come to complement it.

[UPDATED 2008/10/14: Good timing. OVF-loving Kensho just launched.]


Filed under DMTF, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Manageability, Open source, OVF, Specs, Standards, Tech, Utility computing, Virtualization, VMware

Running Oracle in Amazon’s cloud

The announcement finally came out. Users can now run supported versions of Oracle Enterprise Linux, 11G Database, Fusion Middleware and Enterprise Manager on Amazon EC2 instances. You can create your own AMI or use any of the pre-packaged AMIs with the above-mentioned products. And you don’t have to purchase new licenses, you can transfer existing ones to run on Amazon’s infrastructure.

A separate but related announcement is the possibility to simply and securely backup your databases on Amazon S3 instead of (or in addition to) on tape. I hope BNY Mellon will take notice.

The Amazon AWS blog has a good overview of the news. Forrester covers it with a focus on data warehousing.

This comes in addition to the existing SaaS offering (“On Demand”) from Oracle and the SaaS platform (for others to provide SaaS on top of Oracle’s software). It is a major milestone for utility computing.

[UPDATED 2008/9/21: This is the home page for the Oracle Cloud Computing Center and this is the FAQ.]

[UPDATED 2008/9/23: More Cloud love, this time with Intel. I have no insight into that partnership.]

[UPDATED 2009/2/10: More on WebLogic Server on EC2, from Erik Bergenholtz.]

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Filed under Amazon, Conference, Everything, IT Systems Mgmt, Linux, Middleware, Oracle, Oracle Open World, SaaS, Trade show, Utility computing, Virtualization